-Pre-opening today! Please register your site-...
- The following is content from the press release -

Saitama Prefecture is implementing various initiatives to address the urgent issue of the shortage of childcare workers, including job placement and workplace retention support.
In order to ensure that our efforts are delivered to those who need them, and to widely disseminate the appeal of childcare work, we have pre-launched "Saitama Childcare Navi," a portal site to support childcare workers.
In this pre-opening, we will provide some of the information on childcare facilities in the prefecture in advance. We plan to add more content as we prepare for the full opening in the future.
We will send out a push notification of support measures and other information from the prefecture to those who have registered for the portal site's e-mail newsletter or LINE. Please register!
- Publication date November 28, 2024 (Thu)
- This release is scheduled for late January 2025.
2. Site Overview
- Features *Some of the information is scheduled to be published in this issue. One-stop delivery of information on childcare facilities in the prefecture, employment events, subsidies, training programs to improve skills, and other support measures ・Video interviews with young childcare workers to convey the appeal of childcare work Push delivery of information on employment events, subsidies, etc. to subscribers to our e-mail magazine or LINE.
- uniform resouce locatorhttps://hoiku.pref.saitama.lg.jp/
- Call for Site RegistrationTo encourage more people to register, the prefecture will send direct mailings to those who have registered as childcare workers with Saitama Prefecture starting in December, as well as publicize the site via the Internet.