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Smartphone application "Onaka no Kiroku" to easily record the growth of your tummy during pregnancy|IT enthusiast mom: Together with Ogamari's baby tech

Hello! I am Ogamari.

I am actually expecting the birth of my second child in early October. I have been so busy with childcare and work that I haven't had time to focus on my belly like I did with my first child, but I found an app that is perfect for me, and I'd like to share it with you! If you are currently pregnant, I want you to download it now~!

You can easily record the growth of your belly during pregnancy!

."Tummy recordThe ".albusand "MUSEUMThis is a smartphone app by ROLLCAKE, a company well-known for its "ROLLCAKE" app. It is an app that allows you to easily photograph and record the growth of your belly during pregnancy!

The application is very simple, with the shooting screen opening when the shooting button is tapped.

A guide is displayed on the shooting screen, so you can take pictures in the same position every time. It is easy to compare tummy growth!

Guides can be hidden or inverted. It even has the ability to blur the background to diminish the sense of life...! Thank goodness.... Of course, you can also reflect photos already taken from your camera roll.

You can take pictures with an in-camera camera, but I couldn't get a good shot, so I used a figure-viewing camera this time. The color of the shoe rack and the clothes are assimilated...but the background blur function works perfectly! The blur function can be set at the time of shooting, which is convenient because you can see the finished result as you shoot.

The photos taken will be marked with the number of weeks & date like this.

The images you have taken are displayed in a list. The images can be viewed in the order of the number of weeks of pregnancy, so you can see the growth process of your belly at a glance!

Tapping an image makes it easy to share the image.

The captured images can be linked to "Albus" for easy ordering of mashikake prints! Convenient! ROLLCAKE's app has a "echographThere is also a "photo album", so it will be a great memory if you print your tummy photo and echo photo together and put them in one album!

Live your maternity life with no regrets!

ROLLCAKE previously surveyed "Top 5 things I regret doing during pregnancyIn the "Maternity Photo" section, the number one item was "taking regular photos to record the changes in my belly". It is true that the last time I gave birth, I took maternity photos at a photo studio, but I did not keep a record of my progress. I remember regretting, "I should have taken more pictures! I remember regretting it.

You will also receive push notifications, so you will never forget to take pictures.... If you are currently pregnant, please install "Onaka no Kiroku" and enjoy a maternity life that will leave you with many memories!

Child of the Week.

What is this? They started asking me the names of many things. They would ask for names of things like "that's a stone," "that's gravel," "that's broken asphalt...," and so on, even for roads.

Ogamari (IT enthusiast)

A new mother who gave birth in May 2010, she is a freelance website developer, computer instructor, and programming tutor. Her hobbies are watching comedy and bowling (she is a bowler, but is taking a break due to the birth of her child).

Operates "MOMIT," an online IT community for moms only.