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WonderPhi launches "Enterprise Edition Think Sync" for companies. Children's waiting time at stores becomes "fun learning time

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head Office: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Kei Kawashima; hereafter referred to as WonderPhi) has launched the "Think!Think!

Click here to visit the official website.

Increased customer traffic and customer satisfaction among families with educational content that fosters thinking skills.

This service is a display-type educational content that children can play alone. This service can be used at commercial facilities, restaurants, medical institutions, etc., where families visit, to "motivate customers to come to the store" and "ensure time spent in the store.

The program not only eliminates the need for parents to "wait a minute" for their children when going out, but also provides an experience that stimulates children's "thinking skills" using their minds and bodies, while parents can enjoy shopping, eating, or running errands in peace.

Enterprise Edition SyncSync Features

Expansion of family customers through globally popular content

This service contains carefully selected problems that are very popular among children from the "Think Think" intellectual training application, which enables children to learn the five areas (spatial cognition, planar cognition, trial-and-error, logic, and numerical processing) that form the foundation for developing thinking skills while having fun in a comprehensive manner.

The number of ThinkSync users exceeded 2.5 million as of March 2023, and it is loved by children in 150 countries around the world, transcending language barriers. By appealing to app users that they can play ThinkSync on a large screen at nearby stores and facilities, it can be expected to attract new customers who have not had the opportunity to visit the stores, and also to motivate existing customers to repeat visits.

Attract a wide range of children, including preschoolers, and create time for their parents to shop.

Children of all ages, from preschoolers to elementary school students, can enjoy the game without the need for a parent or guardian to accompany them, as it can be played intuitively by a single child.

Increase customer satisfaction with educational content that has proven to be effective in education.

The educational application "Think Think," on which this service is based, has already proven its educational benefits, allowing parents to let their children play with peace of mind. By turning family shopping time and waiting time into "learning time," this service will also increase customer satisfaction.

Minimal installation space and no post-introduction operations are required.

In addition to being space-saving and requiring minimal space, the system can be installed directly on PCs and tablets without fixtures. In addition, no operation is required after installation, except for maintenance of the device.

Case Study: Alpen Co.

Introduction of the system began in March 2022, and the system is currently in 39 stores nationwide.
After the initial introduction at the first 10 stores, the number of stores has expanded approximately fourfold to date due to the popularity of the service. (*1)

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Think Think Think, an educational application that fosters thinking skills

Think Think is an educational app based on WonderPhi's mission "to bring out the intellectual excitement that children around the world inherently possess. As an app that enables children to learn the five areas (spatial cognition, planar cognition, trial-and-error, logic, and numerical processing) that form the foundation for developing thinking skills while having fun in a comprehensive manner, Think Think Think was launched in 2016 on various app stores, and by March 2023, the total number of users had surpassed 2.5 million.

It has received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad, including an App Award from Google and a Kids Design Award, and is loved by children in 150 countries around the world, transcending language barriers.

In addition, a demonstration experiment conducted in Cambodia with the full cooperation of the Cambodian government, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Makiko Nakamuro's laboratory at Keio University has confirmed that ThinkThink has a significant effect on academic performance and IQ. (*2)(*3)

<Previous Awards
Finalist, Google Play Awards 2017 "Best App for Kids" category
Finalist, Google Play Awards 2019, "Best Social Impact" category
Google Best of 2017
Japan e-Learning Awards EdTech Special Prize
The 13th Kids Design Award

Think Think's official website:

About WonderPhi Inc.

WonderPhi is a company that develops and operates educational materials and content to bring out the "intellectual excitement" in children around the world, including Wonderbox, a new correspondence course for STEAM education, and Think ThinkSync, an application for fostering thinking skills enjoyed by 2 million children in 150 countries. The company is a pioneer in STEAM/STEM and thinking skills educational materials, having produced and supervised many problems for international math competitions.
In November 2018, the company won the Grand Prize at the Japan preliminary round of the Global EdTech Startup Awards (GESA), the world's largest education venture competition(*3). In addition, we have represented Japan at SXSW EDU and other global educational forums, where we have exhibited and spoken on stage. In February 2020, we announced a new educational program in the STEAM education field, "Wonder Box"(*4).
On December 14, 2022, the company name was changed from WonderLab to WonderPhi Inc.(*5).

Official website of Wonderfi Corporation:

reference information

A demonstration experiment conducted in Cambodia with the full cooperation of the Cambodian government, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Makiko Nakamuro Laboratory at Keio University. It has been confirmed that Think Think has a significant effect on academic achievement and IQ.

HugKum "I want to know, what is the intellectual excitement fostered by the popular Google-approved educational app "Think!Think!"

JICA "Quality Learning Opportunities for Children in Cambodia

WonderPhi provided all the questions for TBS's program "Participate with your smartphone! Thinking Power Battle on Live TV the HIRAMEKI" on TBS, with all questions provided by WonderPhi.

Inquiries, questions, and interview requests
Public Relations: Ikeda, Nagahata
E-mail address: