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MagicAIPass releases "Majitaku," a home study habit building program for elementary school entrance exams targeting busy working families.

-Started a demonstration experiment for the release of "Majitaku," a home study habit-enhancing program equipped with AI, utilizing teaching materials from Shingakai, the largest cram school for preparing students for elementary school entrance examinations.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head Office: Meguro-ku, Tokyo; President: Shu Takagi) has developed "Majitaku," an AI-powered home study habit-forming program. Majitaku" provides each child preparing for elementary school entrance exams with daily homework assignments that perfectly match the child's learning status through an app and printer printout. In preparation for the full-scale introduction of the system, we have started a pilot test with children from 20 households that are members of Shingakai, the largest private preparatory school for elementary school entrance examinations, and will continue to monitor users during the two-month trial to ensure that the system will be introduced in November 2024. We will continue to brush up the system to make it more effective and efficient for busy working households to study at home, and to help them establish good study habits.

Co-workers are the norm for elementary school entrance exams in 2021. Balancing childcare, housework, and preparation for entrance exams is a challenge.

Elementary school entrance exams are for families with full-time housewives. This may be the image that some people have of families with full-time housewives taking the entrance exam for elementary school. In recent years, however, the percentage of working households enrolled in national and private elementary schools has continued to increase, and now accounts for about 70% of the total. Therefore, a major challenge for working households is to find time for childcare and household chores while preparing for entrance examinations.

90% of elementary school students in dual-earner households face problems with home study.

The results of a survey of 1,000 participants in a seminar on elementary school entrance examinations for dual-earner households, in which we spoke, revealed that 90% of families face major challenges in home study.

Major Issues Based on Survey Results

I can't get into the habit of studying at home."
"I have difficulty managing my time between work and preparing for exams at home."
It's hard to motivate children to learn at home."
I've been going to a cram school, but my child's learning is not progressing well because he's not learning at home."

In an environment where both parents work, there are many challenges in preparing preschool children for examinations at home within a limited time frame. In addition, parents who are working are not sufficiently motivated to help their children maintain their motivation due to fatigue.

In response to these challenges, MagicAl Pass has developed an advanced study habit program that incorporates AI technology. With a thorough data-driven approach, we support busy working families in preparing for elementary school entrance exams.

AI-based learning recommendations and visualization to make learning at home a habit. Outline of "Majitaku" Demonstration Experiment

Each child who is a member of Shingakai, a cram school for elementary school entrance exams, will receive daily homework assignments through the MAGIPASS application that are perfectly suited to his or her learning situation. The content of the homework will be the same as that of Shingakai's homework. By using "Majitaku," we will be able to collect detailed data on home study, which has been difficult to grasp in the past. By presenting this data in a dashboard format that is easy to understand for both the school and the parents, we can grasp the status of the child's home study at a glance and provide more effective learning support.

Visualization of weak areas, pinpoint question recommendation by AI, and automatic question printing for optimal home study

Majitaku" visualizes areas of weakness by checking the analysis of daily tests and weekly practice tests via a smartphone application. It recommends questions that each child should study now according to his/her individual needs. In addition, the app is linked to the home printer and automatically prints out the original set of questions at the time set in the app. This helps to optimize home study.

Majitaku" has great potential to solve the problem of elementary school entrance examinations for dual-income families. Expansion of examination categories and global expansion are also in view.

Majitaku" has great potential as a first step toward solving the problems of preparing dual-earner households for elementary school entrance exams. First, we will focus on further evolution of the product, such as improving the accuracy of the AI-based learning recommendation function and the visualization of learning history, utilizing the knowledge gained from the trial provision. In addition, we will realize a new form of learning unique to "Majitaku" by digitizing teaching materials and linking them with online tutoring. Furthermore, utilizing the know-how cultivated through elementary school entrance examinations, we will expand the scope of our services to other entrance examination categories, such as junior high school and high school entrance examinations. By contributing to solving the learning issues of more families, we will also work to solve the social issue of eliminating educational disparities. In the future, the company plans to expand its business overseas, particularly in Asia, and will enhance its presence in the global market as an innovative educational service originating in Japan. Majitaku" will provide a new way of education as a platform to help working families balance child-rearing and careers, and we aim to contribute to the realization of a better society by supporting the challenges of as many parents and children as possible through the power of AI and education.

Comment from the developer of "Majitak

The product vision of Majitaku, a study habit building program, is to make the elementary school entrance examination "the best memory of the first challenge for parents and children". The entrance examination for elementary school is a big event for both parents and their children, which is the first challenge in their lives. However, there are many concerns involved in preparing for the entrance examinations. It includes many hurdles to overcome, such as establishing a home study habit, balancing work and family life, and mental care for parents and children. Therefore, "Majitaku" helps parents and their children to overcome these anxieties and make them realize that learning is fun. It uses technology to support parents and their children in taking on the challenge of preparing for entrance examinations, turning an unexplored experience into a memorable one. We will provide new value to the elementary school entrance examinations of the future.

Shingakai Comments

Our company, too, has been addressing the urgent issue of strengthening support for home study in preparation for elementary school entrance exams for dual-earner households. We are very grateful to MagicAl Pass, Inc. for inviting us to participate in the demonstration test of their excellent system. We hope that the system will be brushed up through the demonstration test, and that it will become an even better service that many families will be able to use as soon as possible.

About MagicAl Pass, Inc.

The company aims to contribute to solving issues related to balancing career continuity and child rearing, and as a first step, it provides support for elementary school entrance exams for dual-earner households. The company's members consist of AI engineers who graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and working mothers who actually experienced four years of preparing for elementary school entrance exams. The company is committed to addressing the various issues faced by working families by creating services based on cutting-edge AI technology and real-life experience. We want to support working mothers and fathers in balancing child-rearing and career continuity with cutting-edge technology.

About Us

Company name: MagicAl Pass Inc.
Representative Director: Shu Takagi
Location: 201 Corpo-Minami, 2-10-12 Ohashi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Business activities: Education business