- The following is content from the press release -
A posting campaign is also underway! Take a picture of familiar spring flowers such as daffodils, aloes, and cherry blossoms with your "NANIKOLENS" and post it on SNS, and five winners will be selected by drawing to receive an illustrated book of their choice!
(Tokyo, Japan / President: Toru Goromaru), a group company of Gakken Holdings, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan / President: Toru Goromaru), a member of the Gakken Group, is pleased to announce that the number of downloads of its iOS and Android application "NANIKOLENS" has surpassed 100,000 (as of April 30, 2023).
NANIKOLENS" is a convenient application, born from Gakken's Pictorial Book LIVE series, that allows you to find out the names of living things just by taking a picture of them. Not only can it quickly identify familiar flowers, animals, and insects with its highly accurate AI, but it also displays accurate information and characteristics in conjunction with Gakken's Pictorial Book LIVE, so you can use it as if you were carrying around a pictorial book.
Since its release in June 2022, we have achieved 100,000 downloads in about 10 months. We would like to thank our many users for their patronage. We will continue to make the application more user-friendly and enjoyable to learn through updates and other means so that many more people can use it in the future.

Over 100,000 downloads! Received 3 awards in the App Store! Selected for Digital Ehon Award!
NANIKOLENS" is an AI illustrated book application that allows users to take a quick picture of a creature they see on their way for a walk, and instantly learn its name and characteristics. It can identify approximately 2,400 species of creatures.
The service has been used mainly by children from infants to elementary school age and their parents, as well as by many middle-aged and older adults, and has achieved 100,000 downloads for both the iOS and Android versions in the 10 months since its release!
In addition, on August 17, 2022, the app was ranked No. 1 in three categories on the App Store: "Overall for children," "Children 6-8 years old," and "Education," and in October, it was selected for the "9th Digital Ehon Awards," and has received recognition in various other areas. We are aiming for 200,000 downloads in the future through application updates and event planning!

Approximately 900,000 photos were taken! The most photographed creature is...?
In the past 10 months, approximately 900,000 photos of living creatures have been taken, including those of parents and children enjoying taking pictures of creatures they see on their walks and using the photos for free research during the summer vacation.
The breakdown is approximately 420,000 for plants, 240,000 for animals, and 230,000 for insects.
The most photographed creature was humans, with about 80,000 ...... images! The second most photographed species were roses, praying mantis, beetles, and grasshoppers, all of which are popular species that can be seen around us. Some photographed rare species such as the Tasmanian Devil!
GW is a great chance to take pictures of living creatures with a NANIKO lens! Let's take pictures of creatures you are interested in!

Spring Flowers SNS Submission Campaign" is underway until the end of May!

Take a picture of a familiar spring flower and post a screenshot of your "My Zukan" on SNS (Twitter and Instagram) with "# Nanikoreens" to win a copy of your choice from the "Gakken no Zukan LIVE" series. Posting Campaign" is now underway! Follow the official "Gakken no Zukan LIVE" accounts on Twitter and Instagram by May 31, and post your entry with the hashtag to automatically be entered in the drawing.
For details, please see the announcement section in the application!
[Product Summary]
Nana Nicolens."
Supported OS/Devices: iOS (14 or higher), Android (11 or higher) / Smartphones only
Official site:https://zukan.gakken.jp/live/app-nanicolens/
App Store URL:https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1610703071
Google Play Store URL:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.gakken.NANICOLENS
Price: Free
Distribution start date: Available now
Distributed by: Gakken Corporation

Various campaigns are underway for "Gakken no Harugaku 2023."
■Check here for more information!