BTA2024 Award Winning Products Announced! Second round of judging underway!

YEC Solutions launches sales of "Prevention of leaving kindergarten buses unattended" service. Data linkage with "Preschool Support System + Bus Catch".

- The following is content from the press release -

 (Headquarters: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture; President: Hisanobu Iwasaki) has been developing the Riri Funappu series (Ohirune Sensor, Rakuraku Kenketsu, CO₂izu), which utilizes IoT for nursery schools and kindergartens.

 In response to the tragic accident in September 2022 in Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture, in which a child was left for dead by a bus, we have decided to develop and market a service that prevents school buses from leaving children behind by using beacon location information and QR, utilizing our development technology and know-how, in order to help prevent similar accidents from happening again in the future. We have decided to develop and market a service to prevent school buses from being left behind, utilizing beacon location information and QR.

◆Product Overview/Features
  • This product is available with government financial assistance (subsidy). *For details, see "◆Government Trends" at the bottom of this page.
  • There is no need to install any construction or equipment on the commuter bus.
  • The service confirms boarding and alighting based on the distance between the beacon and a smartphone with the application installed.
  • One beacon or QR is required for each preschooler.
  • The driver or teacher confirming boarding and alighting will be required to use a smart phone.
  • If you do not purchase a beacon or have forgotten your beacon, you may use QR.
◆Start of sales

 Scheduled around January 2023.

◆Data linkage with "Park Support System + Bus Catch

 Following Riri-Funappu Raku-Raku Temperature Check and CO₂ Aizu, we are also developing data linkage with the ICT system for kindergartens, nursery schools, and certified childcare centers "En Support System + Bus Catch" provided by VISH Corporation (Head office: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; Representative Director: Hiroyuki Tabuchi).
 We will announce when the data linkage will start.

◆Inquiry Form

◆ Riririfunappu service site

◆Contact information

 YEC Solutions, Inc.
 Service Sales Unit, Solution Service Division
 Lily Funapu Product Manager
 TEL: 045-662-0881

 The service is available for purchase through government funding (subsidies).
 If you have any questions about our products, please register your contact information, the quantity of beacons you need, and when you plan to start using them by filling out the inquiry form below.

◆Inquiry Form

◆Government Trends

 In September 2022, an accident occurred in Makinohara City, Shizuoka Prefecture, in which a child was left on a bus transporting a certified child care center. In response to this incident, on October 12, the Japanese government compiled an emergency plan for thorough safety management of bus transfers for children.

 As part of the emergency measures, the following projects are being considered for financial measures as part of the promotion of the "Package of Support for Measures to Ensure the Safety and Security of Children".

Promotion of the "Support Package for Measures to Ensure the Safety and Security of Children
Second supplementary budget proposal for FY2022: 23.4 billion yen

Purpose of the Business
Based on the "Thorough Safety Plan for Bus Transportation of Children - Emergency Measures for Thorough Safety Management of Bus Transportation", the "Support Package for Safety and Security Measures for Children" will be promoted, which includes support for the repair of safety devices on buses used for transportation, to ensure the safety and security of children.

Outline and scheme of the project
Business Outline
(1) Support for installation of safety devices on buses used for transportation (appropriated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Support for the retrofitting of vehicles with devices to prevent the whereabouts of infants and other children from being overlooked, such as buzzers, etc., which will become mandatory (*).
*Only those that comply with the Guidelines for the Specification of Safety Devices to Assist in Preventing Leaving Behind (tentative name).

(2) Support for introduction of a preschool attendance management system (appropriated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Support for implementation of a preschool attendance management system to facilitate communication from parents regarding the status of their infants' arrival and departure from preschool, and to support confirmation and sharing among staff.

(3) Support for introduction of child watch tags (GPS) (appropriated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Support for the introduction of devices and other equipment related to GPS-based child watch services that contribute to safety measures

(4) Distribution of videos of safety management manuals and training, etc. (appropriated by the Cabinet Office)
Created a list of recommended safety devices to be equipped on buses for transportation.

Subject facility】】 【Target facility
Day nurseries, certified child day care centers (other than kindergarten-type certified child day care centers), community-type day care facilities, unlicensed day care facilities for those who provide wide-area day care services, after-school child care clubs, day care support facilities for handicapped children, kindergartens (including kindergarten-type certified child day care centers), elementary schools, middle schools, compulsory education schools, secondary education schools, special needs schools

*Manuscript from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "FY2022 Second Supplementary Budget: Overview of Budget Related to Childcare".