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Toys "R "Us" Items Delivered by the Delivery App "Wolt IT Enthusiast Mom: Together with Ogamari's Baby Tech

Hello! I am Ogamari.

The rainy season is finally here. Although it is a hassle to go out shopping on rainy days, there are days when you really need to buy something, right? This time, I'd like to introduce you to a new service that is perfect for those days! I tried shopping at Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us using the "Wolt" delivery service, and I would like to share my experience with you!

*This experience is made possible by a gift code provided by Wolt.

You can get baby items in a short time from the comfort of your home!

Wolt is a delivery service that originated in Scandinavian Finland and is popular along with UberEats and Izakayakan. In Japan, Wolt is currently available in 41 areas in 24 prefectures throughout the country, including the Kanto region (Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, etc.) as well as Osaka.

Wolt was introduced at Toys "R "Us and Babies "R "Us stores in Osaka, Tokyo, and Sapporo in April this year! If you need baby items such as baby wipes or baby milk powder right away, but it is difficult to go out with your child... or it is hard to carry heavy items such as diapers and beverages home... you can shop from home and receive your order about 30 minutes after you place your order. You can shop from the comfort of your own home and receive your order in about 30 minutes!

I searched for "Toys "R" Us" on Wolt and sure enough, I got a hit! This time I ordered from the Ikebukuro Sunshine Store.

Orders can be placed easily via smartphone!

Products can be searched by product name or by popular products or categories.

It is amazing to see that you can buy not only food and consumables, but also toys and sundries!

Baby food and snacks can be conveniently narrowed down by age group!
The pouch drinks were in the confectionery category, not the beverage category.

I will order these four items this time.

It appears that comments can be added to the store if necessary!

Once you proceed to the order confirmation screen, you can set the delivery address, specify a drop-off location, and set the payment method.

Once you are set up, simply slide the order button!

Once the order is completed, an approximate estimated delivery time will be displayed. The order is then confirmed and the estimated time is updated.

Wolt also updates status messages in detail, which is reassuring, and the cute UI makes the waiting time more exciting.

The status could also be checked on the standby screen.

I received the items I ordered!

I waited for 40 minutes. I received a notice that the delivery was complete, so I opened the front door and...

It had arrived~! My order in a Toys "R" Us bag!

The double plastic bag contained a complete set of products without any missing items.

It contains wipes and juice, so it is quite heavy to carry...! It would be quite a load to carry this back home from the store, so I am very grateful to have it brought to my house!

The delivery person can also be told not to ring the bell so that he or she can pick up the package without waking up the napping child.

Even on rainy days or days when you are too sick to go out, it is comforting to know that you can order from Toys "R" Us at Wolt!

Wolt seems to be focusing on "Q-commerce (immediate delivery)" with the concept of a "shopping mall in your pocket" that delivers not only dishes but also groceries and daily necessities within 30 minutes of ordering. I need this right now! But I can't go out right now! But I can't go out right now!" This service is perfect for households raising children.

We hope that everyone living in the Toys "R "Us and Babies "R "Us delivery area will experience the speed and convenience of this service!

Child of the Week.

I went to a birthday party at the nursery school. I was filled with gratitude once again to know that I am spending my time with such wonderful teachers and friends!

Ogamari (IT enthusiast)

A new mother who gave birth in May 2010, she is a freelance website developer, computer instructor, and programming tutor. Her hobbies are watching comedy and bowling (she is a bowler, but is taking a break due to the birth of her child).
Operates "MOMIT," an online IT community for moms only.