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Play Life Studio adds avatar dress-up function to "Prehabit," a gamification habit-forming application.

Continue to exercise, study, and live your lifestyle in groups to get items and dress up your avatar to your liking!

- The following is content from the press release -

(President: Keitaro Shimizu) announced that on October 4, 2023 (Wednesday), it updated its habit creation application "Playful Habits," which uses 3D gamification technology, to add a dress-changing function and a function that allows avatars to move around on the home screen. The new features include the ability to change clothes and have an avatar move around on the home screen.

What is "Prehab," an application that gamifies habit formation into "cooperative play"?

The "prehab" is App to form groups with family, friends, and colleagues to have fun and acquire new habits It is.

Users can study, exercise, diet, wake up early, etc. Change and develop your avatar and 3D area as you continue It is possible to

Furthermore, by sharing the group's unique ID with family, friends, work colleagues, and other close people on LINE, etc, The habitual practice will change from a "solitary battle" to a "fun cooperative game" with a close group of friends. 
*Currently provided for iOS (iPhone/iPad) only

Major updates including "dress-up" and "avatar motion with touch

For some time now, we have received positive feedback from users about the avatars of Prehavi, such as "they are cute" and "I can continue to play because of the avatars.

Therefore, using our 3D technology, if you continue with the "things you want to make a habit of" that you have registered, you can get "dress-up items" for your avatar, Developed a function that allows you to change your avatar to your liking. I did.

This not only allows users to reflect their own personal preferences in their avatars, but also allows them to say things like, "Next time, I'll get a "wizard" dress-up item. Interim goal of habituation It is now easier to imagine the

Also, the dress-up items you get will be shared with the group. This means that, for example, if you are using Prehavi with your family, you can say, "I tried on the ninja costume my dad got! etc. Positive communication within the group We expect that the

How to use the avatar dress-up function

  1. Register what you want to make a habit of
  2. Check daily and gain Exp (experience)
  3. Avatars level up and earn "dress-up points" when they reach a specified Exp value.
  4. Select "Kisekae" from the home screen and exchange points for your favorite dress-up items.
  5. Wear the exchanged item on your avatar

*You can experience the above process in the tutorial at the beginning stage of the application.

In addition to the avatar dress-up function, there are also other major Two updates The Company is engaged in the following activities.

New feature: Expanded avatar presentation on the home screen.

Until now, avatars have only moved slightly in a fixed position on the home screen, but with this update Avatar walks around in the 3D forest area that is the home screen The company is now in a position to

In addition, approximately 70 people we have interviewed so far have tapped avatars in the beginning stages of the application, Tap the avatar to perform actions such as jumping and spinning Additional functions have also been added.

[And many other newly added features.

In addition to the above, we have also added several other features that we have planned through discussions with actual users and that will make it easier for them to use Prehavi.

  • When you start the application after 0:00, you will see a list of "Things to do" that you forgot to check the function "Things to do". Check forgetting prevention function "
  • Invite family and friends to join the group from the "To Do List" screen. It is now possible to
  • When inviting family and friends to a group, Invitation via SNS such as LINE Functions that can be performed
  • Ability to delete avatars

(lessening the significance or value of the previous word) the likes of

Future Development

Prehab" is a new way to move habit formation from a "solitary, boring time" to a "time of The most enjoyable time of the day to play cooperatively with someone close to you The goal is to turn the project into a "new" project.

To this end, we envision the following updates in the future

  •  360 degree view Home screen: 3D area can be moved to viewpoint, zoomed, etc.
  • Recommended features to do What people want to make a habit" compiled based on interviews with 70 people can be registered in the application.
  • Interacting with Avatar Function to talk with avatars raised using a generative AI
  • Additional dress-up items and avatars
  • Number of steps taken, number of stairs climbed, etc, Automatic sensing of healthcare data

Also, Corporate service "Prehab for Biz" is also available. The following is a list of the most common problems with the

Prehab" for internal use and for your own users Do or Easily incorporate gamification elements into your own apps via API The company provides a service that can be

Corporate gamification services are envisioned for areas such as fan communities, education, events, regional development, and healthcare.

We will use gamification to solve corporate clients' problems such as "customers/users do not stick around" and "the number of user actions and the rate of user turnover is poor"!

For more information, please click here to view our product introduction materials for corporate customers.

Click here to download Playful Habits.

*Currently offers iOS version (iPhone/iPad)

Inquiries about this release and Playful Habits

Kento Kurohane, COO, Play Life Studio, Inc.

About Play Life Studio Inc.

Company Profile
Company name: Play Life Studio Inc.
Head Office: 2-16-12 Onitaka, Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan
Representative Director: Keitaro Shimizu
Business activities: Habituation gamification services, contracted system development, consulting on marketing and product management
Establishment: June 23, 2022