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Developed an online Japanese language teaching materials website "Kodomo no Nihongo Work Ya-san" and a service to deliver drill materials immediately even if you live overseas. Hikari JS's commitment to Japanese language education for children

- The following is content from the press release -

Hikari JS Inc. delivers opportunities for children living abroad to learn Japanese language and culture by providing online Japanese language lessons and Japanese language teaching materials.

What is the Japanese language study program that enables children around the world who have roots in Japan to be proud of their roots in Japan and continue to have "Japan" in their lives?

This issue focuses on home learning of Japanese language for children living abroad, and describes the efforts of the instructors and staff.

Inspired by the voices of parents who wanted their children to be exposed to Japanese even at home, we started to create teaching materials that would help children living abroad fall in love with the language.

I am always wondering how I can help my child learn Japanese in a fun way without getting bored during the time outside of the lesson. But the children don't want to do it, and as a parent, I tend to interfere... It's difficult. It's difficult.

Most of our online private lesson students are from families who are internationally married and living abroad. The principal, Mr. Umemoto, who himself teaches lessons as an instructor, has received the above concerns from parents from time to time.

As I hear how they are doing their best in spite of daily trial and error,I wonder if we can create some kind of teaching materials that will help children fall in love with the Japanese language.I began to think.

Birth of "Kodomo no Nihongo Work Ya-san", an online Japanese language teaching material site that can be enjoyed like a game!

The first one I made,Online Japanese language teaching materials site "Kodomo no Nihongo Work Ya-san" (Children's Japanese Language Work Shop)The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Various types of Japanese language materials such as mini-games, prints, videos, etc. are posted for free.

Anyway, I'm having fun! I want to do more! and "I want to do more!

Some of the children who come to our company have experience attending local Japanese language supplementary schools or Japanese language cram schools, but as the school year progressed, they became less and less comfortable with the language and almost disliked it (we are not denying the methods of Japanese language supplementary schools or Japanese language cram schools, but this is a matter of individual differences). (We do not mean to denigrate the methods of Japanese language supplementary schools or cram schools, but it is a matter of individual differences.) There are also families who have recently started learning Japanese and want to start by familiarizing themselves with the language.

We started this site with the aim of providing educational materials that are not meant to be "studied," but rather to be enjoyed like a game, and when you work on them, you will find yourself mastering Japanese.

It reduces the burden not only on the children, but also on the instructors who teach the classes.

Our initial assumption was that the program would be used by children living overseas, but when we opened the door, we found that it has also played a role in reducing the burden of Japanese language instructors in creating teaching materials.

By reducing the burden on the instructor who creates the class, the instructor will have more time to enjoy the class, which means that the children will enjoy the class more. In other words, the children will enjoy the classes more.

They are also becoming available for children living in Japan to learn Japanese.

We would be more than happy if more children come to love learning Japanese through this site.

Expanding online as well as paper-based drills and textbooks to further meet the needs of the students

Now that the "Children's Japanese Work Shop" has been enhanced, it is time toPaper DrillsI also wanted to make a

No matter how digitized the age has become, the popularity of paper-based drill materials has not waned. We often hear that Japanese parents living abroad buy large quantities of drill materials when they temporarily return to Japan. However, it is not always possible to return to Japan, and we wanted to respond to those who say, "If only there were materials that could be easily purchased while abroad....

Online book site, with a system whereby after purchasing a book online, it is printed at a local factory and a paper drill is delivered within a few days (paperback).The new system is available in a limited number of countries. Although the number of countries is limited, learner families living overseas can now buy paper-based drill materials immediately when they want them without having to send them all the way from Japan. Currently, two drills of hiragana Kiyone are on sale.

The concept of this drill is the same as the "Children's Japanese Work Shop" site,"Have fun while learning and making sure your hiragana is firmly established."The following is a list of the most common problems with the

By scanning the QR code attached to each page, you can jump to the corresponding mini-game or video to further deepen your learning.

Drills for hiragana voiced and semi-voiced sounds, sulphurs, and katakana will also be available in the future.

At the same time, the production of textbooks is underway.

To provide opportunities to become familiar with the Japanese language wherever you are in the world...

We will continue to create various opportunities for children of Japanese origin to become familiar with the Japanese language so that they can feel close to their roots in Japan, no matter where they live in the world.

Children's Japanese Work Shop

Mirahika Drill I

Product and Service Information

Mirahika Drill I Hajimete no Hiragana A - No

Six features of this book

  1. High-quality teaching materials created from scratch by professional native Japanese language teachers
  2. Can be studied in parallel with games and videos! Multifaceted approach improves retention rate!
  3. Easy-to-use horizontal layout for children who are used to writing horizontally
  4. A full range of extra pages! Full of fun elements to motivate children!
  5. Selected vocabulary that even children living abroad know.
  6. You can check the progress of your study with the "Ready sheet".

Recommended for the following households

  • Recently started/would like to start learning hiragana
  • We want you to learn while having fun.

Study contents and structure of this book

Practice reading and writing 25 Hiragana Seirogana characters from "A" to "Na" lines

  1. Practice one letter at a time, starting with "A."
    Practice 25 characters in order starting with the "A" line. You can read the QR code at the bottom of the page and practice at the same time as the online material.
  2. Review 5 letters at a time.
    Review the hiragana characters you have practiced, 5 at a time. Repeated practice will help students to consolidate their reading and writing skills. The students will enjoy expanding their usage of the Japanese alphabet by using the summary printouts, which can be tackled in a playful manner.
  3. Collectively practice the letters you have learned
    Review the characters practiced repeatedly in this book on the summary page to further solidify your hiragana skills.

Mirahika Drill II Hajimete no Hiragana Ha~n

Hiragana Drill, which will make children all over the world love Japanese, is finally completed!

We want people to feel more familiar with hiragana no matter what country they live in!

Created from scratch by a team of professional native Japanese language teachers, these drills are packed with elements that make learning Japanese more fun for children.

Drills created from scratch by a team of professional native Japanese language teachers are available wherever you live in the world.

Let's have fun studying hiragana with "Mirai~nyo" and "Hika-chan", Hikari JS original characters!