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Shuwa System provides easy-to-understand basic knowledge of the maternity and childcare leave system and how to utilize it! The book, "Illustrated Pocket: The Basics and Structure of the Maternity and Childcare Leave System," is useful for balancing work and childcare.

(Tokyo, Chairman and President: Tomokazu Ueda) will publish a new book, "Illustrated Pocket: The Basics and Structure of the Maternity and Childcare Leave System" on September 14, 2024.

- The following is content from the press release -

This book is an introductory guide that provides basic knowledge of the maternity and childcare leave system and how to utilize it in an easy-to-understand manner. For those who are considering balancing work and childcare, the book introduces the process of taking maternity leave, how to apply for it, and the systems related to the money that can be received during childbirth and childcare. It includes questions such as, "When can I start taking maternity leave after I become pregnant?" What kind of money can I get during childcare leave? and "When can I take maternity leave after I become pregnant?

In addition, the "child nursing care leave" system, which is scheduled to be made available for participation in children's events, and the exemption system for overtime work, which will expand the scope of coverage, can be clearly understood.

Book Overview

Title Illustrated Pocket Book: The Basics and Structure of the Maternity and Childcare Leave System
Author: Takami Miyatake
List price 1100 yen (tax included)
Release date September 14, 2024
Rakuten Books, Inc.

The main text is gently explained with charts and illustrations!

Table of Contents

Chapter1  Pregnancy
Chapter2  Systems available before and after childbirth for working
Chapter3  Money received during maternity leave, etc.
Chapter4  Childcare leave
Chapter5  Money system for childcare leave
Chapter6.  System for balancing work and childcare
Chapter7.  Financial systems for balancing work and childcare
Chapter8.  Response to harassment, etc.

About the Author

Takami Miyatake

Meinan Management Social and Labor Insurance Consultant Corporation, Specified Social and Labor Insurance Consultant, Industrial Counselor

He has worked with a wide range of clients, from small and medium-sized companies to prime TSE-listed companies, and provides practical advice on human resources and labor management. She is the administrator of the Internet information site "" and is one of the best in Japan at collecting and disseminating the latest information in the field of personnel and labor issues. She is the author of many books, including "Shinpan: Maternity and Childcare Leave Practice Book for General Affairs Managers" (Nihon Jitsugyo Shuppansha, Ltd.).