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BTA2022 Parent Support Services Excellence Award Winner iiba Raises Pre-Seed Round of Funding

- The following is content from the press release -

(Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Nana Aizawa) has issued new shares through a third-party allotment to multiple investors. The funds raised will be used for further business development, organizational reinforcement, and product UIUX improvement.

About iiba's Services

iiba's mission is to "build a new child-rearing infrastructure with the aim of creating a society in which it is easy to raise children.
The app currently under development will allow users to instantly find places with children on the map, from playgrounds and restaurants to nursing rooms and restrooms, and will also have a function that allows users to see how to spend a day with children and share the information they find. It is a service that solves all problems related to outings with children with a single app.

Purpose of the Fund Procurement

Last year, iiba developed and tested a test version of the application using Adalo, a Nocode development tool, in order to solve the problem of time-consuming searches for places to go with children or for the next destination. With this funding, we will move to a new development platform, improve the UI/UX of the entire service, expand functions, and strengthen the organizational structure in order to make the service more convenient for more people to use.

Comments from Investors (*Alphabetical order)

Kazuya Shiraishi, President, Life Ending Technologies, Inc.

Profile: Founded Liberal Marketing, Inc. in 2014, sold to Link-U, Inc. listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2020, launched a drone pilot dispatch company in 2016, engaged in developing DX solutions for major infrastructure companies, sold the company to an air mobility development company in 2018.
Comment: "Aiming to create a society where it is easy to raise children, we will build a new child-rearing infrastructure. I also see that you are working on a business area that is convenient and in demand in the world, but that I cannot develop on my own, namely, the ability to instantly find and use good places for child-rearing on a map. I invested in this company in the hope that it would help to build an infrastructure that would improve the world.

Mr. Ryuji Terada, Angel Investor / CEO, TempleField LLC

Profile: Parallel worker with multiple faces including entrepreneur, investor, company employee, and university lecturer
Comment: As information technology advances and society becomes more convenient for many consumers, the individualized nature of "fun, laughter, and happiness" increases.
In order to deliver more personalized value to each individual, we invested with iiba to promote the visualization and valorization of as-yet-undiscovered value and the liquidation of that value, using the "location-based information, real-life experience, and child-rearing" approach.

Minoru Nakahata, Representative Partner, One ip Patent Attorney Corporation

Profile: In 2008, he joined a patent firm and qualified as a patent attorney; in 2013, he joined Coroplast Inc. and in 2016, he joined FiNC Inc. He was appointed as a director and CIPO of Aeronext Inc. Established One ip Patent Attorney Corporation, a patent firm specializing in startup support, in 2018. He has served as a member of the Industrial Structure Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a member of the Japan Patent Office WG, a member of the Intellectual Property Promotion Bureau of the Cabinet Office, and other positions as an expert on startup intellectual property.

Comment: As a father of four, I always look forward to our weekly weekend "outings" with my children and cherish the time we spend together as a family. On the other hand, I often have trouble finding out in advance whether strollers are allowed, whether there are restrooms large enough to change diapers, where we can have lunch, and what time everyone comes and what course they take. When I first spoke with Ms. Aizawa, I could sense her strong desire to realize a world where "child-rearing is made less confusing and life is made more convenient and enjoyable. I have decided to invest in the company because I hope that technology can solve the problems of child-rearing and make it possible to enjoy the precious time of "childhood" even more.

Representative (Nana Aizawa, President of iiba Co., Ltd.) comments

iiba is a service that I launched to solve issues that I myself felt while raising my own children. I am very pleased that our investors, whom I truly respect and trust, share the worldview that iiba is aiming for and have agreed to participate in our company as shareholders. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you. With this funding, we will further develop our business, strengthen our organizational structure, and improve the UIUX of our products.
We are sincerely committed to our business and users. We hope that you will continue to support iiba as we embark on a new stage.

About Us

Company name: iiba Inc.
Location: 3F Navi Shibuya V, 5-5 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Nana Aizawa, Representative Director
Business activities: Development and operation of child-rearing MAP application iiba
Corporate website:
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