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Fami One, July 27, "Summer Vacation Special! Children's Sex Education 2024" on July 27. Significant increase in seating due to a large number of applications.

The event will be held in four parts for elementary school students, junior high school students, parents/guardians and related parties

- The following is content from the press release -

With the vision of "creating a society where everyone who wishes to have a child can lead a happy life," "Fami-One" is a healthcare support service that provides benefits to corporate employees and support to residents of municipalities. (headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Yusuke Ishikawa, President), a leading provider of education and training services for children, will hold an online event on Saturday, July 27, 2024, titled "Summer Vacation Special! Children's Sex Education 2024" online event will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024. 

Click here for the official website 
▼For the full press release, click here.

 We had planned to hold this event with a maximum of 50 participants for each session, but due to the early registration, the number of participants has already reached full capacity, Decided to significantly increase the number of seats to 200 for each session. We have done so.

 Children and adults can learn together in this seminar, which includes "Nice to Meet You Sex Education" for early elementary school students, "Step Up Sex Education" for upper elementary school students, and "Sex Education for the Future" for junior high school students, held for the first time. For adults, "Ask the Expert! Sex Education for Protecting the Next Generation" will be given.

 Let's learn together with children and adults before summer vacation, a time when sex education awareness is becoming increasingly important.

 Click here for the official website

Event Summary

 Sex education" is desirable to start at an early age. The current situation in Japan is that school education alone is not sufficient, and the main focus is on working on it at home. Many parents with small children may want to have a proper talk with their children about how babies are born, genitalia, crime prevention, and what to do when their children are victims.

 However, many people say they do not know when, what, and how to communicate with their children at home.

 Therefore, we, Fami-One, continuously plan and operate "Children's Sex Education" by a team of professionals including nurses, midwives, and psychologists. We invite you to participate in this program, which is designed for lower elementary school, upper elementary school, and junior high school students, each of which can be attended by the children themselves. Parents are also welcome to listen next to their children to enhance their learning experience. For parents, we hope that everyone involved in education will be able to attend.

 We provide sex education so that society as a whole can protect its children.

Event Summary

Date & Time

Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to hold an event

Held online using zoom's webinar function *Enter and leave during the session, no names and faces

Application URL

Participation Fee

1 day 1,000 yen

*One application per household allows viewing for the entire family.
*Free of charge for companies and municipalities provided by or affiliated with Fami-One.

Some of the free eligibility can be found here.

capacity (of boat, hall, aeroplane, airplane, etc.)

50 people per session →Seating has been greatly increased to 200 people for each session!

Ages for children

Lower elementary school (1-3 years) / Upper elementary school (4-6 years) / Junior high school

Hours & Application

10:00-10:30 Theme: "Nice to meet you sex education
11:00-12:00 Theme: "Step Up Sex Education
13:00-14:00 <For Junior High School Students> Theme: "Sex Education for the Future
15:00-16:00 <For Parents and Related Persons> Theme: "Ask the Experts! Sex Education to Protect the Next Generation" Theme: "Ask the Experts!

This is an online event by zoom
Please watch in a place with a good signal such as a Wi-Fi environment where high-speed communication is possible.
Online events will be recorded and may be edited for video distribution.
*Because we utilize webinars, participants' names and faces will not be displayed.

Comments from seminar lecturer Yuka Nishioka, Certified Nurse Specialist in Infertility Nursing

 It is now the hot season. Summer vacation will soon be upon us, and I am sure you are making various plans. This is the time of year when the range of activities expands and people play more by the water, so it is important to learn about sex education.

 Since last year, we have seen more and more news about sexual abuse. All of these are not someone else's problem. The sex education that we, Fami-One, bring to you is based on the hope that you will value your own life and sexuality that you have now, and that you will be able to value someone else's life and sexuality as well.

 We hope to work together to nurture children who can cherish their own mental and physical nature, not to mention the perspective of crime prevention.

Profile of Speakers


A nurse who is very knowledgeable about how babies are born. She is usually listening to people who want to have a baby. How are all babies born? How did babies come into the world? Let's learn together.

*Yuka Nishioka, Certified Infertility Nursing (Fami-One Co., Ltd.)

She's a shepherd.

She is a clinical psychologist who understands children's feelings very well. She used to work as a school counselor at an elementary school where she listened to children's stories and consulted with them. She knows how children are doing at school.

*Sayaka Toda, Clinical Psychologist/Certified Psychologist (Fami-One, Inc.)

"Nini nii."

A midwife who helps bring about the birth of life

I'd help people who were pregnant or had given birth to their bodies and minds. I also helped with the birth of babies. I study not only about mothers and babies, but also about sexuality.

*Erika Ninomiya, Midwife/Certified Sex Education Instructor (Fami-One Inc.)


I am a nurse who helps people who want to have a baby. I am usually a mother of three sisters, a high school student, a junior high school student, and an elementary school student.

*Aki Hamada, Nurse (Fami-One Corporation)

Overview of the "Fami-One" welfare service

Support with a dual focus of creating a culture throughout the organization and providing individual support to the parties involved.

 The "Fami-One" welfare service supports the promotion of corporate health management, support for a healthy work-life balance, and promotion of women's activities by "improving employee literacy and fostering a corporate culture through seminars and training by experts" and "supporting individual employees through online health consultation.

 Employees of companies that have introduced Fami-One can consult with qualified external nurses, psychologists, career counselors, and other professionals on a wide variety of topics online, regardless of time or location. By providing an environment where employees can consult anonymously and without the company knowing the content of the consultation, the system is expected to enhance psychological safety and improve employee satisfaction. In addition, by discussing concerns at an early stage and becoming aware of one's own physical and mental state, it can be expected to promote behavioral change and prevent health problems before they occur.

 In addition, seminars/training sessions by professional instructors are provided to all employees to increase literacy throughout the company. In particular, about 70% of female employees want their supervisors and others to understand women's specific health issues*1. Seminar/training topics can be customized*2 according to each company's needs and sense of the issues.

 In September 2018, we began offering corporate employee benefit programs. In addition to introducing employee benefit programs to Odakyu Electric Railway and TBS Welfare Association, we have also provided seminars to Sony, All Nippon Airways Corporation (ANA), and ITOCHU Labor Union. We have also provided the program to local governments, including Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Suginami and Setagaya Wards in Tokyo, Mihara City in Hiroshima Prefecture, and Ora Town in Gunma Prefecture, ranging from prefectural units to core cities, as well as municipalities with tens of thousands of residents.

*This service is not a medical procedure and does not provide diagnosis or prescriptions.

▶︎ Fami-One Corporate Benefits Service
▶︎ "Pregnancy Line Support Project" for local governments

*1 Source: From the website of the Working Women's Wellness Improvement Committee (conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 2023-5, results of a survey of 3,500 working women in Tokyo + 200 company representatives)
*2 A variety of topics ranging from basic infertility treatment, egg freezing and other preconception care awareness, menstruation/PMS, menopause and other health issues, life planning, relationships, and mental care

Company Information

famione Corporation
 Location 2F-C, Shibuya Dogenzaka Tokyu Building, 1-10-8 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan
 Representative Representative Director, Yusuke Ishikawa
 Date of establishment June 1, 2015
 uniform resouce locator

▶︎ Fami-One Corporate Benefits Service
▶︎ "Pregnancy Line Support Project" for local governments

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact

Fami-One Corporation Public Relations Mail:  TEL:080-2243-6995