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NTT Learning Systems begins offering a VR hands-on program for understanding developmental disabilities and learning about reasonable accommodation. In conjunction with the program, a trial session was held for educators to take the course free of charge.

- The following is content from the press release -

~Call for free trial sessions to nursery schools, elementary and junior high schools, etc. (limited to 3 organizations) in the 23 wards of Tokyo - Started recruiting for free trial sessions.

(Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Takashi Torigoe) and Japan Developmental Disabilities Network (Secretariat: Sumida-ku, Tokyo; President: Hironobu Ichikawa; hereafter "JDDnet") have launched a VR interactive program to help educators correctly understand the characteristics of developmental disabilities from the perspective of those involved and promote reasonable accommodation of such disabilities. The program is designed to help educators understand the characteristics of developmental disabilities from the perspective of those with disabilities, and to promote reasonable accommodation.
In conjunction with the program, a trial session will be held to allow educators to take part in the program at no cost (applications will be accepted starting March 23).

Background of this initiative

 The results of a survey released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on December 13, 2022 revealed that 8.8% of elementary and junior high school students enrolled in regular classes may have developmental disabilities that present significant difficulties in terms of learning and behavior. 1

On the other hand, less than 30% of these elementary and junior high school students were determined to require special support by the school's "in-school committee," which requires fostering understanding of developmental disabilities and encouraging school-wide efforts and support.

As one of our efforts to create a society where people with developmental disabilities can learn and adapt better through a correct understanding of their characteristics and reasonable consideration and support, we have started offering an interactive program to help people with developmental disabilities understand their characteristics and learn how to give specific consideration to them through VR video experiences. We have started to provide this program.
1 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2022 Survey of children with special educational needs enrolled in regular classes

2. Program Contents

 This program is composed of a blended learning style that combines the experience of VR for a deeper understanding of the characteristics of developmental disabilities, which are difficult to understand from the outside, with explanations by experts and discussions among participants.
The program is generally designed as an hour-long curriculum and is participatory.

Developmental disabilities are difficult to clearly define and are generally not well understood by those around them because the manifestation of their characteristics is not consistent depending on their physical condition on any given day.
The most important thing is to understand that it is not a "disability" but a "characteristic" that one is born with.

This program is designed to share the knowledge and experience of experts who have been studying and supporting people with disabilities for many years, with an emphasis on "experiencing rather than learning. Through learning, feeling, and empathizing, we will have discussions and create opportunities to change our behavior and realize that it is ourselves who create "disabilities" and "difficulties in living" for the participants. We will create opportunities to change our behavior and realize that it is ourselves who create "disabilities" and "difficulties in life.

(1) Curriculum image (about 60 minutes)
 (1) Lecture: Explanations on developmental disabilities by experts from the Japan Developmental Disabilities Network (JDDnet), case studies, etc.
 (2) VR experience: Simulated experience from the perspective of the person concerned
  ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)
  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  Learning Disabilities (LD)
  Developmental Coordinated Motor Syndrome
 (3) Discussion: Exchange of participants' opinions, mutual understanding, and self-reflection
 (4) Lecture and participant sharing: Think about how to treat parties, reasonable consideration, and support.

(3) Price (excluding tax)
  From 118,000 yen (for one session with up to 30 participants, excluding transportation of equipment, lecturers, and other expenses)
   *For details, please contact us for individual consultation.

(2)VR image from the viewpoint of the parties concerned

3. free trial

 In order to promote effective support for preschool, elementary, and junior high school students who may have developmental disabilities, it is essential that the entire school, not just the homeroom teacher, work together to foster understanding and encourage school-wide efforts and support.
We will hold a free trial session for nursery schools, kindergartens, certified kindergartens, elementary and junior high schools, etc. to help them understand the purpose of the program and its content.

(1) Target: Teachers of nursery schools, kindergartens, certified childcare centers, elementary and junior high schools, etc., and those involved in guidance and teaching.
(2) Start of application: March 23, 2023
(3) Application unit: Educational sites or organizations (about 3 organizations) such as nursery schools, kindergartens, certified kindergartens, elementary and junior high schools, etc. in the 23 wards of Tokyo.
(4) Implementation period: From May 2023 (to be confirmed upon coordination with schools and instructors)
(5) Lecture by Director, Japan Developmental Disabilities Network (online support also available)
(6) Implementation time: Approximately 60 minutes
(7) Maximum number of students: approximately 30
(8) Requests related to implementation: permission to conduct and answer questionnaires, interview teachers and others at the schools (for posting on our website), photograph the implementation, and post on our website.
(9) Application: Schools wishing to apply may do so at the URL below.

Application URL

*If there are too many applications, we may not be able to meet your request for implementation.
The application must be made by organizations such as schools, but teachers from neighboring schools are also welcome to participate.