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ASICS Japan renews "fdigi," a proprietary foot shape measurement system developed exclusively for children.

- The following is content from the press release -

ASICS Japan has recently renewed its "fdigi" foot shape measurement system exclusively for children and launched measurement services at its directly-managed ASICS Kids Ginza and ASICS Kids Grand Front Osaka stores.

The "fdigi" is a foot shape measurement system originally developed by ASICS. By capturing images of the sole of the foot with a scanner and analyzing them using dedicated software, the system can determine not only the length of the foot, but also how the center of gravity is applied and the degree of curvature of the big toe.

The newly renewed measuring machine not only delivers the measurement results in paper form, but also allows users to take home the measurement data as digital data by reading it with a 2D barcode from a mobile terminal. (The 2D barcode can be downloaded for 24 hours after it is issued.)

The bones of children's feet are still in a soft, cartilaginous state. Exercise and shoe selection during this period are important in forming healthy feet. At ASICS Kids stores, we support the healthy growth of children's feet by providing suggestions for shoe selection through a variety of measurements.

The data displayed in the image is for illustrative purposes only.

Measurement Method

While barefoot, the staff member measures the foot circumference by hand. Then, the sole of the foot is photographed with the "fdigi" to complete the measurement. (In some cases, a blackout curtain may be placed over the feet for measurement.)

After the measurement is completed, the measurement results will be printed out. While referring to the measurement data, our professional staff will check the characteristics of your child's feet and whether the current shoes are suitable for your child's feet, and will give you personalized advice on recommended shoe sizes.

Terms of Use

  1. The child must be able to stand alone for the foot measurement using the measuring machine. (The guideline is 4 years of age or older.)
  2. The measurement time with "fdigi" may vary slightly depending on the child's movements. Measurement is possible when the child's feet have stopped moving, so it may take some time before the child's movements stop.
  3. Waiting time may vary depending on congestion.
  4. Foot circumference is measured by hand.

About the Children's Products Business

The "SUKU²" series of children's shoes was created based on the concept of "protecting and nurturing children's foot health," and celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2022. The shoes were developed based on extensive research into children's unique foot movements and skeletal structure, and have been very well received by children and their parents who have actually used them. Currently, the company offers a wide range of products, from first shoes for babies who are just beginning to walk to shoes for elementary school children, as well as narrow footwear for children with narrow feet and school shoes. In addition, we have developed a digital foot growth prediction service called "ASICS STEPNOTE," and are also focusing on services such as holding foot shape measurement sessions in various locations.


  • Development of ASICS STEPNOTE, a Digital Service for Predicting the Growth of Ashi, which Accompanies the Growth of Each Child (Press Release, December 8, 2021)

  • Expanding Functions to Further Accelerate Personalization ASICS STEPNOTE, a Digital Service for Predicting Children's Foot Growth, Linked with 3D Foot Measurement Application (Press Release, December 1, 2022)