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You can search for places where you can play with handheld fireworks! Smartphone application "Hanabi-Navi"|IT enthusiast mom: Together with Ogamari's baby tech

Hello! I am Ogamari.

Fireworks are one of the most popular summer traditions! We went to a fireworks display the other day. Watching fireworks is great, but we also want to enjoy hand-held fireworks! However, the problem we had when we moved away from our hometown was that we didn't know where we could enjoy fireworks! I want to enjoy them with my children, but I haven't been able to do so for a while.

In the midst of all this, information about a don't-miss application has been circulating on social networking sites, so I will share it with you!

Easily search for places to enjoy handheld fireworks!

Hanabi-Navi" is a smartphone application that allows users to search for places where they can play with fireworks or buy fireworks, and is provided by Wakamatsuya Corporation, which sells fireworks and other products.

iOS / Android

In a social networking survey conducted by Wakamatsuya, "What is your biggest problem when playing with toy fireworks?" the results showed that 51.3%, more than half of the respondents were having trouble with the place to play with fireworks. Everyone is the same...!

When you open the application, you will see a menu where you can check "Places to play with fireworks", "Campgrounds where you can play with fireworks", "Stores where you can buy fireworks", and "Fireworks display information" respectively. You will see a menu where you can look up

You can also review the rules of playing with fireworks perfectly!

Tap "Play with Fireworks" to find a place where you can enjoy fireworks in the area.

When you select an area, you will see rules and precautions unique to the selected area. Are you doing a survey of all the areas? That's amazing!

A map is displayed, making it easy to find locations close to your current location.

Tap on the name of a park or other area to see details.

Again, they provide detailed precautions so that you can play with peace of mind!

You can also search for "campsites" and "stores" where you can buy fireworks by selecting an area on the map.

Fireworks display information can also be searched!

Hanabi-Navi" is affiliated with Walkerplus+ and can also search for information on fireworks displays!

You can search by area, date, ranking, etc.

The ranking can be displayed by selecting "number of fireworks launched," "number of people at the fireworks display," "number of people who would like to visit," and "number of people who are happy to have visited.

You may be able to find fireworks shows you didn't know about, or fireworks shows with holes in them!

Fireworks season is still going on! Put "Hanabi-Navi" in your smartphone and enjoy hand-held and shot fireworks with your parents and children!

Child of the Week.

We went to the Chuo Line Green Car Ride Experience Event. Unlike usual, there were fewer people and my daughter was very excited to see various exhibits in the car! We are looking forward to the start of the train service.

Ogamari (IT enthusiast)

A new mother who gave birth in May 2010, she is a freelance website developer, computer instructor, and programming tutor. Her hobbies are watching comedy and bowling (she is a bowler, but is taking a break due to the birth of her child).

Operates "MOMIT," an online IT community for moms only.