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More than 40% of households begin digital exposure by the time children are young

Approximately 25% of families expose their children to digital devices from an educational perspective, with the expectation of improving "thinking skills.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Kei Kawashima), provider of the "Think! The results revealed that approximately 431 TP6T children have been exposed to digital devices by the time they are young, and approximately 251 TP6T parents allow their children to use digital devices from an educational perspective. It was also found that more than 70% of "Think Think" users feel that their children's thinking skills have improved.

Survey Summary

In March 2023, the total number of users exceeded 2.5 million, and the app is being used by children in 150 countries around the world. The app is used by children in 150 countries around the world.

Programming education will become compulsory in elementary schools after 2020, and keywords such as STEAM education and digital education have been attracting attention recently. Under these circumstances, we conducted a survey of parents of "Think Sync" users to investigate their attitudes and actual conditions regarding their children's use of digital devices.

  • Implementation dates: December 12, 2023 - January 19, 2024
  • Target: Parents of "Think Sync" users (in Japan)
  • Response method: Fill out the survey response form (online)
  • Number of respondents: 1143

Digital ageing and educational perspectives spreading to younger generations

About 43% children begin to be exposed to digital by the time they are young

According to the survey, the grades in which children who use "Think Sync" were first exposed to digital devices were 24.51 TP6T for "Younger (3-4 years old)" and 18.91 TP6T for "Less than Younger", indicating that many children begin to experience digital devices by their early years.

About 25% of households want to actively expose their children to digital devices

Half of the respondents said that their first exposure to digital devices was "because I had to wait while I was out" (20.1%) and "because my parents were using it" (34.6%). On the other hand, following these responses, a total of approximately 251 TP6T of parents responded "to become familiar with digital technology from an early age" (16.1%) and "for educational purposes" (8.4%). This indicates a desire to adopt digital not to pass the time or babysit, but rather from an educational perspective.

When children use digital devices, there is a concern about whether they will overuse them, but "Think Think" has a limit of 10 minutes (3 questions) per day. This minimizes the impact on vision and prevents overdoing it. Another benefit is that the limited time makes it a special time for children and helps them develop their concentration.

Emphasizing the development of "thinking skills" as the Courses of Study are revised.

Parents expecting improvement in "thinking," "math," and "understanding of shapes" 55%

According to the survey, the largest number of parents, 55.41 TP6T, use Think Think to develop "thinking skills," "math skills," and "graphic comprehension," which are closely related to mathematical thinking skills.

In the 2017 revision of the Courses of Study, "thinking skills" became more important in addition to "knowledge and skills". With these changes, there is a growing need to develop children's "thinking skills".

More than 70% of "Think Think" users feel that their children's "thinking skills" have improved.

The results of the survey revealed that approximately 731 TP6T respondents felt that their children's "thinking skills" had improved compared to before they started "Think Think Think".

Think Think Think, an educational application that fosters thinking skills

Think Think is an educational application based on WonderPhi's mission "to bring out the intellectual excitement that children around the world inherently possess.

The app was launched in 2016 on various app stores as a fun and comprehensive way to learn the five areas (spatial awareness, plane awareness, trial-and-error, logic, and numerical processing) that form the foundation for developing thinking skills, and by March 2023, the total number of users had surpassed 2.5 million.

It has received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad, including an App Award from Google and a Kids Design Award, and is loved by children in 150 countries around the world, transcending language barriers.

In Cambodia, a demonstration experiment conducted with the full cooperation of the Cambodian government, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Makiko Nakamuro's laboratory at Keio University confirmed the significant effect of ThinkThink on academic performance and IQ.(*1)(*2)

Think Think's official website:

Previous Awards

  • Google Play Awards 2017 "Best App for Kids" category finalist
  • Finalist, Google Play Awards 2019, "Best Social Impact" category
  • Google Best of 2017
  • Japan e-Learning Awards, EdTech Special Award
  • 13th Kids Design Award


About WonderPhi Inc.

In November 2018, the company won the top prize at the Japan preliminary round of the Global EdTech Startups Awards (GESA), the world's largest education venture competition (*3). We have also exhibited and spoken at SXSW EDU and other global educational forums as a representative of Japan.

In February 2020, we announced a new distance learning program in the STEAM education area, Wonderbox(*4)The following is a list of the most common problems with the

On December 14, 2022, the company name was changed from WonderLab to WonderPhi Inc.(*5)The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Official website of Wonderfi Corporation:


Press Inquiries

Public Relations: Ikeda, Nagahata
E-mail address: