For babies' heat measures. A new model "airluv.4+ (air-luv.4 plus)" appears in the cool sheet "air-luv" with a blower.
赤ちゃんを連れた夏のお出かけの必需品「airluv(エアラブ)」シリーズ。世界累計販売数100万台※を突破した話題のクールシートに、2025年最新モデルが登場。2025年3月4日より発売開始します。 — 下記...
赤ちゃんを連れた夏のお出かけの必需品「airluv(エアラブ)」シリーズ。世界累計販売数100万台※を突破した話題のクールシートに、2025年最新モデルが登場。2025年3月4日より発売開始します。 — 下記...
〜保育の質向上に向けた新手法への期待と課題が明らかに〜 — 下記はプレスリリースからの内容です — 株式会社明日香(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役:萩野 吉俗、https://www.g-asu...
— 下記はプレスリリースからの内容です — GMOインターネットグループでGMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社の連結会社である株式会社エンペイ(代表取締役社長:森脇 潤一)は、2025年2月20...
子どもの「できた!」を応援して、好奇心を育む — 下記はプレスリリースからの内容です — コクヨ株式会社(本社:大阪市/社長:黒田 英邦)は、多様化するワークスタイルやライフスタイルに合わせた、次...
グローバルな親子向けIPコンテンツ開発を加速 — 下記はプレスリリースからの内容です — 世界の親子向けIPコンテンツを開発・配信する株式会社Nicoli(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:原...
ひらがな知育「物理演算パズル」の新作ゲームが登場! — 下記はプレスリリースからの内容です — 2025年2月12日、株式会社ViRD(本社:東京都、代表取締役:能代和哉)は、遊びながら楽しくひら...
Cute!" to elicit empathy and acceptance of treatment. Berry, Inc. (Head Office: Taito-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Mr. Nakano...
Only one cable is needed for connection, and wiring is very easy with cigar power supply! Highly sensitive CMOS sensor mounted camera provides clear images even at night - The following is from the press release - Car accessory brand MAXWIN (operated by Chang Soon Y...
5th Anniversary! Gorgeous Toy Teaching Material Present" Campaign" is underway until March 10 (Mon.), 2012! - The following is from the press release - WonderPhi Inc.
- The following is from the press release - Yunyun Technology Corporation (Headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: TSENG, CHIH HSIN Zeng Zhi Xin) is celebrating the 8th anniversary of the brand's launch with a 20...
Hello, my name is Ogamari! When you are raising an infant or toddler, you have endless things to think about, such as research and worries. Of course, it is rewarding, but on the other hand, it is also physically and mentally taxing. At times like this, it is helpful to use a generative AI ch...
~ Delicious school lunches while reducing meal preparation time by up to 50% and food and labor costs by up to 22%~ - The following is from the press release - Food subscription service provider Oisix La...
2/21 - 3/6 "I Wish I Knew Earlier!" with stories from moms and dads across the country! The best baby goods are all revealed! Limited quantity gifts will also be given away! - The following is from the press release - Now...
- (BBSS), a leading provider of security and protection for families, has announced that it will offer a new service for children who will start their new lives this spring.
To celebrate the launch, a campaign will be held in February to give away 100 cards - The following is from the press release - Antway, Inc.
- (Headquartered in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Hideyuki Kanegaki, President and CEO; hereinafter "Picture Book Navi"), operator of the picture book information and shopping site "Picture Book Navi," has announced the launch of a new service that allows users to choose a commercially available picture book to read...