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Fami-One to hold "Fami-One Conference 2022" on November 8 online for HR and management on the topic of balancing work with fertility and infertility treatment.

From the Editor

Fami-One, winner of the Grand Prize in the Fertility and Pregnancy category of the 2020 BabyTech Awards Japan, will be hosting an online conference for corporate HR and management on the topic of balancing work with fertility and infertility treatment.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

Online event by Fami-One, a startup working in the area of wellbeing and femtec.

With the vision of "creating a society where everyone who wishes to have a child can lead a happy life," we have launched "famione," a pregnancy concierge service that utilizes LINE. (headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Yusuke Ishikawa, President; hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), a provider of "Fami-One" services, will hold the "Fami-One Conference 2022" on November 8, 2022. will be held in a completely online format.

▼For the full press release, click here.

This year will be the first conference as Fami One,How do we start to support the balance between infertility treatment and work? Themeand will include a keynote speech. The keynote speaker will be Mr. Tamura of CyberAgent, who has also presented egg freezing support, and will speak about corporate support for fertility and infertility treatment.

It is estimated that one out of every 4.4 couples in Japan undergoes testing and treatment for infertility. And,As many as 35% have resigned from their jobs, changed their employment status, or interrupted their fertility treatment side because they were unable to balance work andThe data also show that

In recent years, the insurance coverage of infertility treatment and the promotion of women's activities have led to a shift in society as a whole toward "supporting those who are struggling with fertility and infertility treatment.

As support for balancing work with childcare, nursing care, and treatment of illnesses becomes "the norm" in the future,We want to make support for balancing work with fertility and infertility treatment the "norm.We have planned this conference in the hope that

Fami One Conference details page :

Fami One Conference Overview

Date] Tuesday, November 8, 2022, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Online session using zoom webinar function *Enter and leave during the session, no names and faces will be shown.

Participation Fee] Free of charge
Management, human resources, general public
Companies scheduled to speak】CyberAgent, Inc., Yahoo Japan Corporation, Merck Biopharma, Inc., Ishiko-shoji, Inc., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, TBS Holdings Corporation, GAtechnologies Corporation, Sumitomo Life Insurance Company, BIPROGY Corporation, Mitsubishi Estate Co. Co.
Please apply through the website.

Sponsors and sponsors are also being sought. For details, please check the official website of the conference.

Fami One Conference details page :

Comment from Yusuke Ishikawa, President and Representative Director, Fami-One Corporation

According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, approximately 16% of respondents resigned because they were unable to balance work and infertility treatment, and when not only resigned but also changed their employment status or discontinued infertility treatment, the total number of respondents was 351 TP6T. The importance of providing support is expanding step by step, with the establishment of the "Kurumin Mark" for fertility treatment and the addition of the improvement of women's health literacy as an evaluation item for health promotion companies, but it is still expected to take some time before the world's awareness of this issue changes. We hope that Fami One Conference 2022 will serve as a catalyst for change toward a society in which everyone can work with vitality and enthusiasm.

Fertility Concierge "famione" Service Details

Utilizing LINE, it is now possible to easily and anonymously receive support from specialists at any time.

Fertility concierge "Fami-One" ( ) is a personal support service utilizing LINE to support couples engaged in fertility control. by registering for a LINE account, you will receive a specialized check sheet, which will analyze your input and provide advice tailored to your situation.

Advice is available from a number of experts, including certified infertility nurses, clinical psychologists, culturists, and certified infertility peer counselors from the NPO Fine, supporting every step of the process, from when you are just starting to become aware of your fertility to when you are choosing a hospital and during treatment. Since the service's release, the cumulative number of registered users has reached 30,000, and since October 2019, the number of registered users has increased at a pace exceeding 800% year-on-year. 93% of registrants have expressed a high level of satisfaction with the service, saying they would like to receive advice again at famione.

In September 2018, we began offering a corporate benefits program. In addition to introducing benefit programs for Odakyu Electric Railway, TBS Welfare Society, GAtechonologies, and others, we have also provided seminars to Sony, All Nippon Airways Corporation (ANA), ITOCHU Labor Union, and others. We have also provided seminars to local governments, including Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Suginami Ward in Tokyo, and Ora Town in Gunma Prefecture, ranging from prefectural units to core cities and municipalities with several tens of thousands of residents.
*This service is not a medical procedure and does not provide diagnosis or prescriptions.

<Company Information
famione Corporation

Location Nishida Bldg. 5F, 2-14-6 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
Representative Yusuke Ishikawa, Representative Director
Date of establishment June 1, 2015
uniform resouce locator