BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Hope for Children of Single Parent Families. Saitama Youth Support Network and PairTil collaborate - Online and real support are combined to expand activities in Saitama area.

Combining the strengths of community-based support and online communities. A new support model to accompany children from single-parent families is launched. Aiming to prevent isolation and promote independence.

- The following is content from the press release -

Saitama Youth Support Net (Location: Saitama City, Representative: Kyo Aoto), an authorized NPO that develops support activities for young people and children who cannot find a place in society, and PairChill, a non-profit organization that develops and operates a talk app for single mothers and single fathers called "PairChill. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shogo Minami) will launch an initiative to support children from single-parent families.

In order to provide children from single-parent families with experiences that will lead to their futures, PairTil and Saitama Youth Support Net, a certified NPO, will collaborate in the Saitama area to jointly implement publicity for the experiences.

Saitama Youth Support Net, a certified NPO that has been dealing with poverty and isolation of children and youth for more than 10 years.

Since 2011, Saitama Youth Support Network has been conducting activities rooted in the "community" centering on Saitama City. From creating a place for children from needy households to support their learning and employment, we are working to create a local commons, a system in which local residents take the initiative in supporting the local community.

Aim of the collaboration

By collaborating with the general incorporated association Pair Chill and utilizing the online platform of the Pair Chill App to disseminate information about their activities, the two organizations aim to provide comprehensive support for children from single-parent families on a wider scale. The aim is to realize more effective support by leveraging the strengths of both organizations.

By combining PairTil's platform with the networks we have established with government agencies in Saitama City and Saitama Prefecture, universities in Saitama Prefecture, private organizations that support children and youth, local community organizations, businesses, experts, and people from not only the fields of education and welfare, but also medicine, law, sports, theater, music, dance, and other arts, PairTil will be able to provide more specialized and multifaceted support. By combining these networks, we are able to provide more professional and multifaceted support.

PairChill, a talk app that allows single mothers and single fathers to chat and discuss issues with other single parents in similar situations.

Pair Chill" is a talk application that allows single parents in similar situations to connect and consult with each other, reflecting the voices of dozens of single parents.

Many people have voiced their concerns that "it is difficult to build a relationship with a single parent who is in a different situation and has different problems and concerns, so it is difficult to discuss and empathize with them. In addition to a basic profile, "Pair Chill" allows users to set up detailed profiles, including how they became single parents, the age and number of children, and whether or not they are paying for childcare.

Released on the Apple Store and Google Play Store in June 2023, it is currently used by single parents in all 47 prefectures.

Download link for iOS version of the application

Link to download the Android version of the application

The app is completely free!


Company name: General Incorporated Association Pair Chill (non-profit type)
Head office: 2-2-15 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Shogo Minami
Establishment: October 2022 (Date of establishment: September 2021)
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