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The long-awaited book version of the "Papa Power Test" is now available! Release of "Raising Two Parents More Fun: A Childcare Quiz for Dads" (115)

From the Editor

The "Papa Power Test: One Question a Day on LINE", which won the Child-rearing Lifestyle Support Award at BTAJ2020 powered by DNP, has been published as a book. The book is a compilation of carefully selected content from the quizzes and columns provided in the Papa Power Test. We hope you will read it.

- The following is content from the press release -

Popular content from the "BabyTech Award Japan 2020 Special Prize" is now available in book form!

Crossmedia Publishing (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Koichiro Kobayakawa), a publisher specializing in business books, will publish a new book, "Futari no Kosodate ga Motto Fun ni Suru Papa no Tame no Ikuji Quiz 115" (115 quizzes on child-rearing for fathers) by Yukie Takahashi on January 16 (Monday). This book is a compilation of carefully selected quizzes and columns introduced in the popular "One Question a Day on LINE: Papa Power Test for Child-Raising Quiz" content, in which questions on child-rearing knowledge are given in quiz format. While solving the quizzes, you can deepen your connection with your baby and partner and gain "knowledge that makes child-rearing more fun.

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In the era of "two-parenting," fathers are seeking knowledge.

Do you know the answer to the following question? (* Correct answers will be posted later.)

Q-1[Claire] 83% correct. Babies should be held "vertically" before they are able to hold their heads up. 0 or x?

Q-2Eighty-seven percent correct. When changing a diaper, it is difficult because the child runs away. Which type is more convenient in this case? (1)Tape type (2)Pants type

Q-3[Claire] 45% correct. Quiz about brain weight: If the weight of the brain around age 20 is 100%, what is the weight of the brain at age 1? (1) about 30% (2) about 75% (3) about 95

Q-4Sixty-two percent correct. Cuts and abrasions heal faster if they are dried. 0 or x?

Giving birth and raising a child for the first time is an unknown experience for everyone. Mothers going through childbirth also have a lot of unknowns. There will be times when fatigue and lack of sleep combine to weaken the body and mind. Mothers do not know everything and cannot handle it all on their own.

On the other hand,When I listen to the stories of fathers, it is not uncommon to hear them say, "I actually felt lonely too!He said. They "didn't know anything about childcare and didn't know what to do." Even when they are close to each other, their lack of knowledge prevents them from communicating and supporting each other appropriately, which can leave them feeling isolated from each other.

In an age when it is becoming more and more common for mothers and fathers to raise children together, many fathers want to be actively involved in childcare ......, but are worried because they do not know how to obtain knowledge or do not have the time.

A popular parenting quiz turns parenting anxiety into confidence!

Is she spitting up her baby food because she doesn't like it?"
How do I play with my baby?"
What do you do when you have a fever?"
What do I do if something gets stuck in my throat?"

The "Papa Power Test: Childcare Quiz" is a popular content that offers one quiz a day on childcare via LINE.

Users of the "Childcare Quiz Papa Power Test" have provided the following feedback.

I found the Papa Power Test when I was gathering information while on maternity leave shortly after the birth of my child.Easy and fun quiz format that can be faced quickly every morningI was attracted to the The quizzes are tailored to the age of the child, so the content can be synchronized with actual child-rearing. I often talked with my husband about the contents of the Papa Power Test in our daily child-rearing. Thank you very much for this wonderful service that makes learning fun. (User name: Senior Dad)

I have to do one question a day. That's all there is to it, but I think the Papa Power Test is the only thing that I have been able to continue and repeat until the end. I have three children now, and every day is a whirlwind. I am grateful for the Papa Power Test because it allows me to go back to the basics.The hardships of housework and childcare are definitely not something that a mother alone can shoulder. It's an important part of our family, so we want to make sure that it's a personal matter for us in the future.Is. (User name: Dad of 3 siblings)

I am a mother of a 6 month old son. I have a routine of taking quizzes at feeding time. This is my first childcare,While I feel the need to learn a lot, I am busy with housework and childcare... I don't have time to settle down and read books on childcare.I am very happy to be able to use it. In such a situation, I can easily learn by solving daily quizzes with my cell phone in hand, which is very helpful. The fact that the questions are based on the age of the child is also very appealing because I can find out the information I need now without hesitation. (User name: RurunRurunMama)

This book contains a total of 115 questions, including 105 carefully selected questions from the quiz and 10 new disaster prevention quiz questions, and also includes the percentage of correct answers at the time of LINE distribution, so you can measure your own knowledge level.

The book is full of warm words of gentle support for moms and dads, including stories from the experts who supervise the book and the experiences of "senior" moms and dads.The quizzes are designed so that you can take in knowledge while having fun and enjoying the quizzes without any pressure.The company is now in the process of

More than just "quizzes" - a wealth of content

In addition to the 115 quiz questions, the book also introduces stories that experts told us during the production process but could not be included in the quiz explanations, as well as some of the secret stories behind the production of the quiz.

Also on line "Childcare Quiz Papa Power Test".The popular four-frame parenting comic strip "Niwatori Papa no Kosodate Diary" also includes 18 stories, including newly written stories.The book contains a total of 7 columns by experts. In addition, seven columns by experts are included. These columns will give you hints on how to face your baby with a relaxed mind.

<Table of Contents of this book
Connection with the baby, ed.
Stage 1: 15 questions to build connections in the "newborn period".
Stage 2: 10 questions to build "transitional" connections
Stage 3: 10 questions to build connections in the "firm upper body phase".
Stage 4: 10 questions to build connections in the "waist firm period".
Stage 5: 10 questions to build connections in the "leg firm phase".
Stage 6: 10 questions to establish a "time to be a toddler" connection.

Baby's What If Edition
Stage 7: 20 questions on "Pediatrics & First Aid
Stage 8: 20 questions on "Accident Prevention & Disaster Prevention
Stage 9: 10 questions on "emergency life saving

Introduction of Serials
Serialization (1) "Letters from Senior Dads"
Serialization (2) "Letters with Child Care Workers"
Serialization (3) "Musasabi Grandma's Kantan Yakuzen
Serials (4) "Fun on the Road
Serialization (5) "Family Photography Techniques Directly Taught by a Photographer and Father of Five

About the Author

Sachie Takahashi
Representative of Mama's Sachi Co. Editor, joined NHK Publishing in 2003. After working as an editor for language, health and medical textbooks and books, she became independent in 2020. Utilizing her experience at the publishing company, she devised the "Childcare Quiz Papa Power Test" under the supervision of experts. He is also involved in content creation, planning and conducting seminars, and writing for the media. He works as a "co-education catalyst" to support the creation of warm bonds between oneself, one's children, and the important people around one. She is a childminder. Disaster Prevention Specialist. Mother of two.

Book Information

115 quizzes for fathers to make parenting more fun for both of you.

Author: Yukie Takahashi
List price: 1,628 yen (1,480 yen + tax)
Format: 406x440 pages
isbn: 978-4-295-40786-7
Published by Crossmedia Publishing (Crossmedia Group Inc.)
Release date: January 16, 2023

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Q-1 (Q16 in the text) = x Babies should be held facing "sideways" before their heads are fully up.
Q-2 (Q37 in the text) = (2) "Pants type" is active when baby runs away from changing diapers
Q-3 (Q46 in the text) = (2) The weight of a one year old brain is approximately 75% of its weight compared to its weight around age 20
Q-4 (Q83 in the text) = x Cuts and grazes heal better if they are not dried