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Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, Online Video "The 9th Consortium for Supporting Child-Rearing" Promoting Male Employees to Take Maternity Leave: Efforts by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

- The following is content from the press release -

Aiming to create momentum to support child-rearing in society as a whole. Supporting working fathers to take childcare leave! Online videos of the latest case studies of small and medium-sized companies!

How to watch the video: Available on YouTube (free of charge)
Distribution start date: March 23, 2023 (Thursday)

 As a foundation for a national movement to build a child-rearing-friendly social momentum, the Cabinet Office has been holding the "Child Rearing Support Consortium" since July, 2008, a joint public-private initiative with the participation of a wide range of companies and organizations.

 This year's 9th online video, "Promoting Male Employees to Take Childcare Leave: Efforts by Small and Medium Enterprises," will be produced and released under the theme of promoting male employees to take childcare leave, which has been the focus of increasing attention since the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law was revised in June 2021.

 In the first part, Mr. Masanobu Ogura, Minister of State for Special Missions, Cabinet Office (Measures to Cope with Declining Birthrate), will deliver a message to promote male employees to take childcare leave. In addition, a planner who supports the balancing of work and family life will provide information on frequently asked questions about "creating a workplace where employees can balance work and childcare" and the key points of efforts.

 In the second part, we will introduce the efforts of two SMEs that are struggling to promote male parental leave: "Efforts to encourage male parental leave by improving the overall workplace comfort" and "Efforts for the first male to take parental leave in the company.

 Through the release of this video, we aim to promote "awareness-raising" regarding housework and child-rearing among men in companies, workplaces, and society, and to create momentum to support child-rearing in society as a whole.

Video composition] (titles omitted)

■Part I

(1)Message from the Minister of State for Special Missions, Cabinet Office (Measures to Cope with Declining Birthrate)
  Masanobu Ogura, Minister of State for Special Missions, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

Minister of State for Special Missions Ogura

(2) "Support Program for Promotion of Child Care and Family Care Leave, etc. for Small and Medium Enterprises
  2022 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Commissioned Project: Small and Medium Enterprise Support Project for Promotion of Child Care and Family Care Leave, etc.
  Natsuko Nozawa, Work and Family Balance Support Planner
  ✓ Introduction of "Support Program for Promotion of Child Care and Family Care Leave, etc. for Small and Medium Enterprises
  ✓ Points to keep in mind when working to promote male parental leave
  ✓ Breaking down the barriers that discourage men from taking parental leave
  ✓ Advantages of using free assistance from a work-family balance planner

Natsuko Nozawa, Work and Family Balance Support Planner
■Part 2: Corporate Case Studies

(1) Shinko Protek Co.
  Employees: 42 (as of February 2023)
  Main business: Installation, repair and inspection of air conditioning equipment

  Naoko Muramatsu, Senior Managing Director, Yusuke Hayasaka, Section Chief, Service 2 Section
  ✓ Why we worked to promote male parental leave
  ✓ First efforts.
  ✓ What we have done to make it easier for employees to make offers
  ✓ Changes and benefits gained from the change in working style
  ✓ Future initiatives, etc.

Naoko Muramatsu, Senior Managing Director, Shinko Protec
Mr. Yusuke Hayasaka, Section Chief, Service 2 Section, Shinko Protec

(2) Suehiro Kogyo Co.
  Employees: 26 (as of February 2023)
  Main business: Large-scale repair work and comprehensive waterproofing work for condominiums, etc.

  Hiroki Sakurai, President and Representative Director; Tomomi Ohno, Director and General Manager, Accounting Department
  ✓ Why we worked to promote male parental leave
  ✓ First efforts.
  ✓ How specifically did you proceed with the initiative (e.g., creation of a "maternity leave tiger book")?
  ✓ Challenges in promoting male parental leave and overcoming them
  ✓ What we have noticed in our efforts to improve the employment environment, etc.

Hiroki Sakurai, President and Representative Director, Suehiro Kogyo Co.
Tomomi Ohno, Director and General Manager of Accounting Department, Suehiro Industries, Inc.

(3) Summary by the coordinator
  Toray Research Institute of Management, Inc.
  Junji Miyahara, Director, Diversity & Work-Life Balance Promotion Dept.
  ✓ Three key points to smooth male maternity leave in SMEs
  ✓ Initiatives of the two companies presented in the company case studies

Junji Miyahara, Toray Management Research Institute, Inc.

About the Child Rearing Support Consortium

 In the face of the "national crisis" of rapidly declining birthrates and an aging population, it is important that society as a whole work to build social momentum in support of child rearing.

 The "Strategic Council for Overcoming the Declining Birthrate" also discussed the issue from a broad perspective not bound by conventional ideas, and in the "Proposal" compiled on June 4, 2008, the establishment of a joint public-private "Child Rearing Support Consortium" was included as the basis for a national movement to foster a social momentum that is child-rearing friendly. The proposal includes the establishment of a joint public-private "Child Rearing Support Consortium" as the basis for a national movement to create a child-rearing-friendly social momentum.

 In order to take these recommendations seriously and immediately implement what we can, we have launched the "Child Rearing Support Consortium" headed by the Minister of State for Special Missions (Measures to Cope with Declining Birthrate) of the Cabinet Office and consisting of industry associations from various fields.

1st Session July 31, 2008 (Tuesday) "Public transportation-related," "Retail industry-related," and "Media and advertising-related
Second Meeting: Tuesday, September 4, 2008 "Service areas and roadside stations", "Travel and tourism industry related", "Finance and insurance industry related".
Third Meeting: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 "Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Fourth session on Wednesday, July 3, 2048: "Men's Parental Leave" and "Baby Tech.
5th Tuesday, November 12, 2048: "Men's Parental Leave" and "Baby Tech.
The 6th Annual Meeting: Thursday, August 26, 2021 "Balancing Infertility Treatment and Work" (online video streaming)
The 7th Session: March 25, 2022 (Friday) "Fertility Decline and Population Decline Issues" and "Promoting Male Parental Leave" (online video streaming)
Session 8: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 "Using Digital Technology to Solve Issues in the Childcare Field" (online video streaming)

For details, please refer to the following URL