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Nicomic," a new way to enjoy child-rearing, is launched to help you clear your mind about child-rearing through manga.

The secret of Nicomic's ability to make childcare more enjoyable is to turn the stress of childcare into laughter through cartoons!

- The following is content from the press release -

(headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Risako Harada, President) released "Nicomic," a service that gives form to the everyday life of child-rearing in manga form on July 31, 2024. In an unprecedented method of recording child-rearing, users simply input their daily child-rearing episodes and touching moments on line, and professional manga artists will create original manga.

Nicomic is a new childcare support tool that brings a smile to your face by reflecting on the difficulties and joys of childcare in a fun way. It creates emotions such as "chuckles" at the image of oneself reflected in the manga, giving a little more leeway to the daily routine of child-rearing. In addition, all non-fiction manga by other users can be read for free, providing a sense of security that you are not alone.

In addition, to celebrate the service launch, a special half-price offer during the summer vacation period, when the burden of childcare increases, will be offered to the first 100 customers starting today. Please take this opportunity to experience the recording and sharing of childcare with Nicomic.


Nicomic's Background and Thoughts: Nicomic was started by the original experience of the CEO himself.

The challenges of childcare in Japan have been addressed by society as a whole over the years, but many families continue to feel the burden of childcare. I was on maternity leave with my partner, who was relocating to a new country, and we were taking on the challenge of

However, raising a child in a solitary environment with no relatives or friends was tougher than I had ever imagined. Even though I had knowledge of child-rearing, the reality of child-rearing was completely different. The inconvenience of not being able to act on my own initiative and the loneliness of a day that ended without talking to anyone gradually pushed me over the edge.

Sleeping, eating, cleaning - every activity was interrupted by the crying of my children, and my time was being cut into small pieces. Eventually, I could no longer express my feelings or even the events of my daily life in words, and I had no idea where "I" was.

Then, news of a mother who died of postpartum depression caught my attention. At that moment, I thought to myself, "If I had done one thing wrong, I might have ended up like that mother. If I had done one thing wrong, I might have ended up like that mother.

Every day my child is growing steadily, but I don't even have time to feel the joy of it. That is why I began to wonder if I could change my attitude toward childcare by recording and reflecting on the time spent "me and my child.

We felt we needed a tool to enrich the minds of those raising children as much as possible.

Nicomic" was born from this desire.

Through the technique of manga,
Even busy mothers can easily read it in their skim time and feel a little refreshed.

I want to offer a moment when you can look at yourself objectively and smile as you are busy raising your child.

We also hoped that through the manga, we could share our empathy with our partners and other mothers and help alleviate the feeling of loneliness.
Nicomic is a service that was born out of a desire to help mothers and fathers, who are facing the challenges of raising children at all costs, regain a little smile and peace of mind.

Thoughts behind Nicomic
Realistic cartoon of childcare produced by Nicomic 1st verification.

Easy Steps! A Guide to Using Nicomic to Turn Comics into Laughs

Nicomic is a new service that makes child-rearing more fun and heartwarming. With Nicomic's humorous cartoons, you can make your child-rearing experience more enjoyable and heartwarming.

Using Nicomic is very simple.

First, register as a free new member on line and record your daily episodes, feelings, etc.

Answer the five questions in a conversational style.

Official LINE account URL

If you have any questions about how to use the system, please contact us.

Support Line Account URL].

By registering photos together, the moments of childcare can be recorded more vividly.

Next, the Nicomic staff creates a wonderful story based on the diary, free of charge.

If you like the story, you can purchase an original manga drawn by a professional cartoonist and keep it as a special memory.

Finally, share the excitement with grandparents and other family members by sharing the manga you have purchased, adding to the joy of raising your child.

Steps to use Nicomic

More detailed instructions can be found by clicking below.

Two narrated videos explain how to use it

Real testimonials from Nicomic users offering positive perspective transformation during childcare.

