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Child-rearing SNS "CLiP Board" releases "Thoughts de SDGs," a new service for reusing toys no longer in use.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head office: Tachikawa City, Tokyo; CEO: Hirokazu Morita), the company behind the "CLiP Board" social networking service for child-rearing mothers and fathers, has released a new service on the "CLiP Board" called "Thoughts de SDGs" that allows users to reuse, sell and donate toys that would otherwise be thrown away.

About "Thoughts de SDGs

With "Thoughts de SDGs," you can record and transmit memories associated with toys you no longer use, while at the same time selling them to interested parties or donating them to children in need.

Specifically, if the items have not sold within three months of being displayed, they will be donated to a children's home or charity organization.

Click here for the CLiP Board website where "Thoughts de SDGs" is available ▶

Not just reuse sales, but "connecting memories.

CLiP Board allows you to share memories and stories related to the items you exhibit and deliver them to the next person in need. This is a service that we hope you will use as an album or record of your child-rearing experiences, such as "My oldest son used to read this picture book to his 2-year-old sister, and he was so happy to see the scenery", or "Thanks to this make-believe set, he is now able to eat vegetables, which he hated, and even helps his mother with her chores". This is a service that we would like you to use as an album or record of your child's life.

Background of the release of "Thoughts de SDGs

In preparation for the release of this service, we conducted a survey of 400 men and women in their 20s to 40s who have children between the ages of 0 and 6.

More than 90% of parents have had trouble disposing of toys, and more than a majority (65%) have chosen to throw them away. On the other hand, only 14% of parents have donated toys.

The next question revealed that more than 40% of parents had considered making a donation. On the other hand, those who had never considered the means of donation exceeded that number, at 43%.

With 60% of parents willing to dispose of their toys for free or for donation, we saw a high potential need for donations.

Based on these results, Head Career Inc. has released "Thoughts de SDGs," which can provide sales and donation opportunities.

Contribute to the SDGs while preserving memories

The reuse market has been growing steadily due to the spread of the SDGs and the increasing trend toward saving money.

Toys quickly become unusable due to rapid growth and the child's own changing booms. Therefore, we thought that if there was a platform for reusing toys, we could contribute to the SDGs by delivering unneeded items to those who need them.

The concept of "思い de SDGs" is to share the memories and stories associated with things and connect them to the next stage. Please try "思い de SDGs", which not only prevents wasting things, but also allows you to send and receive memories with warm feelings.

Head Career Inc. will continue to contribute to parents and society through its services.

*For general inquiries about exhibiting, please contact us at or contact us from

About Us

Company Name : Head Career Inc.
Location : 2-7-17 Sunagawa-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo
Representative: MORITA Hirokazu
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