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Outpatient clinic for "baby's head shape" opened at Hokkaido Children's Comprehensive Medical and Rehabilitation Center, where "baby's head shape" corrective treatment using helmets manufactured by Japan Medical Company will be available.

- The following is content from the press release -

The Hokkaido Children's Medical and Rehabilitation Center (Sapporo, Hokkaido; Director: Motoki Takamuro) has opened an "Outpatient Clinic for Baby's Head Shape" in the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, where patients can receive cranial correction treatment using "Qurum Fit," a helmet developed and manufactured by Japan Medical Company (Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hideaki Ohno) to correct the head shape of babies. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hideaki Ohno), which corrects the shape of the baby's head.

 Amidst growing social interest in the treatment of babies' head deformities, the Hokkaido Children's Medical and Rehabilitation Center (hereinafter referred to as "Codomocle"), which plays a central role in regional medical care in Hokkaido, will open an "outpatient clinic for babies' head deformities" in August 2024. This means that patients can now receive consultation and treatment for baby head deformities at Codomocle.

 This is the first outpatient clinic in Hokkaido where a physician is responsible for the shape of the child's head and its development and growth from the initial consultation to the end of treatment.

 At Codomocle's "Outpatient Baby Head Deformity Clinic," infants can receive a proper differential diagnosis (cranial health examination) to determine whether the distortion is caused by disease or positional deformity (mainly caused by the direction of the head while sleeping), and receive treatment according to the situation. Specialist staff from Japan Medical Company, Inc. will participate in the examination, and together with the doctors, will provide services that are close to the baby and the family.

 Doctors in charge of medical care at Codomocle have participated in the "Helmet Appropriate Treatment for Positional Cranial Deformity Workshop" (*note) sponsored by Japan Medical Company, a place for doctors to learn about the shape of babies' heads and helmet treatment, and are planning to visit a facility (university hospital) that has introduced helmet treatment before the start of outpatient care. We are planning to visit a facility (university hospital) where the helmet treatment has been introduced before the start of outpatient treatment.

*Japan Medical Company, Inc. will hold the 4th Helmet Appropriate Treatment Workshop for Positional Cranial Deformity on June 2, 2024. )

About Kodomokuru

 The Hokkaido Comprehensive Medical and Rehabilitation Center for Children (nicknamed "Codomokuru") was established in September 2007 by integrating the Comprehensive Health Center for Children and the Sapporo Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center for Physically Disabled Children.

 As the only comprehensive pediatric hospital in Hokkaido that provides comprehensive medical care and rehabilitation from the fetal period onward, it offers advanced medical care and high-quality advanced medical care through the establishment of a "Specified Functional Perinatal Maternal and Child Health Care Center" for high-risk fetuses and newborns, a "Cardiovascular Disease Center" to treat congenital heart disease, and a "Comprehensive Development Support Center" that provides rehabilitation based on medical evidence. The hospital provides advanced medical care and high-quality, advanced medical services, including the establishment of the "Comprehensive Developmental Support Center," which provides rehabilitation based on medical evidence.

 The center has 25 departments, and for rare, intractable, and multiorgan diseases of children, all related medical and surgical departments, nurses, pharmacists, therapists (physical, occupational, speech, and vision), radiologists, laboratory technicians, and nutritionists work as a team to provide multidisciplinary medical care to treat a single patient. We provide multidisciplinary medical care. In addition, child psychiatry, psychologists, and nursery school teachers work closely together to provide mental health care.

 Aiming to realize a society in which children, the future leaders of Hokkaido, can grow up healthy and happy, we, the staff, will make daily efforts to provide safe and high standard medical care and rehabilitation as a specialized pediatric medical and rehabilitation facility, while collaborating with medical institutions and rehabilitation facilities within Hokkaido.

