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Making Child-Rearing Easier by "Putting Children to Sleep Without Putting Them to Sleep. As a mother who has experienced sleepless nights, Haruka Waki wants to be a "nenne mama"|Haruka Waki

- The following is content from the press release -

With the vision of "creating an environment that makes child-rearing easier and families smiling," mominess, Inc. is engaged in the business of supporting child-rearing during infancy through the activities of its representative, Haruka Waki (Nenne Mama). After a difficult experience of not being able to sleep due to crying at night for over a year after the birth of her first child, the representative herself felt that good sleep was necessary for a happy life as a mother and a family, and started the"Sleepy Mama."This is an activity as a

In the five years since we started our activities in 2019, we have continued to disseminate information on how to help children become better at their own sleep (nenne) on YouTube and various social networking sites for parents nationwide, and we now have more opportunities to be featured on TV, newspapers, radio, magazines, and other media.

In this story, we will look back at the background of the birth of "Nenne Mama" and tell you about our proposal, "sleep training that doesn't put you to sleep.

I am astonished at how difficult it is to put them to bed. Every day I dread the coming of night.

In 2017, after the birth of my first child, I facedThe "Can't Sleep" ProblemI had heard from a student friend who had given birth before me that she could not sleep more than three hours straight. I had heard from a friend from school who had given birth before me that she could not sleep for more than three hours in a row, but I took it as a luxury and thought that she must be happy because she was having a baby.

However, when it came time to give birth to my own daughter, I was astonished at how little sleep I got. After an hour of squatting and shaking my sweaty baby in my arms, who cried loudly at night, I finally fell asleep. When she finally fell asleep, she would wake up crying if I put her on the bed, so I gently leaned against the bed wall and held her on my stomach for another hour until I passed out. I woke up, felt a pain in my back, but carefully put her on the bed, got under the covers myself, and went to bed. Half an hour later, she wakes up crying again, and I get up, put on her glasses, put her hair up and feed her. When she's done, I get up again, hold her, rock her, and pass out while holding her on my stomach....

I kept repeating this throughout the night. It was so painful that every night was so depressing that I wanted to escape and even disappear....

Important knowledge about child care that was not learned in parent-teacher classes or midwife visits

When my daughter was 8 months old, she was accepted into daycare. In other words, I decided to return to work. I felt that I could not go back to work in my current condition! I felt impatient and decided to work in earnest to solve the problem of night crying.

A friend living abroad told me that there were experts in infant sleep abroad, and I decided to consult with them. The knowledge I gained there was a surprise to me at the time.

  • Soft items such as pillows, cushions, and quilts can cause suffocation.
  • For safety reasons, babies should not be placed in the same bed with an adult.
  • Failure to allow naps in moderation leads to nighttime crying.
  • If you take them suddenly from a brightly lit place to the bedroom, they won't be hormonal and won't be able to sleep.
  • If you put him on the futon after he falls asleep in your arms, he wakes up startled by the change in environment.

My first thought was.Why didn't they tell me this earlier at the hospital!"I had thought that she cried at night because she was the type of child who cried at night. I had always assumed that my child cried at night because she was that type of child, but I had never dreamed that it was my own behavior and environment that was the cause of the crying.

Determined to help moms and dads in Japan. Little by little, our thoughts are getting closer to taking shape.

I was shocked to learn that information about things that are commonplace in other countries was virtually nonexistent in Japan... At the same time, I felt a sense of mission in my heart.I have to spread this to Japan. I have to bring the right knowledge to moms who suffer the same way!"Feeling this way, I returned to work and began to study pediatric sleep professionally while working.

I began to share what I had learned on social networking sites, and I also began to distribute videos on YouTube in order to reach as many parents as possible. At the company I was working for at the time, I was sometimes ridiculed by colleagues passing me in the hallway, who would say, "Yo! No matter how serious and important I thought I was talking about, I would only get about 100 views. The number of subscribers to my channel was not even close to 500.

At that time, there was still not much of a culture of learning about parenting on YouTube, and while learning channels for businessmen, known as business-oriented channels, were becoming popular, entertainment was the mainstream for women. Despite these circumstances, we continued to transmit our YouTube content because we felt that it was important for people to watch our videos.

As the term "Mommy Brain" suggests, it is often difficult to use one's mind after childbirth. Reading and understanding text and deciphering images can be a hurdle for mothers in the early postpartum period. That is why,I wanted to create a way to just play it on YouTube and learn somewhat.The first thing I wanted was to be able to talk to someone about my problems. To have someone talk to me with emotion and empathize with my difficult situation was one of the things I wanted them to do for me when I was struggling.

The turning point came in February 2020, about six months after the channel was launched.Ten bedtime nuggets."The video "Sleep Solution" was a hit, and in no time the number of subscribers to the channel exceeded 10,000. At the same time, the number of inquiries for sleep counseling increased, and little by little, we began to approach the form we had envisioned of solving each person's sleep problems.

The story behind the birth of the online consultation community, "Enhanced Sleep Training Class," which was launched in earnest after his retirement.

In the summer of 2020, I decided to retire in order to fully expand our activities. By devoting all my time to this project, I could save more people! I was determined to do so.

However, when it is only one nenen mama who receives consultations, there will be a limit to the number. Even though there are many people suffering from problems, one person cannot handle them all.

In addition, there was another issue. The cost of individual consultation was quite high, and this made it difficult for customers to seek advice. Some customers said, "I feel like a bad mother for spending money on childcare counseling..." We were also faced with a high psychological barrier to childcare counseling.

