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Unifa, together with Dr. Keitomo Soyobuta and others, participated in the preparation of the "Handbook for First-time ICT Use in Childcare Centers, etc." published by Unifa. Published by Mitsubishi UFJ R&C as part of a research project by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

- The following is content from the press release -

Further promotion of ICT use in childcare settings as part of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's research and study

 (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yasuyuki Toki; hereafter "Unifa"), a company that uses technology to solve social issues related to childcare and child rearing, has been selected by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (currently the Child and Family Affairs Agency) as anote 1We participated in the creation of the "Handbook for First-time ICT Use in Childcare Centers, etc." published by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co. as part of the research and study project of the Japan Association of Childcare Institutions (JACI).

1. "Handbook for First-Time ICT Use in Childcare Centers, etc.

Background of Participation

 It is said that the high workload of childcare workers is one of the factors behind the "shortage of childcare workers," a long-standing social issue.*2The Japanese government also provides subsidies for the introduction of ICT systems to reduce the workload of childcare workers. In order to reduce the workload of childcare workers, the Japanese government also subsidizes the cost of introducing ICT systems for peripheral and auxiliary childcare tasks, and ICT has been introduced to a certain extent. On the other hand, there are still many childcare facilities that have not introduced ICT, or have introduced ICT but are not making full use of it.
 In response to this situation and from the viewpoint of further promoting ICT in childcare, the then Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's (MHLW's) FY2022 "Survey and Research on the Effectiveness of the Introduction of ICT in the Childcare Field and Measures to Promote its Popularization" (conducted by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co. (hereafter referred to as "the Study") was conducted by the then Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare until March 2023.
 In addition to providing knowledge and coordinating the implementation of questionnaires and interviews, Unifa also took the lead in preparing the "Handbook for First-Time ICT Use in Childcare Centers, etc." (hereinafter referred to as the "Handbook"), which was created as part of the survey and research. Unifa was commissioned by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co. to participate in the development of this handbook, which was intended to help reduce awareness and resistance to the introduction and use of ICT and to promote their use.
 This handbook is a compilation of information on the introduction and use of ICT in the childcare field, based on our knowledge of ICT in the childcare field, including "Lukumi", and with advice from the members of the expert panel chaired by Dr. Keitomo Soyobuta (Professor at Tamagawa University Faculty of Education), and from the then Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. The report is a summary of the introduction and use of ICT in the field of childcare.
1: Affairs under the jurisdiction of the Child and Family Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (excluding the Women's Protection Services) will be transferred to the Child and Family Agency, which will be established in April 2023.
*2: Source: "Report on improving the attractiveness of the childcare field and profession" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, September 2020)

Outline of "Handbook for First-Time ICT Use in Childcare Centers, etc.

 This handbook is intended to be a useful reference for anyone in the childcare industry who is considering or has already introduced ICT, but would like to reconsider the use of ICT. The book also includes the results of a questionnaire survey on childcare ICT and other information.
 In addition, Dr. Soyobata is scheduled to give a session explaining this handbook at the "Steps to the Future" seminar to be held on May 25 (Thu.) and 26 (Fri.).

▼ Title
Handbook for the First-time ICT Use in Childcare Centers, etc." (in Japanese)

▼ How to obtain
Booklet PDF
Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Website.

▼ Steps to the Future Seminar

▼ Lukumi brand website

Comments from the experts who chaired the expert panel in the study

Dr. Keitomo Soyobuta (Professor, Faculty of Education, Tamagawa University)
We believe that the contents of this handbook are very easy to understand for those in the childcare field who are considering the introduction and use of ICT in the future. We hope that this handbook will be delivered to many people and that the use of ICT will spread and lead to improvement in the quality of childcare.

2. about Unifa Corporation

 Unifa is a startup in the Childcare-Tech domain that aims to solve social issues related to childcare and childcare. With the company's mission statement "to create an innovative social infrastructure that creates happiness for families around the world," Unifa develops and provides "lucumi," a comprehensive service for childcare facilities that utilizes IoT and AI. Currently, approximately 60 local governments have introduced the service, and the number of users of the Lukumi series services is approximately 15,000. (*As of January 2023, according to our own research, not the number of facilities using the service). Through the development of Smart Nursery School®, Smart Kindergarten®, and Smart Childcare Center®*, we are contributing to the creation of an affluent society in which it is easy to work while raising children. Smart Nursery School" received the Good Design Best 100 Award in 2021 and the Good Focus Award (New Business Design), a special award, as well as the Advanced Technology Award in the social industry-specific ASP/SaaS category of the "ASPIC IoT, AI, Cloud Award 2021," which is given to cloud services that are beneficial to society. In addition, Lukumi received the Advanced Technology Award in the social industry-specific ASP and SaaS category of the ASPIC IoT, AI, and Cloud Award 2021, which is given to cloud services beneficial to society. In addition, the company was selected as the first champion of the Startup World Cup in 2017 and as a J-Startup company in 2021. He is also the president of the Impact Startup Association, an incorporated association established in October 2022.
*Smart Nursery School®, Smart Kindergarten®, and Smart Children's School® are registered trademarks of Unifa.

Company Profile

Company name: Unifa Corporation
Representative Director and CEO: Yasuyuki Toki
Established: 2013
Location: Sumitomo Fudosan Chiyoda Fujimi Building 2F, 1-8-19 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business Overview: Planning, development, sales, and operation of the "Rukumi®" series of comprehensive ICT services for childcare facilities. Development and promotion of "Smart Nursery School, Smart Kindergarten, and Smart Childcare Center.
Company URL: