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ChiCaRo releases "Kuku-chan" (beta version), a chatbot AI mommy friend.

~A new "way of looking at parenting" that reduces daily child-rearing stress.

- The following is content from the press release -

(headquartered in Chofu, Tokyo; Atsuko Oku, President & CEO) has released a beta version of its chatbot AI mommy friend "Kuku-chan. 
Kuku-chan is an AI chatbot developed for parents raising children. She listens to your daily worries, consultations, and even small talk, just like a mom's friend. 
I can't stop this frustration...someone listen to me! My child keeps crying... I want to cry too (laugh), praise me for trying so hard! I just want someone to sit with me and listen to me." It is at times like these that Kuku-chan comes in. By talking to you in a casual manner, we aim to help you avoid putting away the little daily stresses and achieve a more enjoyable and positive child-rearing life.

Service Overview


It is said that daily worries and concerns about child-rearing are often kept to oneself because it is difficult to find someone to talk about them or because one feels that "it is not necessary to talk about them with anyone. Kuku-chan is A "no-fuss talker" available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The new parents are expected to be active as parents who are struggling to raise their children on a daily basis.

Users' and stakeholders' voices

Kasumi Abe, Project Assistant Professor, Advanced Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, The University of Electro-Communications

I myself am raising a child and sometimes consulted ChatGPT about childcare problems and complaints. However, ChatGPT is not specialized in childcare advice, and although I myself am not bad at prompting the answers I want, I thought it would still be difficult for the general public to get the answers they want sufficiently.

The Web version of Kuku-chan is gradually adding more and more features to make it easier for users to consult and complain about child-rearing. For example, the picture of a relaxed kangaroo symbolizes the image of a slightly awkward but friendly mommy friend, and pictograms are used in the answers, making Kuku-chan a very easy-to-use tool for those who want to talk about child-rearing. Imaginative conversation with your mom's friends. The new system is designed to make childcare consultation easier than ChatGPT by making it easier for parents to discuss their childcare needs.

I myself have used the on line version and found it to be better than the web version. A strange feeling as if you were actually talking with Kuku. I am now in a position to do so. It's through the interface of LINE that I usually talk with my mom's friends, It is easy to naturally vent out various childcare complaints and worries. I felt and was amazed.

Looking ahead, Kuk-chan is tied in with the university's research. Plans for even more power So I am looking forward to it myself. Specifically, in our NEDO project, Technology and integration between Osaka University and the University of Electro-Communications The robot will be able to create an even more valuable Kuku-chan by doing the following. Osaka University is researching explanation-generating AI technology (XAR) that can give the other party a more satisfying experience, and the University of Electro-Communications is researching a system that can simply accumulate data on developmental changes while playing with the child and a supporter over the robot. When this is integrated with Kuku-chan, it will be possible to generate explanations that are more convincing to the questioner (e.g., parents) while also referring to data on the actual development of the child, and Kuku-chan will be able to respond.

Usage Procedure

  • STEP1: Add "Kuku-chan" as a LINE friend from "Kuku-chan's Room" on the Kuku-chan website.

You can also add the QR code below.

  • STEP2: Send a message from the talk screen.
  • STEP3: You will enjoy a reply from Kuku.

Service Overview

Service Name: Kosodate-no Mikata Kuku-chan
Service start date: November 2, 2023 (Thursday)


About Us

ChiCaRo Corporation

Vision: Updating families and making the world happy through the power of connection
Location: University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-8585
Business activities: ChiCaRo planning and manufacturing, Kuku-chan planning and development
Representative Director: Atsuko Oku


ChiCaRo Inc. has been commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) to conduct research and development work under the theme of "Technology Development Project on Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Evolving with People / Research and Development of Autonomous Interaction AI that Can Explain and Application to Childcare and Development Support". Under the theme of "Technology Development Project for Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Evolving with People / Research and Development of Explainable Autonomous Interaction AI and Application to Childcare and Developmental Support", we are conducting joint research with Osaka University and University of Electro-Communications.