So there,Is there any way to advise as many people as possible at the lowest possible cost?After thinking about it, I found a form of online salon. The name of the YouTube channel at the time was "Sleep Training Specialized School" (currently "Nenne Mama no Motto Raku Suru Kosodate Joho Bureaus"), and it was meant to be like a special class within that school."Sleep Training Reinforcement Classes."We named it

We created a place on the Internet where parents who were struggling with nighttime crying and bedtime routines could gather, and created a style of one-on-one consultation where parents could consult with their children about their concerns. This sleep training class has produced a cumulative total of over 1,800 graduates to date, making it one of the largest salons in Japan specializing in pediatric sleep.

The Strengthening Sleep Training Class mainly brings together people who have sleep problems with their children between the ages of 0 and 3, and they tell us their problems: "I have a hard time getting my child to sleep only by carrying him or her in my arms," "I have a hard time getting my child to sleep through the night after the first year," "I keep losing sleep, and my mind and body are in shambles. Many people want to change such situations but have so many worries that they do not know which step to take first. For such people, we talk step by step about what they want to do first and what to do next from a specialist's point of view.

Participants said.I am so glad I found this class. I don't know what I would have done without this place. I can't thank you enough." "My life has changed because I can now think of my child as cute." The members who are suffering from the same problems as I am are reassuring and have helped me get through some tough nights."We are still constantly receiving comments such as the following. Some of them even drew a comic strip about their experience in the bedtime training class.

Her husband, a government employee, also retired and joined the management. Together, they take on the challenge of supporting childcare.

Summer 2021.The Baby's Book of Sleep Right Away, Sleep Well.and changed the way bookstores and libraries deliver knowledge.

This winter, in order to further promote the business, my husband, who was a government employee, decided to retire and run the business with me. Some of my family members said, "What a waste of a public employee..." I also felt uneasy about running the Nenemama business as a single business for the whole family. Moreover, I found out that I was pregnant with my second child at that time.

However, by putting your own knowledge and experience on this baby, you will be able to say to yourself, "This is really the way to get your baby to sleep. It will prove to myself that "this is really the way to get babies to sleep and make it easier for me to put them to sleep! I decided to start mominess, Inc. with my husband.

Increased social networking followers to approximately 200,000 and became the talk of the town as a nanny-mama.

Since becoming a corporation, we have been able to put much more effort into YouTube, social networking, and writing articles, and we have had more opportunities to be featured in the media.

By 2024, I will have about 200,000 followers, and when I walk down the street, people with children say to me, "You are Nenne Mama, aren't you? I always watch YouTube! When we walk down the street, we are increasingly approached by people with children who say, "You're Nenne Mama, aren't you?

We have received words of gratitude in the past as online interviews or social networking messages, but now we actually receive them face to face, such as, "Thanks to Nenne Mama, this child is sleeping through the night! I have been really indebted to you. I watched most of your videos! I have been rewarded for all the work I have done to help families raising children.

The Importance of Creating an Environment that Draws Out the Child's Strengths from the Perspective of Montessori Education

In our dealings with many parents, we are reminded that sleep is not the only concern in childrearing. They have a variety of worries, such as, "I don't cry at night anymore, but I feel so tired because of the earliest stage of crying," or "I want to do something good for my child, but I don't know what is the best thing to do.

In order to go beyond the boundaries of pediatric sleep and help parents of young children in a broader field, I also specialized in Montessori education, which had always interested me, and obtained my teaching certification.

Montessori education includes.Self-education skills."This means that children have the ability to nurture themselves. The idea is that parents' role is not to teach, but to support and create an environment that draws out the child's innate abilities.

This concept is common to the methods we have been using to improve children's sleep. Children have the ability to sleep, and if we, as parents, can create an environment that helps them to do so, and if we can devise ways to interact with them, they will be able to fall asleep on their own.

Effectiveness and practice of 10-minute nurture, a "no-sleep bedtime routine" that reduces parental stress.

Incorporating the concept of self-education skills in Montessori education, Nenne Mama also recommends a "no-sleep" bedtime routine. This is,A method in which parents do not try their best to "put the child to sleep" but rather support the child in creating an environment in which the child can sleep on his or her own if he or she wants to, so that he or she can demonstrate strength.It is.

Usually, we hold and rock our children to sleep or breastfeed them, but we are eliminating the time it takes to put them to sleep. Specifically, we aim to create a situation where the child will fall asleep on his/her own simply by saying "good night" and leaving the room. Do this.Self-sleep."We call it.

This elimination of time to put the child to bed will greatly reduce the parent's stress level. Parents are freed from the pressure of having to put their children to bed, and can fully enjoy the parent-child time before bed.

Nenne training (or Nentre for short) is the most popular method overseas, but the most famous one is to leave the baby crying and let him or her find his or her way to sleep.

In many cases, it is difficult to use foreign ones as they are because many Japanese are not comfortable with letting their babies cry and also because of the housing environment.

Therefore, we have developed a Japanese10-Minute Nestle.We devised a training method that can be started with as little as 10 minutes a day. Instead of letting the baby cry, we watch the baby for 2-3 minutes, pick him up, and watch him again for 2-3 minutes. Because the baby is not left to cry for long periods of time, the stress level is low, and the method is easy to implement in Japan, where housing is densely populated.

Many families in Japan are now practicing this 10-minute Nentre program, and we are receiving comments on social networking sites about how effective it has been.

To increase family time spent with a smile. For a wider range of activities and support.

Mominess, Inc. and Nenne Mama are committed to increasing the amount of time infant families can spend with a smile on their faces.

We intend to expand the scope of our activities to provide not only solutions to sleep problems such as crying at night and putting children to sleep, but also to deliver information that will support many families raising children in areas such as education, development, diet, and career development for mothers.

Nenne Mama official website:

Mominess Inc. website:

YouTube "Nenne Mama's More Easier Child-Raising Information Bureau:

