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BTA2023 Grand Prize-winning educational toy subscribing operator Trana partners with Kumon Publishing to launch corporate subscribing service.

~Newly developed support services for the operation of subsques

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head office: Nakano-ku, Tokyo; President: Norimichi Shida; hereafter "the Company"), operator of the educational toy subscription service for preschoolers, "Toysub! (Head office: Nakano-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Norimichi Shida; hereafter, "the Company"), operator of the educational toy subscription service for preschoolers "Toysub!

Background of Alliance

Matata Pro Set" and "Tailbot Pro Set," programming teaching materials sold by Kumon Publishing, are increasingly being introduced into programming classes at schools, kindergartens, nursery schools, and after-school daycare services. On the other hand, we have received many comments from customers that they would like to try them out first and then consider introducing them.

We have therefore decided to combine the operational structure we have cultivated through the operation of our educational toy subscription service, "Toys Sub! and the know-how of refurbishing educational toys (maintenance work to deliver products to the next customer after use, such as repairs and cleaning), and Kumon Publishing's sales system, we have decided to offer this service as a corporate subscriber service.

By offering short-term, low-cost plans, the initial introduction hurdle will be lowered, allowing users to easily try out the "Matata Pro Set" and "Tailbot Pro Set" programming materials.

Taking the opportunity of this partnership with Kumon Publishing, we will develop a support service for the operation of subsques, which will enable various companies to utilize our know-how on the operation of subscriber services.

Service Overview

New learning programming materials "Matata Pro Set".

The Japanese version of Matata Pro Set, a STEAM & programming material developed by Matatalab, China, was released in September 2020 by Kumon Publishing Co. 

Using a palm-sized robot, students as young as 4 years old can learn programming. No computer, tablet, or programming language is required. Programs can be created by combining various types of blocks and guiding the robot to the goal. Through repeated trial-and-error, the robot develops the ability to think logically and logically, in other words, "programming thinking. The robot also comes with blocks that allow the user to create music and draw shapes. With its diverse functions, it stimulates children's creativity and allows them to experience programming and STEAM education* while having fun.

STEAM education: An educational approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Arts (liberal arts and fine arts).

Matata ProSet" Subscription Plan Service Details and Pricing (tax included)

 Tailbot Pro Set" programming materials that can be played and learned from 3 years old

The Matata series, including the "Matata Pro Set," was launched in June 2022 by Kumon Publishing Co.

Programming is as easy as pressing a button on the robot. After programming movements such as "move forward" or "turn" to reach the destination, place it on the map and off it goes! The robot can learn words, numbers, music, shapes, colors, and many other things by reading the map and emitting audio at each destination. You can switch between 8 languages, so you can learn languages along with programming.

Tailbot Pro Set" Subscription Plan Service Details and Pricing (tax included)

Opportunities for as many children as possible to experience programming.

Programming education has been attracting a lot of attention since it became a compulsory subject in the revised Courses of Study for the 2020 school year. Many schools are now utilizing tablets and PCs for each child.

Toys & Games offers a number of educational toys that allow children to experience programming through its educational toy subscription service "Toys & Games! offers a number of educational toys that allow children to experience programming, and we believe that "Matata Pro Set" and "Tailbot Pro Set" provided by Kumon Publishing are the most suitable programming materials for a group environment where many children learn and play together.

I felt that it was necessary to lower the hurdle for introducing programming materials and to create an environment where many corporations and facilities can easily use them. In order to increase the number of people who are happy with their accomplishments, we felt that it is necessary to lower the hurdles for introducing programming materials and create an environment that is easy for many corporations and facilities to use.

Through this partnership with Kumon Publishing, we hope that more children will have the opportunity to experience programming and enjoy the goal-oriented, interactive and solution-oriented approach.

Contact for inquiries regarding the introduction of corporate subscriber services

Kumon Publishing Co.

Attn: Education Sales Dept.
Tel: 03-6836-0304

Trana Corporation

Contact:Business Development Division
Tel: 03-6882-1954
Inquiry Form:: Contact Us

Toys for Tots! Service Overview

Toysub! is a subscription service that delivers educational toys tailored to the growth of each preschooler from 0 years and 3 months to 6 years old. Under the corporate vision of "Let's increase happy parent-child time," the service has been in operation since November 2015 and has won the "No. 1* number of registered members for educational toy subscription" for three consecutive years. *Surveyed by TPC Marketing Research Inc. as of August 2023

A toy planner, a professional in the field of educational toys, creates a personalized toy plan from among approximately 1,800 types of educational toys and suggests the best educational toys for your child according to his/her growth and development. Five to six educational toys with a total retail value of at least 17,000 yen will be exchanged and delivered every two months. (In the case of the Standard Plan)

Overview of Trana Corporation

Name: Torana Inc. 
Representative: Norimichi Shida, Representative Director 
Location: EFG Bldg. 6F, 1-12-8 Maruyama, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 
Date of establishment: March 6, 2015 
Main business: Operation of a subscription service for educational toys for children aged 0 years and 3 months to 6 years old, "Toysub! Operation of 
Corporate website:  
... "Toy Sub! Service Site: