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Fami One will hold an online seminar on male parental leave on May 12. Panel discussion by those who have taken male parental leave will be held.

- The following is content from the press release -

With the vision of "creating a society where everyone who wishes to have a child can lead a happy life," we have launched "famione," a pregnancy concierge service that utilizes LINE. (headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Yusuke Ishikawa, President; hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), which provides a video learning service called "Fami-One Learning" (hereinafter referred to as "Fami-One Learning"). hold an online seminar on May 12, 2012, titled "Basic Tips for Men's Maternity Leave! The problems faced by fathers and their solutions" will be held on May 12, 2012 at the following website.

▼For the full press release, click here.

The Child Care and Family Care Leave Law has been revised and enforced step by step since 2022, and in October of the same year, the Postpartum Father's Childcare Leave (childcare leave at birth) was established and divided childcare leave can be taken. In this seminar, in addition to a lecture by Dr. Emi Iwasaki, President of NPO Japan Psychoeducation Lab, we will have a discussion with a person who has experienced male childcare leave.Panel Discussion. In the panel discussion, we asked male employees of MoneyForward Kessai, Inc. and Yahoo Japan Corporation who experienced childcare leave, "How did people react when you told them you were taking childcare leave? Did you have any concerns about what would happen after your childcare leave? and "Did you have any worries after taking childcare leave?
This seminar is a must-see for those who are thinking about taking maternity leave and for HR personnel who want to expand male maternity leave within their company.

Seminar "Basic Tips for Men's Maternity Leave! Problems faced by fathers and their solutions"

Date and time Friday, May 12, 12:00 - 13:00
How to hold a meeting Online events using Zoom's Webinar functionality
No names or faces will be shown.
How to apply Please register as a member before applying.

Preliminary questions Applications are now being accepted via the application form.
Please note that we may not be able to answer all questions due to time constraints.
Questions can still be asked on the day of the event via Zoom chat and Q&A functions. Premium plan members and those who are currently using a Premium plan with a corporate or municipal coupon code can attend and archive the seminar at no additional charge.

Lecturer and Moderator
Instructor:Dr. Emi Iwasaki (President, NPO Japan Psychoeducation Lab, Certified Psychologist, Career Consultant, Senior Brief Therapist, NLP Master Practitioner)

Moderator:Sayaka Toda (Certified Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Reproductive Psychologist, Fami-One Inc.)

Panel Discussion Speakers
Mr. Shota Soeya (Executive Officer, VPoE and General Manager, President Office, Kessai Company, Money Forward Kessai Co.)
Father of one child and engineer who wants to achieve work-life harmony, he took childcare leave for one month from April to May 2021. 2018, he launched Money Forward's first overseas subsidiary Money Forward Vietnam as COO to strengthen the development capability and globalization of the Money Forward Group. From 2021, he has been supporting business growth in terms of both service and organizational development as the head of the development and human resource organizations at Money Forward Kessai.

Mr. Naoto Saito (Systems Management Division, Technology Group, Yahoo Japan Corporation)
He joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2017 as a new graduate. Currently, he is developing and operating the system to deliver notifications to Yahoo!
Her first son was born in August 2021 and she took childcare leave for approximately 5 months from August 2021 to January 2022.
Plans to take parental leave for a second child due in June 2023.

Message from Ms. Emi Iwasaki, Instructor

When I was raising my children, I had never heard of the term "male parental leave" itself. The law was revised in April of this year. Although childcare leave has been established as a system, I believe that many people still do not have a sense of reality. If you do not understand the system well, you may feel uneasy. Let's understand the system correctly through training, make full use of it, and create an environment that allows you to achieve a good work-life balance.

She joined a major company in the distribution industry in a career-track position. After leaving the company due to pregnancy, while raising her three children, she opened an English class and actively participated in community activities, including serving twice as president of the PTA. In 2010, she established WISDOM HOUSE, a counseling salon, and in 2012, she established the NPO Japan Psychoeducation Lab, which is dedicated to training corporate interpersonal support staff, organizational development, and human resource development.

About "Fami-One Learning

Family One Learning:

For 500 yen per month, we will hold online seminars for members and provide approximately 200 archived videos. We plan to provide videos on a wide range of topics useful at work and at home, including not only fertility and infertility treatment, but also menopause, mental symptoms, men's healthcare, and SDGs/ESGs.

We also offer online seminars once every two months, where you can ask questions directly to the experts. If you are unable to attend on the day of the seminar, you can view the archived videos at a later date. If you are unable to attend the seminar, you can view the archived videos at a later date.
Please note that Premium Plan members and those who are currently using a Premium Plan with a corporate or municipal coupon code can attend and archive this seminar at no additional charge.

Fertility Concierge "famione" Service Details

Utilizing LINE, it is now possible to easily and anonymously receive support from specialists at any time.

Fertility concierge "Fami-One" ( is a personal support service utilizing LINE that supports all those who are engaged in fertility management. Advice is available from a number of specialists, including certified infertility nurses, clinical psychologists, and culturists, and support is provided for every step of the process, from when you are just beginning to become aware of your fertility to when you are choosing a hospital and during treatment.
In September 2018, we began offering this service to corporations and local governments. We have introduced benefit programs for Odakyu Electric Railway, TBS Welfare Association, and others; held seminars for Sony, All Nippon Airways Corporation (ANA), ITOCHU labor union, and others; and provided "Pregnancy Line Support Program" to Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Suginami Ward, Tokyo, and others.
*This service is not a medical procedure and does not provide diagnosis or prescriptions.

<Company Information
famione Corporation
 Location Nishida Bldg. 5F, 2-14-6 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
 Representative Representative Director, Yusuke Ishikawa
 Date of establishment June 1, 2015
 uniform resouce locator

▶︎ "Fertility and Infertility Support Benefits" for companies

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
Fami-One Corporation Public Relations Mail: TEL: 080-2243-6995