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VISH, a space monitoring system using CO₂ sensors to support ventilation measures in kindergartens and daycare centers, and a "CO₂izu" and a "preschool support system" are system linked.

From the Editor

VISH's "Garden Support System," which provides bus catch and other business cloud services for childcare facilities, is linked with YE Solutions' "Ririfuppu CO₂izu," a space management system using CO2 sensors. The system will support ventilation in the facility.

Let's take a look at the details from the press release.

- The following is content from the press release -

VISH Corporation (headquartered in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; Hiroyuki Tabuchi, Representative Director) announces that its cloud service "Garden Support System + Bus Catch," which streamlines the operations of kindergartens and daycare centers, will begin system integration with "Riri Funappu CO₂Aizu," a space monitoring system using CO₂ sensors provided by YEC Solutions, Inc. (headquartered in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture; Hisanobu Iwasaki, President), has started system linkage with the CO₂ sensor-based space monitoring system "Ririfuppu CO₂izu" provided by YEC Solutions, Inc.

Through this linkage, CO₂ concentration is constantly displayed on the facility management screen of the "Park Support System + Bus Catch", making it possible to grasp the timing of effective ventilation.

Screen shot of the "preschool support system + bus catch" linked to the "Riri-Fuppu CO₂izu" system.

On the right side of the "Garden Support System + Bath Catch" top page, the CO₂ concentration, temperature, and humidity of the room where the sensor is installed are constantly displayed.

Background of Collaboration

Regarding the infection situation of the new coronavirus, the number of new cases of infection is rapidly increasing in kindergartens, nursery schools, and certified child care centers.

The Subcommittee on Countermeasures to Combat New Coronavirus Infections reported that there were scattered cases of infections in facilities where clusters occurred frequently, which may have been caused by inadequate ventilation.

The importance of ventilation has been reaffirmed, but for kindergartens and nursery schools, which have traditionally had a heavy workload, this will place a new work burden on them.

To alleviate some of these concerns, we have developed a service that notifies faculty and staff when it is time to ventilate their rooms.

In the "Key Points for Effective Ventilation" presented by the subcommittee, the use of CO₂ sensors is also considered effective as a method of checking whether the required ventilation volume is being met.

Subcommittee on Countermeasures to Combat New Coronavirus Infections, "Effective Ventilation to Prevent the Spread of Infection":.

*System linkage is available to facilities that subscribe to both services. In addition, an application is required for system linkage.

About "Riri Fuppu CO₂izu

RiriFunappu CO₂izu uses a CO₂ sensor to visualize the indoor environment and monitor it on the application.

In addition, a push notification is sent to the application when CO₂ concentrations become high, allowing the user to know in real time when to ventilate the room.

Service URL:

Features of CO₂izu
▶Adoption of an optical sensor* recommended by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
▶The palm-size device does not take up much space.
▶Available on buses!
▶Measurement data is saved to the cloud once a minute
▶Easy to set up and use as soon as it arrives
Optical method: Refers to detection methods that utilize specific wavelengths of light absorbed by carbon dioxide molecules, such as NDIR (NonDispersive InfraRed: non-dispersive infrared absorption) and photoacoustic methods (photoacoustic).

About "Park Support System + Bus Catch

Released in 2010, the "Preschool Support System + Bus Catch" is a cloud service that supports the digitalization of parental communication and the work styles of teachers and staff.

Various information can be managed centrally, including child management function, absence management function, contact book function, and pick-up and drop-off bus operation information distribution function.

As of August 1, 2022, the system is in use at more than 2,000 kindergartens, nursery schools, and certified childcare centers nationwide (excluding cancellations and closures).

Service URL:
Click here to request information:

The "Kindergarten Support System + Bus Catch" will continue to support educational facilities that are burdened with workloads through system integration with external services.

YEC Solutions Company Profile

Location: Yamashita-cho SSK Building, 22 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Capital: 50,000,000 yen
Representative: Hisanobu Iwasaki, Representative Director
Business activities: System construction and development, outsourcing services, software product development and sales, housing, hosting, ASP services, worker dispatch services, and all other related businesses
Company page URL:

VISH Corporation (VISH) Company Profile

Location: SC Nishiki ANNEX 5F, 2-10-13 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Capital: 11,500,000 yen
Representative: Hiroyuki Tabuchi, Representative Director
Business description: Planning, operation, and development of various cloud services such as "Bus Catch" cloud service provision business
Company page URL: