BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

Lullaby", a support service for improving nighttime crying, partners with "Grape Tree", a prenatal and postpartum care hotel. While staying at the postpartum care hotel, "night crying, bedtime routines, and other bedtime worries" can be improved in a dedicated room.

NenTrek Plan" supports sleep-deprived babies and mothers and fathers in Japan.

- The following is content from the press release -

 Lullaby, a service for improving infant nighttime crying operated by Moon Creative Lab Inc. of the Mitsui & Co. group (Moon, Palo Alto, California/Tokyo; hereinafter "Moon"), has partnered with the pre-natal and post-natal care hotel "Grape Tree" (operated by Sky Recruiting Solutions Co. (Moon"), a service for improving infant night crying, has partnered with the pre-natal and post-natal care hotel "Grape Tree" (operated by Sky Recruiting Solutions, Inc.) to start offering the "Nen-Treasure Plan," which supports improvement of night crying and bedtime routines while staying in a dedicated room.

 In the future, we will provide long-term support from the perspective of sleep not only for the physical and mental rest of postpartum women during their stay at the postpartum care hotel, but also for the lives of their families after they return home.

Grape Tree x Lullaby NenTrek Plan Overview

We offer two NenTrek plans: "NenTrek Basic" and "NenTrek Challenge".

Basic Nendoroid Training

In the "Basic Nen-Trek" program, the children stay in a special room equipped with light-shielding curtains, lights, white noise, etc., and are notified through the Lullaby app of individually optimized bedtime routines to help them adjust their bedtime schedule.

 During your stay, you will also be able to watch the Nenne Basics video seminar at any time, and there will be sessions where you can ask questions directly to the pediatric sleep consultants, so that you can make the most of your stay after you return home.

NenTrek Challenge Edition

In the "Nen-Trek Challenge" section, in addition to the contents of the basic plan, "Grape Tree" expert staff and full-time pediatric sleep consultants will support the practical challenges of Nen-Trek.

During this period, you can consult with a full-time consultant every day about bedtime. In addition, our expert staff will follow up with you to ensure that you are comfortable with the sleep-around process. (*)

(*)Nenewal consultation with a full-time consultant is a chat consultation via the Lalabye app.

What is Lullaby?

Lullaby is an application service that supports the improvement of infant nighttime crying and bedtime routines based on the concept of "sleep training" (Nen-Train). The service is operated with the utmost emphasis on providing information that is suited to the living environment and lifestyle in Japan.

What is the "Grape Tree" prenatal and postpartum care hotel?

Since its opening in Kyoto in June 2022, in Miyako City Osaka-Honmachi in July 2023, and in Yokohama in November 2023, the "Grapevine Tree Prenatal and Postnatal Care Hotel" has been providing "custom-made prenatal and postnatal care hotels" to many guests. We are a "custom-made prenatal and postpartum care hotel" that has served many customers since its opening in Yokohama in November 2023. The hotel is designed for mothers and their babies from just after birth to less than 7 months, and aims to provide prenatal and postpartum care for mothers both mentally and physically, and to support them in raising healthy children.

For reservations and inquiries about the NenTrek Plan, please contact

Prenatal Care Hotel Grape Tree

Lullaby will continue to develop services to improve the nighttime crying and sleep training problems of babies and families in Japan, which is said to be the world's most sleep-deprived country.

Moon Creative Lab Inc.

 Moon Creative Lab was established in 2018 as a venture studio promoting human-centered new business creation and business incubation in the Mitsui & Co. group. With offices in Palo Alto, USA and Tokyo, we have established a hands-on support system with global and diverse professional human resources, including designers, engineers, product managers, and people with entrepreneurial experience, to create new businesses that have a positive impact on the world. Based on this experience, Moon has expanded its support for new business creation beyond the boundaries of the Mitsui & Co. group. We aim to provide support that unlocks the creative potential of teams and organizations inside and outside the Mitsui & Co. group and transforms bold ideas into ventures that generate dramatic impact.

Trade name: Moon Creative Lab Inc.
Representative: President & CEO Yokoyama Kae
Main Office: 660 High Street, Palo Alto, California, 94301, USA
2F Spring Terrace Omotesando, 3-10-5 Kita-SoHan_SoHan_SoHan_SoHan_SoHan_2F2D↩, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: August 23, 2018