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Countel Seeks Beta Test Users for "AnS Ans," a New Application for Immediate Consultation for Moms and Dads Raising Children

- The following is content from the press release -

A beta version of "AnS", a new application that allows moms and dads raising children to consult with senior moms and dads and experts who have experienced similar problems "right now" when they are troubled, is now available. Recruitment of users has begun.

Countel, Inc. (headquartered in Suginami-ku, Tokyo; Yukio Hosoya, CEO), a provider of online counseling services for mothers and fathers raising children, has developed a completely new parenting counseling application "AnS Ans" that does not require appointments, and is finally available in beta.

Increasingly severe "postpartum depression

 Postpartum Depression Surges with Corona Disaster. The latest research shows that "one in four women" are now at risk of developing the disease,One in seven to ten people will surely develop the disease. This is a shocking revelation.

 Postpartum depression is a form of depression that develops after childbirth (mainly within the first year). It often lasts from a few weeks to a few months, and as it worsens, it becomes a more severe postpartum psychosis, with life-threatening consequences, such as exacerbated feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.

 Under the current circumstances where face-to-face interaction, support, and communication such as parent-teacher classes are decreasing and children are forced to raise their children in isolation at home, how to maintain connections with those around them and how to remove the accumulation of emotional exhaustion on a daily basis are urgent issues.

Countel's Past Initiatives

 Countel, Inc. was founded by a Keio University medical student who aspires to become a psychiatrist, and has been providing online counseling services for mothers and fathers who are struggling with childbirth and childcare. that have been provided to the public.

 This time, the service "AnS Ans" ( is using this experience to address the challenges unique to raising a child, which were brought to light in the course of conducting traditional counseling services.Difficulty in making reservations in advance."This is a completely new parenting consultation application that solves the

 Especially when raising small children, they may suddenly start crying or become ill, and it is not certain that the reserved time is really available.
 That's where this newly createdAnS Ans" is an application that allows you to talk with someone right away, when you want to, without the need for a prior appointment. It is.

AnS Features

 AnS AnS" is a smartphone application that allows mothers and fathers raising children to consult with senior mothers and fathers who have experienced similar problems and experiences, as well as specialists such as public health nurses and clinical psychologists, "right now. (* The function to consult specialists will be added next year.)

 There are two consultation methods: "a function that allows you to consult with senior moms, dads, and specialists who are online right now over the phone" and "a function that allows you to post your concerns in bulletin board format, and senior moms, dads, and specialists will respond to your concerns in writing.

 In addition, "senior moms and dads" who receive advice are allowed only if they are respectful to others and have cleared the literacy requirements as listeners (a.k.a. "answer literacy"), aiming to prevent the mindless replies and troubles that are common on worry counseling boards and SNS.
 However, this literacy program is not difficult or complicated at all, but is designed as a simple quiz format under the supervision of a psychologist so that you can learn only the key points in a short time. Click on the links below to view the actual quizzes and teaching materials.

(Answer Literacy course screen:

Recruitment of testers

Beta user registration for AnS is available here (Japanese only)

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at

 We look forward to hearing from you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does it cost money for a call consultation?
AnS is a service based on the concept of peer support, where mothers and fathers help each other. Therefore, consultation with AnS is free of charge.

Q. What is the approximate age of "child-rearing"?
Although not clearly defined, the program is available mainly for children 12 years old and younger (elementary school students), but also for junior high and high school students.

Q. Can I consult with someone who is currently under psychiatric care for postpartum depression, etc.?
This service is not a medical institution and does not accept medical counseling for the purpose of treatment, but please feel free to consult with us about your daily problems.

Q. Can men who are raising children also use the service?
Of course it is possible. Please feel free to use this service regardless of gender.

Q. How long do you expect the call consultation to last?
AnS allows you to talk for as little or as long as you like, as long as it is convenient for the answerer to listen. Whether it is a short chat or a slow consultation, please feel free to use this service.

Q. Can I also use it if I am planning to have a baby or raise a child?
Of course it is possible. We have many concerns even before the birth of your child, so please feel free to contact us.

About Countel Inc.
Established in 2021.
Founded by Keio University medical students after winning the 2020 Shinjuku-ku Business Plan Contest.
Countel's mission is to "create an environment where anyone can talk to someone, anytime and easily" in order to reduce depression in the world.

Currently, the company offers "Countel Baby", an online counseling service designed to be affordable for mothers and fathers struggling with childbirth and childcare, and "Countel Baby for Office" for corporate clients. In addition, in April 2022, the company will launch "Countel Student," an online individual counseling service for high school students and their parents who are preparing for university entrance examinations and internal university admission, with answers provided by the most challenging university and medical school students in the metropolitan area.
As its next product, the company is developing "AnS Ans," a 1-on-1 platform that will allow all mothers and fathers to connect immediately with seniors who have various child-rearing experiences, synchronized mothers who are in the same situation, and experts.

Countel Baby
Countel Baby for Office
Countel Student.

Company Name: Countel Inc.
Establishment: April 6, 2021
Capital: 1,170,000 yen
Representative: Yukio Hosoya, Representative Director and CEO
Location: 3-20-10 Eifuku, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
Home Page:

For inquiries regarding this release, please contact
Countel Corporation Attn: Yukio Hosoya