Hokkaido Comprehensive Medical and Rehabilitation Center for Children (Kodomokuru)

About the physician responsible for the initial consultation

Hokkaido Children's Comprehensive Medical and Rehabilitation Center
Kazuhisa Yoshifuji, Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery

Affiliations and Certifications

Board Certified Neurosurgeon, Japan Neurosurgical Society
Board Certification in Pediatric Neurosurgery, Japan
Board Certification in Spinal Cord Surgery, Japan
Spine Surgeon
Councilor, Japanese Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Sponsor, Spina Bifida Research Society of Japan
Board Member, Japan Children's Hospital Neurosurgery Association

Comments from Dr. Yoshifuji on the opening of the Baby's Head Shape Outpatient Clinic

How I got started with helmet therapy

 Some, but not all, cases of cranial deformity have advanced to the point where spontaneous lightening or improvement with routine care is not possible. In such situations, helmet therapy may be desired. Until now, we have been referring patients to other facilities (facilities in Honshu), but we felt that we should establish a system that can handle such cases locally as well.

What to keep in mind when examining a patient

 We try to differentiate well from pathological deformities, i.e., premature fusion of the skull sutures.

A message to parents who are struggling

 Please see us first and ask any questions you may have. We will explain the situation after examining you.

 Please note that if helmet treatment is an option for cranial deformity correction, we will provide such information, but we will not forcefully recommend helmet treatment. We respect the parents' freedom to make their own decisions.

About baby's head distortion

 The main cause of distortion of the baby's head is external pressure such as orientation, but rarely there is pathological deformity, and it is the positional cranial deformity caused by external pressure that is the subject of helmet therapy. It is now possible to treat cranial deformity by wearing a therapeutic helmet between the ages of 3 and 6 months, when the baby's head circumference is growing rapidly.

 Measurement of the shape of a baby's head can be done not only with a dedicated 3D scanner, but also with the "Baby Head Shape Measurement App".

 The "Baby Head Shape Measurement App" developed by Japan Medical Company, Inc. makes it easy to measure the shape of a baby's head by simply taking a picture. The application has been downloaded more than 250,000 times(*Note) and its accuracy has been improved, and the application data has been used in publications by physicians. The app is designed under the supervision of doctors and can also be useful during medical examinations at hospitals.

Note: June 2024, according to our research.

*The first "baby head shape measurement" application in Japan has been downloaded more than 250,000 times in total! Application to not only measurement of infant cranial deformity but also research and development on cranial deformity is progressing.
(in Japanese history) )

iOS version

Android version

Products Qurum Fit / Qurum

 Japan Medical Company, which has been manufacturing cranial shape corrective helmets for many years, formed a development study committee and jointly developed this helmet with doctors from the departments of neurosurgery, pediatrics, neonatology, pediatric surgery, and plastic surgery. The helmet is made in Japan using a state-of-the-art 3D printer, is highly breathable to prevent overheating, and the cushion itself as well as the helmet can be washed in water. From the mechanism to the design, we have given shape to what babies need.

 In addition to the high quality of the product itself, physicians who wish to use our helmets are required to attend a helmet proper treatment workshop and visit a leading medical institution (university hospital) with a proven track record of treatment. Even after the introduction of our helmets, physicians are requested to continue participating in the Helmet Appropriate Treatment Workshop.

 This is Japan Medical Company's own standard, which was decided and introduced by the directors of the Japan Craniofacial Health Examination and Treatment Research Association and other doctors so that parents can receive cranial health examination and helmet treatment with peace of mind.

What we can do for "the utmost peace of mind. The introduction and post-introduction process of helmet therapy is another of Japan Medical Company's qualities.

About Japan Medical Company, Inc.

 Japan Medical Company is a manufacturing venture company that uses cutting-edge 3D printing technology to revolutionize the shape of medicine. The company develops, manufactures, and sells "QurumFit" and "Qurum", helmets that correct "head distortion" in babies.

 With a cumulative total of more than 15,000 cases treated with helmets, we will work to further expand awareness of helmet therapy and promote the concept of cranial shape correction itself and disease awareness.

Company name: Japan Medical Company, Inc.
■Established: May 2018
Representative Director and CEO: Hideaki Ohno
■Business activities: Development, manufacture, and sales of medical equipment; development, manufacture, and sales of miscellaneous medical products

List of Japan Medical Company, Inc. press releases