Text messaging to child care providers to increase the accuracy of reaching administrative information and reduce anxiety.
- The following is content from the press release -

Based on the "Collaboration and Cooperation Agreement on Joint Research for Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Minato City Childbirth and Child-Raising Support E-Mail Newsletter Project," Minato City, Kizuna Mail Project (a non-profit organization), and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co. The Minato City Institute for Policy Creation summarized the results of the study and published it as a report.
(Minato City HP)
Minato City, Kizuna Mail Project, a non-profit organization, and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co. conducted a verification of the effectiveness of the "Minato City Childbirth and Child-Raising Support Mail Distribution Project.
The "Minato City Childbirth & Child-Raising Support E-mail Service" is a service that periodically distributes useful information on childbirth and child-raising to pregnant women and their families, and guardians of children and their families living in Minato City. (For details, please visit the ward website.)
In this study, we conducted two follow-up surveys of ward residents who use the "Minato City Childbirth & Child-Raising Support E-mail Distribution Service" and those who are raising children but do not use the service. The results of the two surveys were compared to each other to verify the effectiveness of the project. The difference between the results of the two surveys was used to verify the effectiveness of the project.
Based on the results of the effectiveness verification, we also discussed the limitations of office work evaluation in basic local governments and the future of the results-linked private sector outsourcing system (PFS). Please take a look.
Joint Research Report on the Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Minato City Childbirth and Child-Raising Support Mail Distribution Project Summary Version (PDF: 671KB)
Report on Joint Research for Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Minato Ward Childbirth and Child-Raising Support Mail Distribution Project (PDF: 897KB)