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Shinagawa Ward provides support to households raising children for the purchase of household goods - up to 50,000 yen per child

From the Editor

Shinagawa Ward subsidizes the purchase of up to 50,000 yen worth of household goods for each child born on April 2, 2022 for those who are raising children at home. The subsidy includes home appliances such as vacuum cleaners and dishwashers, as well as baby monitors and other baby tech appliances. We hope that those who are eligible will take advantage of this subsidy.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

 In response to the prolonged effects of the new coronavirus infection, Shinagawa Ward will subsidize the purchase of up to 50,000 yen worth of household goods for each child born on April 1, 2022 as childcare support for those who are raising children at home from April 2, 2009. (This program is limited to the fiscal year 2022.)

 We started accepting applications in September, and we encourage all applicable applicants to take advantage of this service.

Project to support households raising children in the purchase of household goods

Outline of the Project to Support Households Raising Children in Purchasing Household Supplies

1. Subject

Those who are raising a child born between April 2, 2022 and April 1, 2022.
Applicants must have their eligible child's residence certificate in Shinagawa Ward at the time of application.
Applicants whose children are not in day-care centers or babysitters (excluding temporary care) at the time of application
The applicant must meet all of the above requirements.

2. Application period

From September 2022 to February 28, 2023

3. Flow of use

(1) Information notice: An information flyer will be sent to eligible households.
(2) Application: Electronic application (Electronic Application|Application for assistance in purchasing household goods in Shinagawa Ward) apply through
(3) Examination: The ward will examine whether the applicant meets the eligibility requirements.
(4) Notification of decision: The grant decision will be notified by e-mail.
(5) ID and password: Information on the purchase site and ID and password will be sent to the e-mail address provided at the time of application. (Approximately 3 or 4 weeks after screening)
(6) Product application: Please select the product you wish to purchase from the purchase site using your ID and password.
(7) Product shipment: Purchased products will be delivered to the registered shipping address approximately one month after the purchase order is submitted.