BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Thank you for your support in 2019!

2019 is coming to a close.
This year was a year of great progress in the Japanese baby tech scene.

The baby tech industry in Japan has seen the emergence of several startup companies that have received major investments. In the field of XX-tech, such as health tech, companies involved in baby tech have received awards, and large-scale demonstration experiments have been started by local governments.

Turning to our company, we were pleased to host the BabyTech Awards Japan 2019, which was attended by many companies. The awards gave us the opportunity to provide information to the media, contribute articles and appearances, and give lectures at CEATEC and other events. The Hankyu Umeda Department Store was the first department store to hold a product introduction event under the BabyTech banner. It was a year in which we were able to introduce the term "baby tech" and the concept itself to everyone.
And BabyTech business collaborations with various companies and us have begun.

We will continue to contribute to the further development of the baby tech market in the coming year 2020 as an authority in this field.

CES is our first work in 2020. Preparations for the BabyTech Award Japan 2020 are also steadily underway.
Please stay tuned. We look forward to working with you.

Tetsuya Nagata, Representative Director, Papa Smile Inc.