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Northstar launches weekday morning online medical care with "Kids Doctor," a pediatric online medical care application. Online doctor consultations available from 6:00 a.m.

- The following is content from the press release -

~ For sudden illness of children before commuting to school or work in the morning.

(Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Kodai Tabita; hereinafter "Northstar") has expanded the consultation hours of its online medical service for the pediatric online medical application "Kids Doctor" to include consultations on weekday mornings from 6:00 to 10:00.

The number of users of Kids Doctor's online medical services has increased significantly since its nationwide expansion last July, and the number of users this year has increased more than tenfold compared to last year. In addition, by providing parents and children with an operation that is close to them and an experience that allows them to see a doctor immediately even if their family doctor is closed, the service has received very high marks in the results of satisfaction surveys conducted after use*.
(*) Reference URL:

In response to the feedback from Kids Doctor users that they are troubled by their children's health problems in the morning hours before they leave their children at daycare centers or kindergartens, we have started online medical services during the morning hours from 6:00 to 10:00 on weekdays in cooperation with medical institutions today, April 19, 2012.

As the April entrance ceremony and new term season settles down and school and kindergarten life gets into full swing, many parents may be concerned about their children's physical condition amidst the change in environment.
We hope that the availability of online medical services during weekday morning hours will help ease the burden on those who have been waiting for their family doctor to open when their child is unwell, those who have had trouble getting an appointment, or those who have had to wait until their family doctor opens just to obtain a permission slip to go to preschool.

Online Medical Treatment Hours

Before changeAfter change
weekday18:00~24:006:00~10:00, 18:00-24:00
the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens)10:00~24:0010:00~24:00
Sunday and national holiday8:00~24:008:00~24:00
*Reception hours may change from day to day.

At Kids Doctor, we will continue to improve our services to relieve the concerns of more parents raising children.

About Kids Doctor.

Kids Doctor was created to provide moms and dads who are worried about their children's health with "peace of mind that they can easily consult with doctors and nurses.
The service includes "chat health consultation" by nurses during weekday evenings and holidays when hospitals are not open, "online medical care" where you can see a doctor on your smartphone, and "house calls" where a doctor can come to your home.

▼Chat Health Consultation
Based on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare guidelines, the nursing team will provide general medical information and recommendations for medical consultation without medical judgment during hours when hospitals are not open. If it is determined that an after-hours visit to a hospital is necessary, the team will not only provide information on conventional emergency hospitals, but will also provide information on online medical services, nighttime home visit services, nearby emergency hospitals, and cab dispatch to emergency hospitals.

▼Online medical care / Nighttime house call appointments
Online medical services that allow patients to talk to a doctor when their family clinic is not open, or house calls to the patient's home, can be reserved through a smartphone. These medical services are provided by doctors from affiliated medical institutions, so you can use them with peace of mind (health insurance and subsidies for children are also available).

Click here to download the application.
Kids Doctor Introduction Video

Outline of Northstar Co.

Company name : Northstar Inc.
Location: 8F Greems Nihonbashi, 4-7 Hisamatsucho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Kota Kodai
Establishment : January 28, 2021
■Business : Providing medical and healthcare-related services via the Internet
■URL :