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eWeLL, operator of electronic medical records, raises a total of 450 million yen in funding

eWeLL Corporation raises a total of 450 million yen from Sumitomo Corporation and other investorsThe press release was issued by the company.

(Head office: Chuo-ku, Osaka; CEO and founder: Takehito Nakano), operator of the "iBow" business support system application for visiting nurse stations, has raised a total of 450 million yen through a third-party allocation of new shares, with Sumitomo Corporation, SMBC Venture Capital, Inc. and others as subscribers. The company raised a total of 450 million yen through a third-party allotment of new shares to Sumitomo Corporation, SMBC Venture Capital Co.

With this financing, we will make a new evolution of "iBow," which has already been released, by implementing a recommendation function for home-visit nursing plans using AI technology, and at the same time, we will newly launch "Well," a platform for a comprehensive community care network for home medical care, nursing, and nursing care, and enter the area of comprehensive community care network support. We will enter the area of comprehensive community care network support.

I wondered what kind of information I would need to retain, so I immediately visited eWeLL's Web site. Here is the web page for the iBow service.

Home-Visit Nursing Support Service iBow "iBow

At a quick glance, I got the impression that it is a medical-specific version of the daily sales report. It looks like a record of a sales visit is a record of a visit. I got the impression that even a daily sales report, which could be found anywhere, would be difficult to create in the medical field.

What I found interesting is the operational image of the trial version here. In essence, it is a slide show, but this way of showing it is helpful.

In the future, they would like to introduce AI to implement recommendations in treatment. It will be interesting to see how this will evolve.