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Judging a baby's feelings by its crying voice! Awabebi, a child-rearing support application that promotes understanding of crying voices|IT enthusiast mom Ogamari with her baby tech.

Hello! I am Ogamari.

The other day, our second child was born 22 days earlier than expected, and we have been having a hectic time. It's been a while since I spent time with a newborn, and I thought to myself, "Wow, I didn't know he cried this much...! I thought to myself, "I don't remember her crying this much...! I searched for an app that could determine the reason for crying by the sound of the baby's cry, and found one that was not available when I had my first child! I immediately put it to use!

An application that visualizes the baby's cry!

Awabebi" is a "cry comprehension promotion and child-rearing support application" that judges a baby's feelings by its cry and visualizes its cry as various data.

Currently only the iOS version has been released.

When you start it up, a cute whale greets you with "Hello! and welcomes you to the site.

The circles, squares, triangles, and other symbols on the screen represent the frequencies (200-5,000 Hz) emitted by the baby, and it seems to analyze the reason why the baby is crying based on these frequencies. It is cute to watch the baby float away, and just looking at it soothes a tired mind...!

Tap the "Start Recording" icon to begin recording the baby's cries.

When you stop recording, the AI automatically starts analyzing the cry. And immediately the reason for the baby's cry analyzed by AI, such as "hungry" or "tired/sleepy" was displayed!

The reason for crying seems to be determined by using a database of accumulated crying voices and machine learning to determine the emotion. I wonder if the "doesn't seem to fit" and "seems to fit" buttons will be utilized in future analysis.

Tap the "Show Coping Methods" button to display recommended coping methods. Tap the arrows to see multiple solutions, so you can rest assured that you will be able to find what to do if you are in trouble.

You can look back on the crying data later!

What is great about "Awabebbi" is that you can look back on the crying data later! While most other apps are temporary, ending only after the judgment is made, "Awabebbi" can save the data of the cries. You can look back on the recording time, a graph of the number of bubbles (frequency), and the reason for crying.

What I personally found wonderful was the ability to play back crying sounds! Awabebi" can save the sound while determining the reason for the cry.

When a baby is crying, parents are in such a hurry that they don't have much time to turn on the camera or record it, right? However, the sound of a baby crying has its own unique cuteness, and many mothers and fathers probably regret not having recorded it! Many mothers and fathers may regret that they didn't record the baby's crying. It would be fun to look back on the changes in the baby's crying.

The design of "Awabebi" is just so cute! It is sure to soothe moms and dads who are tired of taking care of their babies. Try it for yourself!

Child of the Week.

With the birth of our second daughter, our eldest daughter's growth rate has accelerated rapidly. She prepares diapers for me, brings me milk, plays with my hands and toys...she is a big sister.

Ogamari (IT enthusiast)

A new mother who gave birth in May 2010, she is a freelance website developer, computer instructor, and programming tutor. Her hobbies are watching comedy and bowling (she is a bowler, but is taking a break due to the birth of her child).

Operates "MOMIT," an online IT community for moms only.