- The following is content from the press release -
By placing the data necessary for childcare on the cloud, "SMART Childcare" is launched anytime, anywhere, not only on golf courses nationwide, but also in other recreational and urban areas!

(Head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; hereafter "Child Base") has announced the launch of a golf course childcare service, "Child Base.mama golfWe will also develop childcare services in the city center by utilizing our know-how in the operation of the "Childcare Service in the City Center".
MamaGol uses Child Base, a system that manages the status of childcare (medical records) online, to DX the communication between childcare staff. This not only makes it possible to provide childcare services at golf courses nationwide, but also allows the mothers who are entrusting their children with the care of their children to have a more convenient and efficient service.
Wherever we go to golf courses, the mom-gol daycare workers know our kids very well."
We provide peace of mind.
We have already applied this system to provide childcare for leisure activities other than golf courses (scuba diving, rafting), weddings, year-end parties, festivals, etc., but this time,Dormant spaces in the city center, including office meeting rooms on weekends and holidaysThis will be the first effort to effectively utilize the
First, starting on November 2, 2024, the project will be implemented by renting from Jiyu Jutaku K.K., Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, a showroom and conference room at its head office that is not used on weekends and holidays.
Smart Childcare Nishi-Shinjuku 6-chome
Located in Nishi-Shinjuku 6-chome, directly connected to Nishi-Shinjuku Station on the Marunouchi Subway Line and a 5-minute walk from Shinjuku Station, the center is expected to meet the needs of couples who enjoy shopping, watching movies, and dining with their children, as well as those who work on weekends (1,600 yen per hour), as the center is in an office area.

In the future, until a borrower is found.property for rentand condominiums.guest room, ,Private rooms in restaurantsand ... andDaycare HomeWe believe that we can make a significant contribution to addressing the declining birthrate by expanding the "SMART Childcare" business anytime, anywhere by increasing the number of childcare centers in urban areas such as
Smart Childcare Nishi-Shinjuku 6-chome Application
Child Base, Inc.
DX Company to "collect", "store", and "operate" data
Contact Us
Public Relations Department: Yamada
Jiyu Jutaku Co.
Jiyu Jutaku is a housing company that sells and constructs ready-built houses for sale, as well as custom-built houses, contract work, remodeling, and real estate sales (land, detached houses, condominiums). Although our homes are built for sale, we offer the same freedom in floor plan design, specifications, and colors as custom-built homes, and we can also develop original homes that meet our customers' changing lifestyles.
This is part of efforts coordinated with the international goals [SDGs] for the realization of a sustainable society, with a particular focus on "support for women's advancement in society" and "support for child rearing.
We hope that this childcare service will provide parents with an opportunity to review detailed information about their home at their leisure and contemplate their future.
Contact Us
MOM GOLFChildcare: We provide childcare services for customers, golf course employees, and caddies in the competition rooms and other available spaces on the golf course, as well as for the children of players competing in professional women's tournaments.