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Naruto City Adopts Panasonic Advanced Technology's "Nenne Navi

NenNavi," an application for improving children's sleep, is scheduled to begin service in Naruto City in July.

- The following is content from the press release -

Nen-Navi operation screen

Panasonic Advanced Technology Corporation's NenNavi, a service for improving children's sleep, has been adopted by Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. Naruto City is promoting the "Naruto Marugoto Child-Raising Support Package" to strongly support the child-rearing generation and encourage them to settle in the city.

NenNavi is a service developed to support children's healthy growth and family health. Based on the latest scientific findings, it aims to improve children's sleep habits and provide them with high quality sleep. Through empirical experiments conducted at the United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, the service has been shown to be effective in improving children's sleep and reducing the psychological burden on caregivers.

NenNeNavi" is an interactive service provided by an AI supervised by experts and easily accessible from a smartphone, making it easy to introduce the service. It can be used not only as a service for local governments, but also for corporate employee welfare programs and childcare institutions.

For details, please refer to the following URL
Product Page:: Product Page::: Product Page:: Product Page
Product Introduction Video:.


PRTIMES Press ReleaseKaga City, which uses our Nenne Navi system, received the "Best Childcare System Award in 2022" from Ikuhaku.

Panasonic Advanced Technology will continue to work with local communities to provide products and services that support childcare and promote health.

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