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Conehito, operator of childcare information app mamari, launches industry-academia collaboration project using big data. Now recruiting researchers who want to utilize big data.

- The following is content from the press release -

(HQ: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yasufumi Takahashi; hereinafter "Conehito"), whose vision is "to create a society where your vision of family can be realized," is seeking universities, research institutes, and researchers who want to utilize big data in "Mamari," used by one out of three* mothers, in an industry-academia collaborative project. The Technology Promotion Department, which leads the use of data, is seeking universities, research institutions, and researchers who wish to utilize the big data in "Mamari," which is used by one in three* mothers.

■About the industry-academia collaboration project using big data
The environment and values surrounding families raising children are changing at a dizzying pace, including the declining birthrate and childbirth and childcare in the Corona disaster. With the aim of expanding approaches to solving social issues related to pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing, this project provides data and research support without limiting the fields of psychology, business administration, information engineering, medicine, and others.

■Case Studies of Industry-Academia Collaboration Using Big Data
We provided data for a data analysis competition using big data.
In December of this year, we started a joint research project with Yuzu Uchida Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkai-Gakuen University.

■Three features of Conexito data
(1) Uniqueness of data
The search behavior and question/answer data starting from the date of birth are maintained. By looking at the data in conjunction with the date of birth, it is possible to statistically learn what mothers are worried about and what they are looking for at any given time.

For example, analysis of the Conexito data above shows that maternal interest in financial insurance peaks around the 10th month of pregnancy, not after childbirth. Such analysis allows us to provide relevant information and product recommendations ahead of time.

(2) Data showing the true feelings of child-rearing households without any construction
Because we are a service specialized for expectant, pregnant, and child-rearing mothers, we maintain text data related to various consultations on small daily problems that occur in the home, education, shopping, and living. This data is different from data that can be obtained through market surveys or questionnaires, and it reveals the true feelings of the users without any preconceived notions because of the trust that has been built between users and the service.

(3) Data volume
Because Mamari is used by one out of every three mothers*, we are able to obtain data on the lives and concerns of approximately 300,000 households, starting with approximately 300,000 new users each year. The volume of data accumulated by users to date amounts to 4 million searches and 1.3 million postings per month.

For more information on data formats and other details, please contact us at the URL below.

■ Utilization of Conexito Data
So far, Conehito has been utilizing data separately for users of the "Mamari" app and for companies/municipalities/paternity hospitals. For users, Conehito has established a "Delivering useful questions" section within the app, which uses machine learning to provide 1-to-1 content recommendations based on users' browsing and search trends to support those who are struggling to gather information efficiently during their first pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, for companies/municipalities/paternity hospitals, we provide through "Family Notebook" which statistically processes search, Q&A, and attribute data in the app.

We use statistical information and real voices to clarify when and what kind of products people consider purchasing and what are the barriers to purchase, and reflect sei-katsu-sha concerns in product development and sales floor development to promote business growth and changes in the purchasing patterns of families raising children. Based on these achievements in the use of Conexito data, we have launched an industry-academia collaborative project and are now recruiting researchers to conduct research using big data.

For more information on "Family Notebook," please click here.

About Conehit Corporation
With the mission of "creating something indispensable in people's lives," we are a company that supports decision-making in family life events through the power of IT. In the future, we aim to provide services that help families make choices in even more diverse life event areas.
Business description: Development and operation of "Mamari," a Q&A application/information site for mothers
Location: Daiwa Azabu Terrace 5F, 3-20-1 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo

About Mamari
Mamari" is a community brand for women in the midst of pregnancy, pre-moms, and moms, based on the mission of "supporting moms' first steps" and centered on "solving" and "sympathizing" with their concerns.

We solve the problems of mothers through our Q&A application and information media for mothers. One in three mothers* use the app, which receives approximately 1.3 million posts per month and 4 million searches per month.

<Q&A App.

<Information Media

*Calculated based on the number of users who have set their childbearing plans on "Mamari" within 2021 and the number of births in the "Vital Statistics" published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

About Tech Vision
Connehito has always used the power of technology and engineering to grow, but we believe that the power of technology and engineering will become increasingly important in order to achieve our vision of "creating a society where your vision of family can come true". We have created the Connehito Tech Vision as a compass that expresses our attitude toward technology and our vision of "Beyond a Tech Company".

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
Conehito Corporation Corporate Brand Growth