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Frutiful again calls for "free use" of QR Dare Doko, an app to prevent preschoolers from being left behind.

From the Editor

Frutiful, which offers the "QR Dare Doko" application with bus roll call functionality, is asking you to "use it because it's free" to help prevent tragic accidents involving preschool children. Why not consider gioing this app, which can also realize two-way communication at a small equipment cost?

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

QR Dare Doko, an app to prevent preschoolers from being left behind, again calls for "It's free, so please use it.

~ App "QR Dare Doko" adds bus roll call function and calls for its use again. In principle, free of charge for nursery schools and kindergartens ~.

One year after the accident in Fukuoka in which a preschooler was left on a bus, another sad accident has occurred. Full Tiful LLC (Head office: Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City; Representative: Shingo Minamino), which operates the "QR Dare Doko" application, developed at the end of last year and officially released in June of this year, is once again calling for the use of this application.

This application is a system that allows nursery school and kindergarten administrators and parents to share information about children's enrollment and activities at the school by reading a QR code placed on the back of the child's nametag or other information with the child's smartphone or a tablet installed at the nursery school or kindergarten. With a tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet, the system can be used simply by inserting a piece of paper with the QR code printed on it into the back of the child's nameplate. The system itself is also free of charge in principle for nursery schools and kindergartens.


[How the bus mode works].

The number of children attending preschool changes daily due to a sudden fever in the morning or other parental obligations. There is a limit to how much information can be shared on a daily basis and how much each caregiver can keep track of each child's situation. In the bus mode, when a parent calls to inform the preschool that a child is absent from school, the system automatically notifies the currently running bus of the change by changing the checkboxes of the children scheduled to board the bus. This allows the attendant to keep track of who is scheduled to board at each bus stop and whether there are any children who are absent. When a child enters kindergarten, information about the child's enrollment is communicated to the parents, allowing them to work and do their chores with peace of mind.

Bus mode illustration

Features of Bus Mode

Screen of bus attendant in operation

How the "Smile Mode" works

Another feature added since the June release is "Smile Mode. In Smile Mode, preschoolers can voluntarily send messages to their parents by holding up the QR on the back of their nameplate to a tablet installed at the preschool. The message is sent to the parents by selecting a message such as "I ate all my food" or "I played in the field" and tapping the smiley button and holding the QR over the tablet. This allows parents to know their child's activities and feelings during the day, leading to joy and peace of mind in between work and household chores.

Frutiful also provides loaner tablets for pilot operations.

About Frutiful LLC.

The company was established to coincide with the launch of the QR Daredoko service. We provide small web services to support the working generation.

About Us
Company name: Frutiful LLC
Location: Sanardai, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City
Representative: Shingo Minamino
Establishment: November 2021
Business Description:
Planning, development and sales of software
Web service operation
Consulting on information system implementation
All businesses incidental to the above items

For inquiries from customers, please contact.

Frutiful LLC