We wanted to find out if Nicomic was a source of emotional support for moms raising children, so we interviewed users to find out what they had to say about Nicomic. One mother in her 40s said, "It made me want to hug my child!" and said that through the manga, she felt a renewed sense of love for her child. A mother in her 20s said, "It made our conversations more enjoyable! Another mother in her twenties said, "I enjoy our conversations as a couple! Many mothers feel that Nicomic has helped them have more conversations with their families and strengthen their bonds in the midst of their busy lives.

I was able to pick myself up after reading it!" and other comments such as, "An ordinary day became a moment I don't want to forget," and "I was surprised by the storytelling in the manga, which also has a punchline. The charm of Nicomic is that it reduces the loneliness and stress of child-rearing and helps you find small joys in your daily life.

Nicomic is also attractive because it is a service that provides mothers with an opportunity to look at childrearing in a more positive light and to reflect on themselves. Nicomic has been well received by many users. We believe that the real voices of our users are what make Nicomic so close to the daily lives of mothers and support them during their child-rearing years.

Excerpts from user testimonials on the LP website
Comments from moms who participated in Nicomic1st Verification

Half-price campaign for the first 100 customers starting today to celebrate the service launch

Starting today, we are offering a half-price campaign to the first 100 customers as a gesture of support for moms and dads who are working hard during the summer vacation to raise their children. Please take advantage of this great opportunity to preserve the memories of childcare.

Nicomic's unique humorous cartoons are sure to make your daily child-rearing experience more enjoyable and heartwarming.

Campaign Overview
Dates: August 29 (Thursday) to October 4 (Friday)
LP website

Further special offers for Instagram followers only, delivered from time to time.

A cartoon of a user who used Nicomic to record his "daughter's funny behavior" that could not be recorded on video.

Nicomic will further develop in the future to bring more smiles to moms' faces!

Official Character: Nikomikkun

In order to further accelerate the joy of child-rearing, we plan to release an original picture book featuring mothers and their children by the end of this year. In addition, we will actively promote collaboration with other services to enhance user convenience. Furthermore, we plan to introduce a function that allows users to choose their favorite manga touch, and to expand the current once-a-month story provision to once daily.

Developer's comments

Representative Director, Risako Harada (also raising a 4-year-old and 2-year-old herself)

With the launch of Nicomic, I am finally able to release the 1st solution to the challenges of childcare that I have actually been a party to.

We have been working on this project with a strong desire to provide a tool for mothers and fathers who are struggling to raise their children to look back on their child-rearing activities in a more enjoyable way by preserving their daily episodes along with their feelings. We are very happy to finally be able to introduce it to the world.

We will continue to listen to the voices of mothers and further expand our services to reduce the burden of childcare and increase the number of families with smiles on their faces. We hope that many people will use Nicomic and experience the joy of child-rearing with us.

About SANTAM Corporation

Established on November 29, 2023, SANTAM Corporation is a start-up company whose business is driven by the original experience of its president, Harada. Our mission is to provide solutions to the various challenges faced by modern families during the entire process from pregnancy to childbirth and childcare. In particular, we continue to seek a multifaceted approach to create a richer and more secure child-rearing environment, while keeping mothers and fathers close to heart.

The company's service aims to provide an unprecedented form of childcare support, and in particular, to provide a platform for recording and sharing daily moments of childcare using digital technologies such as generative AI. In order to realize its business goals, Nicomic has been selected for the "FY2024 Project for Promoting Corporate Value Enhancement through the Active Participation of Diverse Human Resources (Outgoing Entrepreneurship Subsidy)". As a result, Nicomic will receive support from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for a portion of the cost of Nicomic's business development activities.

Last name as shown on the Certificate of Registered Matters

We will continue to listen carefully to our users and develop new services and products to enrich the lives of all people involved in childcare.

About Us

SANTAM Corporation Logo

Company name: SANTAM Co.
Head Office: Shin-Aoyama Building West Tower 7F, 1-1-1 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Risako Harada
Establishment: November 29, 2023
Business: Business supporting pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare