BTA2024 award-winning products announced

KABACHAN HONPO and Osaka Prefecture sign "Business Collaboration Agreement" to promote "Child-rearing x Smart City".

Accelerate development of IP content for global parents and children

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head office: Chuo-ku, Osaka City) referred to as "the Company") and the Osaka Prefectural Government signed a business collaboration agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") on February 27, 2025 (Thursday) to mutually collaborate and cooperate in efforts to promote "child-rearing x smart city" and held a ceremony to sign the Agreement.

Purpose of this Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to improve services for Osaka residents through mutual collaboration and cooperation between Osaka Prefecture and Akachan Honpo through Osaka Prefecture's efforts to promote smart cities.

Under the corporate message of "Smile child-rearing. Under the corporate message "Akachan Honpo," this agreement was concluded in order to realize our corporate philosophy, which is to contribute to society by supporting happy childbirth and child rearing.

Main cooperation matters

  • Collaboration in providing information targeting the child-rearing generation, including PR for the comprehensive administrative portal site "my door OSAKA (My door OSAKA)
  • Contribution to the revitalization of the local community through the accurate provision of useful information for the child-rearing generation, such as the sharing of local child-rearing information and distribution of event information

A "smart city" is a sustainable city or district where management (planning, development, management and operation, etc.) is carried out to address various urban issues while utilizing new technologies such as ICT to achieve overall optimization.
my door OSAKA" is a comprehensive administrative portal site of Osaka Prefecture that provides necessary information and services to each individual. Administrative services can be accessed from your smartphone.

About Akachan Honpo

Akachan Honpo aims to provide products, services, and information that meet the needs of our customers under the corporate message of "Smile Childcare. Akachan Honpo aims to provide products, services, and information that meet the needs of our customers under the corporate message "Akachan Honpo.