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Work Shift Institute launches third campaign to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Petit MBA® for childcare leave.

3 months free of charge for new "Employee Benefit Plan" subscriptions by the end of September!

- The following is content from the press release -

(Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Yuko Kobayakawa; hereinafter "Work Shift Research Institute") has announced that it will hold a seminar for people on maternity leave, "Maternity Leave Petit MBA®.In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the "Petit MBA for Childcare Leave", we are holding the "10th Anniversary Campaign".

In the third phase of the campaign, which will begin in July 2024, the corporate "Welfare PlansThe first three months of the flat monthly fee will be waived for companies that apply for the first time for the

(Fig. 1: The 10th Anniversary Campaign of Petit MBA for Childcare Leave offers 3 months free of charge for the use of the employee benefit plan. For companies with 10,000 to 50,000 employees, the savings is approximately ¥150,000.)

The Environment Surrounding Maternity Leave

Although it has become commonplace for women to return to work after childbirth due to government measures to support work-life balance, etc., women tend to miss learning opportunities more easily than men due to issues such as career interruption due to childbirth and childcare, time constraints after returning to work, and lack of role models, as well as lack of support due to statistical discrimination. Therefore, even if the individual has the intention to be promoted, there is a possibility that she will not be able to accumulate appropriate experience and make progress in her development. Arbitrary intervention by the human resources department or a superior, in other words, career advancement support, is necessary to support career advancement.

Recently, there has been a growing trend among men to take childcare leave as well. It is expected that even more men will take the opportunity of childcare leave to review their working styles and time constraints in the future. However, until now, the theme of "balancing work and family" has focused mainly on women, and there have been limited opportunities for men who work together to obtain information.

Aiming to diversify its leadership ranks, the Work Shift Institute supports the success of returning workers through the Puchi MBA for Maternity Leave so that anyone who returns to work after maternity leave can continue working or take on the challenge of career advancement and management positions as a matter of course.

Effects of Introducing the Maternity Leave Petit MBA

The Petit MBA for Childcare Leave is a seminar designed to make childcare leave not a blank period but a period of preparation for balancing work and career advancement. Through small group discussions based on cases (cases) that employees tend to fall into after returning to work, participants will learn the ideas and perspectives to eliminate anxiety about returning to work and balancing work and to enable time-constrained personnel to contribute to the organization.

A survey* comparing those who returned to work after attending this seminar with those who did not found the following differences

  • Ability to maintain a mindset for continued work
  • Willingness to contribute to the organization
  • Understanding of management philosophy and management's language
  • Interest in management and understanding of the job

*From "Changes in Attitudes and Motivations of Returning Workers 2017" by Work Shift Research Institute, Inc. those who returned to work after participating in the Maternity Leave Petit MBA were 1.7-2 times more likely than those who did not participate in the MBA to report the above items (n=424).

(Figure 2: Effects of introducing a maternity leave petit MBA)

More than 70 companies have taken advantage of the Petit MBA Benefits Plan, which is available as a corporate welfare program. The plan is open to both men and women. For more details, please click here.

About Work Shift Institute, Inc.

(Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Yuko Kobayakawa; hereinafter "Work Shift Institute") provides various consulting and educational training services (for corporations and individuals) for the purpose of developing female managers and leaders and reforming the way companies work, as well as a placement service for female candidates for management and leadership positions. We also provide placement services for female candidates for managerial and leadership positions. The cumulative number of participants in the "Petit MBA" program for those on maternity leave exceeded 20,000 (as of June 2024).

We specialize in changing mindsets and organizations using the "Work Shift Method" based on practical case discussions to promote interaction between "business and academia" and create individuals and organizations that create maximum results and added value in a limited amount of time.

Work Shift Institute:
Maternity Leave Petit MBA:

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
Work Shift Research Institute, Inc.