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Katagrma's "KatagrMa," an organizational and human resource development cloud for the childcare, education, and rehabilitation industries, has surpassed 250 users in cumulative subscriptions and trials.

- The following is content from the press release -

(Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hirotaka Otake; hereafter "Katagrma") announced today that the total number of contracts and trials for its organizational and human resource development cloud for childcare facilities, "KatagrMa," exceeded 250 preschools in November 2022.

The Company,"We are taking the work of supporting children's upbringing from a child's aspiration to a society's pride."With the vision of "We are a company that provides solutions to organizational and human resource issues in the childcare, education, and rehabilitation industries," we started our business in 2021 as an HR tech company.

And on June 25, 2021, "KatagrMa" ( was launched and full-scale marketing began in November 2021, followed by a steady increase in users,Cumulative number of contracts and trials exceeded 250 parks in 1 year and 4 months after launchWe are pleased to inform you that we have decided to

This is the mission of KatagurumaA new view for everyone involved with children."We are proud to say that we have been highly evaluated by preschools that are looking for a new management approach under the centralized management of Kataguruma, as stated in the following section.

More than half of the users who did not sign a formal contract have identified needs for functional improvements and have expressed their willingness to reconsider the contract if those improvements are made.

KatagrMa is the industry's first cloud-based organizational and human resource development system that enables centralized management, visualization, streamlining, and individual optimization of organizational and human resource development at childcare facilities, which until now have relied solely on intuition and experience to operate their facilities without anyone teaching them.

The childcare, education, and rehabilitation industry has a serious shortage of human resources and a labor cost ratio of approximately 60-70%, which is overwhelmingly high compared to other industries.

However, on-site management is usually analog, and the lack of proper management and communication has not stopped the turnover of nursery school teachers, kindergarten teachers, cooks, nurses, and other workers in the field. Although there are about 1.5 million qualified nursery school teachers in Japan, only about 30%, or 500,000, are working in the field, and many of them have not returned to the childcare field.

Furthermore, with the increase in tragic accidents such as the school bus accident and the unstoppable decline in the number of children, the field of childcare, education, and rehabilitation environment is under pressure to reform and shift from quantity to quality in childcare.

By using Kataguruma, we will be able to provide growth support, educational opportunities, communication, and work styles based on the strengths and challenges of each staff member, thereby improving the quality of organizational management and human resource development, even with a limited number of staff, and contributing to the quality of childcare services.

Users' voices

The following is a list of case studies we have received from various parks. The following is an example.

0Personal interview, self-evaluation
Until now, I had been doing it somehow, for the sake of the audit. I could not do it while managing. However, by using Kataguruma, we are now in a situation where we have no choice but to do it, and we are able to make time to actually work on it.

0Individual interviews, staff self-evaluation
Information sharing between the preschools and the head office has become possible regarding lost staff, etc., and support from the head office to the director has become possible. In the future, the head office and the preschools may be able to work together to address issues such as staff turnover.

0 Management
Mental and physical conditions had previously only been discussed with staff who seemed to need to be aware of them, but the input form made it possible to have a conversation with uniform content. It also allowed us to absorb positive opinions.

The director and the head of the school were asked to scrutinize the self-evaluation items and rate their importance.
This series of settings provides a good opportunity to reevaluate the items necessary for the preschool, their level of importance, and the roles of each staff member, and to improve the management awareness of the director and the head of the school.

periodic review
We used PDF at the October audit and it was much easier to deal with.

0 Parent Evaluation
The parent evaluation was previously conducted on paper and tabulated by the director in Excel, but the introduction of Kataguruma has reduced the amount of time required. The bar graphs are also much easier to read.

■Future Outlook

With "KatagrMa," the organization and human resource development cloud for childcare facilities currently in development, we will continue to develop products to solve issues in the value chain of recruitment, human resource management, onboarding, retention, turnover prevention, health management, human resource development, transfer and placement, personnel evaluation, high performers, and engagement. We will continue to develop our products. 

In addition, by expanding into markets related to the upbringing of children who will be responsible for the future, such as daycare centers, certified kindergartens, kindergartens, after-school care services, child development support facilities, and schools, we will realize a comprehensive HR platform in the childcare, education, and medical care industries, and contribute to environmental innovation and growth support for working people, as well as to the improvement of the quality of services and the environment for children. We will contribute to environmental innovation and growth support for workers, as well as to the improvement of the quality of services and the environment for children.

■Kataguruma Corporation Company Profile

Company name: Kataguruma Corporation

Business: Saas planning, development and sales for childcare and education related industries

Location: 3F Tensho Akihabara Bansebashi Building, 2-23-1 Kandasudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Representative: Hironobu Otake

Capital: 35 million yen (including capital reserve)