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MagicAl Pass releases "Majinavi," a web media that solves the "unanswered questions" of parents who are challenging elementary school entrance examinations and provides information on the current state of elementary school entrance examinations.

Majinavi aims to create a society in which children can choose an elementary school based on their values and empathy for the educational philosophy based on correct information for the children who will pioneer the future.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head office: Meguro-ku, Tokyo; President: Shu Takagi) will open the web media "MAGINAVI" on August 31, 2024 to make known the current status of elementary school entrance examinations. This media will support the realization of elementary school entrance examinations as a valuable option for working families with large time constraints and families who are taking their first elementary school entrance examinations.

Maginavi" logo

Information on elementary school entrance examinations is often not clearly stated, and it is not uncommon for people to spend a lot of time and money to scrutinize and gather information. Therefore, in order to properly support elementary school entrance examinations, we have created the web media "MAGINAVIWe are pleased to announce the launch of a new media site, "". This media will provide the latest educational information on elementary schools that we have learned through our research activities, as well as exam preparation measures based on our own experiences, in order to support parents and children preparing for elementary school entrance examinations to prepare efficiently for the entrance examinations and take on their first challenges.

Majinavi" Site Top

Six features of "Maginavi

  1. We provide accurate and abundant information on elementary school entrance exams.
  2. We offer concrete solutions based on real-life experience
  3. We provide the latest educational information based on our own interviews with elementary schools.
  4. Written and supervised by elementary education navigator Minako Yokoyama
  5. We offer "Individual Free Consultation" to solve your problems related to elementary school entrance examinations.
  6. We offer exam preparation benefits through our official LINE account.


Introduction to Elementary Education Navigator

Minako Yokoyama (MagicAlpass Inc.)

She has experience preparing her two children for elementary school entrance exams while working full-time as a co-worker. She has conducted seminars for 1,000 mothers raising children. Eldest son, April 2022: Enrolled in a national elementary school with a 12 times higher admission rate than his peers. Her eldest daughter was admitted to a private elementary school in April 2024. She herself graduated from Yokohama National University affiliated Kamakura Elementary and Junior High School. After working for Recruit Co. for 14 years, founded MagicAl Pass. Provides information on elementary school entrance examinations for Nikkei Xwoman, Diamond online, AERAkids, etc.

What is the "Experience of the Acceptance Testimonials" that can be booked on Majinavi?

 Elementary Education Navigator Minako Yokoyama will share her own personal elementary school entrance exam experience with you individually. In addition, if you have any further questions, we will offer solutions according to your individual ideas.

What you can discuss with us

  • General questions about elementary school entrance exams
  • Issues and concerns unique to dual-income households
  • Children's learning methods and lifestyle
  • Advice on selecting schools of interest, etc.

How to make a reservation

Easy reservation through Majinavi or official LINE account
Registration benefits are available.

consultative formality

Online (Zoom, etc.)

Consultation Hours

1 session, 30 min.

Through testimonials, you will be able to obtain not only general information, but also specific advice tailored to your own situation, allowing you to prepare for the exam in a more practical way.

Future development of MAGINAVI

Majinavi will continue to actively interview elementary schools and introduce up-to-date and detailed information on schools and their unique educational policies alongside the official Majipass channel.

Official channel of MAGIPASS:

Through these developments, the media will provide more practical support for elementary school entrance examinations by offering accurate and original information to families with two working parents and families who are taking their first elementary school entrance examinations, and by providing a society in which children can choose an elementary school based on their values and empathy for educational principles with correct information for their future. We aim to create a society where children can choose an elementary school based on their values and empathy for the educational philosophy with correct information.

About MagicAl Pass, Inc.

The company aims to contribute to solving issues related to balancing career continuity and child rearing, and as a first step, it provides support for elementary school entrance exams for dual-earner households. The company's members consist of AI engineers who graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and working mothers who actually experienced four years of preparing for elementary school entrance exams. The company is committed to addressing the various issues faced by working families by creating services based on cutting-edge AI technology and real-life experience. We want to support working mothers and fathers in balancing child-rearing and career continuity with cutting-edge technology.

About Us
Company name: MagicAl Pass Inc.
Representative Director: Shu Takagi
Location: 201 Corpo-Minami, 2-10-12 Ohashi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Business activities: Education business