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Brother to hold "Pre-Furefes 2023" on February 25 at the Brother Museum. Children and adults can play together with paper crafts!

- The following is content from the press release -

(President: Tsutomu Mishima), a domestic sales subsidiary of Brother Industries, Ltd. The event will be held at the Brother Museum (Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture) on Saturday, February 25, from 10:00 to 16:00.

Brother offers paper crafts and other products through the free downloadable content distribution site "Pre-Fure," based on the concept of "interacting with 'everyone,' 'creating,' and 'paper' through printers," and is actively collaborating with companies and local governments. The event, "Pri-Fure Fest 2023," will be held on Saturday, February 25, from 10:00 to 16:00, with workshops by Shinko Shuppansha Keirinkan, Open House, Kracie Foods, and Nichiban, with whom the company has collaborated on paper crafts, and a ladder truck display by the Nagoya City Fire Department. The event will be held at the Brother Museum from 10:00 to 16:00. Participation in the event and workshops is free of charge, but advance admission reservations are required.

◆"Prefurefest 2023" special site:

Outline of "Pre-Furefes 2023

■Date and Time: Saturday, February 25, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
■ LocationBrother Museum (5-15 Shioiri-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)
 2 minute walk from Horita Station on the Meitetsu Nagoya Main Line, 3 minute walk from Horita Station on the Subway Meijo Line
 Please use public transportation or pay parking in the vicinity.

Participation FeeFree of charge
Targeted participantsMinimum age: 5 years old, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Event Details:
Workshops (60 min. per workshop)
 1) Disaster Prevention Classroom with the Community Development Kit (Cooperation: Disaster Prevention Specialist Rika Sato)
 (2) Drill Prince and experience the development of figures (Cooperation: Keirinkan, a new publishing company, Inc.
 (3) Tateyou My Home Mini Experience (Cooperation: Open House Co., Ltd.)
 (4) Tangled gummy level research experience (Cooperation: Kracie Foods Co., Ltd.)
 (5) Experience making an original illustrated book (Cooperation: Nichiban Corporation)

Let's make a community building kit together! (10:00-16:00)
Nagoya City Fire Department will display a ladder truck (12:30 - 16:00, cancelled in case of rain)
Pokka Lemon Firemen's Band will perform (11:00~11:45, cancelled in case of rain)

■Reservations for event admission and workshop participation
Please register through the "Pre-Furefes 2023" special website. Advance admission reservations are required even if you do not participate in the advance reservation-only workshops.
Special site for "Pre-Furefest 2023:

■Sponsored by Brother Sales Co.
Cooperation: Keirinkan Corporation, Open House Corporation, Kracie Foods Corporation, Nichiban Corporation, Nagoya City Fire Department, Rika Sato, Disaster Prevention Specialist
Planning and operation: Japan System Art Inc.

<Customer Contact Information 
Pre-Furefest Inquiry Form: