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F.K.Solutions launches sales of check-in (to and from preschool) and notification system [FDCN] based on facial recognition of preschool children.

- The following is content from the press release -

F.K. Solutions (Head Office: Nonoichi City, Ishikawa Prefecture, President: Hiroyuki Okada) has developed the "Face Four Plus" AI face recognition terminal developed by Daiwa Tsushin Co. FDCN", a preschool arrival/departure management and notification system using AI face recognition terminals, will be released on November 21, 2022, in response to nationwide calls for a review of safety measures in the wake of recent accidents involving children left behind on buses transporting children to and from kindergartens and daycare centers. In order to prevent such tragic accidents from happening again, we will start selling the system with various payment methods, such as a fixed payment of 5,000 yen/month.

Sales of the check-in (arrival/departure) and notification system [FDCN] based on facial recognition of preschool children will begin on November 21.

~ Protecting our precious preschool children with the preschool (facility) and parents~.

F.K. Solutions (Head Office: Nonoichi City, Ishikawa Prefecture, President: Hiroyuki Okada) has developed the "Face Four Plus" AI face recognition terminal developed by Daiwa Tsushin Co. FDCN", a preschool arrival/departure management and notification system utilizing AI face recognition terminals, is now available for sale with various payment methods, including a fixed monthly fee of 5,000 yen. We will start selling FDCN with various payment methods such as "5,000 yen/month fixed payment" and others.
 *[FDCN] Facial Recognition Check-in Notification System

The bus carrying the child arrives at the school, exits the bus, and enters the school building. The AI facial recognition terminal authenticates the child's face and automatically notifies the parents that the child has entered the school building.
This system allows the preschool and parents to securely manage and confirm the attendance of their children.
The system includes the cost of an AI facial recognition terminal.

In response to recent accidents involving children left unattended on buses transporting children to and from kindergartens and daycare centers, a nationwide review of safety measures has been called for. The government has also announced that from April 2023, it will be mandatory to check the whereabouts of children when they get on and off buses, regardless of who is driving or riding the bus, and to install safety devices to prevent children from being left behind in approximately 44,000 buses used by daycare centers, kindergartens, and certified kindergartens nationwide. In addition to the mandatory installation of safety devices, the Cabinet also decided to support ICT-based child watchdog systems and school arrival/departure management systems as part of the "Package of Measures for Child Safety and Security".

What is Dream Dream?

Dream Dream," a childcare business support system, is designed to help all those involved in childcare, including preschool children, parents, and directors, realize their "dreams. As the importance of early childhood education and care is being questioned, social demands for childcare are increasing. Against this backdrop, we believe that what is required of an IT system to support childcare operations is to provide an environment in which the use of IT equipment can improve work efficiency, share information, motivate childcare staff to perform the next task, and operate the PDCA cycle in an integrated manner. We have developed a management system for arrival and departure from preschool that utilizes AI face recognition terminals.
This preschool arrival/departure management system using AI face recognition terminals can record the arrival/departure times of registered preschoolers simply by holding their faces over the AI face recognition terminals. While conventional preschool arrival/departure management systems using IC cards, QR codes, or manual input can be authenticated by a guardian or facility administrator, this system records arrival/departure times only by the child's own authentication, thus greatly increasing the reliability and authenticity of the records.

Notification to Parents Using Yumenet

Yumenetto" is a safe and secure communication tool for parents. The Yumenetto application notifies parents in real time of their child's arrival and departure from preschool using the YUME-DREAM system, eliminating the anxiety of parents who are concerned about whether their child got off the bus safely or not. If there is no notification, both parents and preschools can communicate with each other to prevent serious accidents from occurring.
 The AI face recognition terminal also has a temperature measurement function, so the child's temperature can be recorded and managed at the same time as the child is authenticated at the time of arrival and departure from preschool.

About AI Face Recognition Terminals

 The AI face recognition terminal used in the school arrival/departure management system was developed by Daiwa Communications Co. Face Four Plus" can identify a pre-registered face in about 0.2 seconds, and its identification accuracy is extremely high. Face recognition can be performed instantly and stress-free, even during busy times such as during the school day.
Using a proprietary AI algorithm, the system simultaneously performs face recognition, temperature measurement, and mask detection, and allows the user to select an alert sound that is appropriate for various installation environments and needs. These settings can be easily controlled from the touch panel on the main unit. We were able to build this system using the Face Four Plus' high face recognition accuracy and fast identification speed.

Role of F.K.Solutions.

F.K.Solutions will utilize the sales network of "Kodochi," an online store specializing in children's facilities that connects parents and preschools, and the network of "Kodochi Park," an all-weather indoor park, in cooperation with Daiwa Communications and ACT, and combine the technologies and techniques of the two companies to provide a safe and secure environment for children attending kindergartens and preschools nationwide. Ltd. and ACT Co., Ltd. to combine the technology and expertise of the two companies to provide a safe and secure environment for children attending kindergartens and nursery schools nationwide, and to improve convenience for parents and facility managers at a lower cost than anywhere else.
F.K.Solutions combines AI facial recognition terminals and attendance management systems to provide low-cost, fixed-price services to child care facilities on a subscription basis. We also offer the best solution for each facility, allowing you to choose the plan that best fits your needs.

Various usage scenarios for subscription services.

 The service combining AI face recognition terminals and attendance management systems is not limited to child care facilities, but also includes systems for after-school children's clubs. It can also be applied to swimming schools that use shuttle buses, tutoring cram schools, and other classes for children's lessons. By applying this system to various facilities for children, it is possible to monitor the safety of children from both the guardians and the facilities.

◆Product Name Face Recognition Check-in & Notification System [FDCN
◆Selling price From 5,000 yen/month (tax not included)
◆Sales start date November 21, 2022-.
◆Exhibition explanation and sales at Childcare Expo 2022 (International Forum)

■Company Profile
Trade name : F.K.Solutions Inc.
Representative: Hiroyuki Okada, Representative Director
Address of Sales Office : 3-66-1, Kamibayashi, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921-8835, Japan
Establishment : October 2010
Business activities: Import and wholesale of foreign goods, operation of indoor park facilities, etc.
Capital : 3 million yen