BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

A meta-cognitive application developed by a midwife for her own child to "take care of her own mood".

- The following is content from the press release -

COMARU Corporation has been involved in many innovative projects aimed at enriching people's lives. Currently, Enka Suzuki, who is involved in raising children with autism, is working on product development herself while participating as a first-year student in a women's engineering training course supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

In this story, we will talk about the background of the development of the "Meta-cognitive App to "Take care of your own mood", which won the J300 Special Award, the social issues we want to solve through the app, and our crowdfunding efforts to further evolve the app. We will also talk about our efforts for crowdfunding in order to further evolve the app.

Introduction of the product "Metacognitive Apps" to "take care of your own moods".

The "I'm in my own mood" metacognitive app is a tool to help users improve their ability to understand and self-regulate their emotions and moods. The app provides practical ways to cope with daily stress and emotional fluctuations, with the goal of maintaining a healthier mental health.

Problem to be solved

Difficulty in recognizing emotions

Many people find it difficult to accurately recognize their emotions. This application helps users improve their emotion recognition skills by recording and analyzing their emotions.

Difficulties in managing stress

Stress is an unavoidable factor in today's society. This application provides users with specific techniques and practices for stress management and helps them put them into practice in their daily lives.

Lack of self-regulation skills

Failure to properly regulate one's mood and behavior can negatively impact one's daily life and work. This app helps users learn metacognitive skills to improve their self-regulation skills.

Maintain sustainable mental health

It is not a temporary solution, but a long-term commitment to maintaining healthy mental health. This app assists users in forming habits to take care of their mental health on an ongoing basis.

Universal need
The skills provided by the "I'm in my own mood" metacognitive application are necessary for all people, regardless of disability.

Advantages for people with disabilities

By improving self-awareness and self-regulation skills, the program reduces difficulties in daily living and interpersonal relationships and supports independent living.

Advantages for people without disabilities

Emotional management and mental control skills can help manage stress and improve relationships at work and at home.

This application is a powerful tool to help all people increase their self-awareness and self-regulation skills to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Metacognition App" Wins J300 Special Award. The App's Appeal to Put Everyone in a Good Mood

Our "Take Your Own Mood" metacognitive application received the 8th J300 Special Award for its innovation and social contribution. This award is given to particularly outstanding ideas and projects, and the reason for the award is that it was recognized for "putting everyone in a good mood and making society brighter.

More information on the special awards can be found in this article. Article Links

We have also had a video made, which we hope you will watch.Video Link

Crowdfunding will be conducted in September.

During the development process of the application, we have received a great deal of feedback and have made a number of improvements to the application. The feedback from our users is extremely valuable, and we use it as the basis for further functional enhancements and usability improvements.

To support these efforts we have decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign in September. This is a step toward getting more people to use our apps and an important means of raising funds to provide services that directly reflect the voices of our users.

Adding new features to meet user needs. Metacognition App Supports Positive and Happy Lives

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, we have the following goals

  1. Expansion of app functionality
    Continue to add new features and improve existing features to meet user needs.
  2. Global Expansion
    We are looking to expand into overseas markets beyond Japan.
  3. Community Formation
    Build a community where users can interact and support each other.
  4. Continuous Improvement
    We will constantly evolve the application based on user feedback.

Our vision is for each individual to control their own moods and live a more positive and happy life through our metacognitive app. We also aim to make our service available to more parents who have children with autism so that they can use our digital rehabilitation platform to support their children's growth. We look forward to your continued support and cooperation.

About "Digital Rehabilitation Platform for Parents of Children with Autism

The following video introduces the application, which is currently under development, and details the development background and its features.

Development Background

  1. access constraint

Many parents face time and financial constraints to attend their children's rehabilitation sessions. This platform overcomes these constraints by providing an environment where they can receive rehabilitation in the comfort of their own home.

  1. High cost issues

The cost of rehabilitation is high, making it difficult for many families to receive ongoing support. This platform aims to provide more affordable and effective rehabilitation education.

  1. Providing Expertise

We support children's development by providing up-to-date rehabilitation knowledge and practices to families who have difficulty accessing professional assistance.


  1. Real-time feedback function

Provides parents and children with immediate feedback each time a mission is accomplished. This keeps them motivated and allows for a smooth transition to the next step.

  1. Progress tracking dashboard

It provides a dashboard to visually track a child's developmental progress. This allows parents to easily track their child's progress and provide appropriate support.

  1. Mini-game function

Through mini-games that can be enjoyed by both parents and children, the program makes therapy activities more fun and effective. The games are designed to develop specific skills in children.

  1. Customizable reminders

Reminders can be set to help parents remember to perform recuperation activities according to their lifestyle.

  1. Elements of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)

It incorporates an ABA-based task and reward system that reinforces children's good behavior and supports them in leading to positive outcomes.

  1. Rehabilitation support in the home

It provides a rehabilitation program that can be implemented in the home environment and helps parents learn how to support their child's development. This allows the entire home to function as a place of rehabilitation and education.

Expected Effects

  • Parents will have the knowledge and tools to be actively involved in their child's medical care and to provide effective support.
  • Children can improve their social skills and self-regulation through home-based therapy.
  • The entire family can develop a better understanding of rehabilitation and build a positive environment.

This digital rehabilitation platform is intended to be a powerful tool for parents of children with autism to provide easy and effective support and promote their child's healthy development.

Product Information

We are looking for test users!

Even if you are not currently diagnosed, you are also considered in the gray zone.
I do not have a developmental disability but want to enjoy my child's growth and development
That's you!
Please become a user!

We will hold an information session and consultation on the following dates and would be happy if you could attend before applying!
We will also send the archive to those who wish to receive it!デジタル療育プラットフォーム

Uchimaru" Business Briefing

Event Details
Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024 21:00 - 22:00
Format: Online (using ZOOM)
Event Description: A business briefing on the digital rehabilitation platform "Uchimaru" will provide a detailed overview of this new rehabilitation support tool for parents and children, its functions, and future prospects.

There will also be time for a Q&A session so that you can ask questions and provide feedback directly to us.

# Gray zone
# Developmental Disabilities
# Autism
# Rehabilitation
#If the child is a circle, the mom is a circle