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Give moms and dads a relaxing movie time!" Asuiku, a temporary childcare search and reservation service, launches "Kineiku," a temporary childcare service inside movie theaters, at three theaters in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

As a parent or guardian of a child, it is a little bit difficult to "watch a movie at a movie theater slowly! Asuiku and Shochiku Multiplex Theaters have come up with a solution to this problem. Kineiku", a temporary childcare service, was launched at three locations including Shinjuku Piccadilly!

- The following is content from the press release -

(headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter "grow&partners"), operator of "Asuiku," a temporary childcare search and reservation service that can be used via smartphone and LINE, will provide a temporary childcare service "Kineiku" at three movie theaters operated by Shochiku Multiplex Theaters Co. (headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter "Shochiku Multiplex Theaters") will offer "Kineiku," a temporary childcare service in which childcare staff will take care of children safely and securely inside movie theaters at three of its facilities, Shinjuku Piccadilly, MOVIX Kashiwanoha, and MOVIX Kameari. 

Temporary childcare spaces are set up in movie theater lobbies, meeting rooms, and theaters. At least two childcare workers are stationed there to take care of children in a safe and secure manner, aiming to allow mothers and fathers who are usually unable to make time for "adult time" to spend time watching movies to relax. 

According to various surveys, the biggest stress for parents raising children is "no time for myself. Many parents say that they only go to the cinema to see movies for their children. Through "Kineiku," we propose the enjoyment of watching movies at a leisurely pace once again.

What is "Kineiku"?

On this special day, a childcare worker takes care of the child in the theater while the parents enjoy the movie. This is a special day when the cinema becomes a daycare center,

  1. The 3-hour plan is easy to use. Moreover, the regular price of 5,000 yen is discounted by 2,000 yen for the first time, and 1,000 yen off if you use it with a friend after that. (*If you make a reservation by the previous day)
  2. Includes 500 yen discount coupon for movie & coupon for popcorn to take home!
  3. Two childcare workers take care of children safely and securely
  4. We provide childcare services with content that children enjoy, such as walks and age-appropriate toys
    (*Depends on the theater where the event is held, so please check the details.)

Outline of the July event

  • MOVIX Kashiwanoha July 10 & 11, 10:30-16:30 each day
  • Shinjuku Piccadilly July 23 & 24, 10:30 - 16:30 each day
  • MOVIX Kameari July 26 & 27, 10:30-16:30 each day

(The hours of operation are from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., respectively. (The next two months will be held in August and September.)

Age Range

4 months to 6 years old (preschoolers)

Rates & Special Discounts

  • 5,000 yen for up to 3 hours if booked in advance by the previous day
  • 1,800 yen per hour for same-day reservations

We also offer a special discount of 3,000 yen (2,000 yen off) for the first use and 4,000 yen (1,000 yen off) for both friends.

*Friends discount does not apply to first-time users.
*Please check the screening schedule from each theater's website and purchase tickets in advance for the films you wish to see. (This is not included in the Kinekiku fee.

How to Apply

Please apply from the special "Kineiku" website below. To use this service, you need to register on line for ASUIKU and to register as a member of this service.

Registration will begin at midnight one week prior to the date of pickup.

(MOVIX Kashiwanoha / Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture)

(MOVIX Kameari / Katsushika-ku, Tokyo)

(Shinjuku Piccadilly/Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo: Please leave your child here)

Message from Shochiku Multiplex Theaters

Why don't you create some free time for yourself once in a while?
I want you to watch the movies you want to watch without holding back! I want you to enjoy it!
With this in mind, Shochiku Multiplex Theaters, Inc,
We have launched "Kineiku," a service that both mothers and fathers working hard to raise their children can easily use.
I wish you a wonderful time...I will be waiting for you at the movie theater.

What is ASUKU?

When you need someone to watch your child for a while, Asuiku allows you to search and reserve a childcare facility in one minute, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from LINE.

Temporary childcare reservations and payments that used to be cash, which used to be mainly made by phone or paper, are now paperless, cashless, and phoneless.

Currently, 80 childcare facilities, mainly in Tokyo, are available for online reservation. All communication with the childcare facility and the contact book can be done through LINE, so even busy childcare providers can easily use the service in their spare time. After the childcare service is over, customers receive an "online contact log" with photos and comments about their child's progress during the temporary childcare service, which is reassuring and makes them want to use the service again, leading to an increasing number of repeat customers.

In 2022, it received the 16th Kids Design Award and Baby Tech Awards Special Award. In addition, in the summer of 2022, the company began offering "Temporary Childcare is a Chance to Learn," a "hands-on childcare" program that allows children to grow and experience plenty of their favorite content, such as trains and insects, during their childcare time.